- ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL now defaults to "http://localhost:8200" (#122)
- Transport.SetUserAgent method added, enabling the User-Agent to be set programatically (#124)
- Inlined functions are now properly reported in stacktraces (#127)
- Support for the experimental metrics API added (#94)
- module/apmsql: SQL is parsed to generate more useful span names (#129)
- Basic vgo module added (#136)
- module/apmhttprouter: added a wrapper type for httprouter.Router to simplify adding routes (#140)
- Add Transaction.Context methods for setting user IDs (#144)
- module/apmgocql: new instrumentation module, providing an observer for gocql (#148)
- Add ELASTIC_APM_IGNORE_URLS config (#158)
- module/apmsql: fix a bug preventing errors from being captured (#160)
- Introduce Tracer.StartTransactionOptions, drop variadic args from Tracer.StartTransaction (#165)
- module/apmgorm: introduce GORM instrumentation module (#169, #170)
- module/apmhttp: record outgoing request URLs in span context (#172)
- module/apmot: introduce OpenTracing implementation (#173)
In the next release we will be changing the canonical import path prefix to "go.elastic.co/apm", and the top-level package name to "apm". Please consider vendoring if this will break your builds.