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Free Github API Key

Eliran Wong edited this page Dec 22, 2024 · 4 revisions

Get Free Github API Key

A Free Github API Key allows you to use OpenAI models, like gpt-4o

  1. Go to > Signup
  2. Go to or and select gpt-4o
  3. Get API Key > Get developer key > Generate new token (classic)
  4. "You do not need to give any permissions to the token. Note that the token will be sent to a Microsoft service."
  5. Give a note, e.g. "uniquebible"
  6. Generate token
  7. Copy the generated token and store it in a secure place

Setup in UniqueBible App


  1. Open Bible Chat
  2. Select "github" as the AI backend
  3. Click settings and enter Github API key

Remarks: You can enter either a single API key or a list of multiple API keys. For multiple key entry, follow the format: ['api_key_1', 'api_key_2', 'api_key_3']. Multiple keys take turn for generating responses.

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