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@amysorto amysorto released this 06 Mar 20:13
· 1840 commits to main since this release

17.3.0-rc.0 "silver-shoes" (2024-03-06)


Commit Description
feat - c62c578676 theming: provide hook for formatting toke… (#28660)


Commit Description
feat - 26b376e43e tooltip: be able to customize the longpress delay (#27512)
fix - 979e903020 autocomplete: prevent hidden overlay from blocking clicks (#28677)
fix - 216ae0cca1 autocomplete: requireSelection sometimes not clearing value when editing after selection (#28628)
fix - 09111d0029 button-toggle: Add checkmark indicators with hideSingleSelectionIndicator and hideMultipleSelectionIndicator input and config options (#28553)
fix - c20bac78fb checkbox: derive checkmark color from palette
fix - 577d070ffe chips: derive surface color from palette
fix - a99d8e929f core: mark fields on HasErrorState as nullable (#28689)
fix - fa2687f1a8 datepicker: always move caret to the end of the start input on backspace (#28669)
fix - c72add69a3 datepicker: datepicker doesn't announce newly selected range in firefox (#28529)
fix - 24eaa2ed63 expansion: prevent focus from entering the panel while it's animating (#28646)
fix - dd97c0eb96 schematics: add typography and density to custom theme (#28645)
fix - b169320777 schematics: don't interrupt ng add if adding the animations module fails (#28675)
fix - 63a764de61 slide-toggle: m3 selected track outline (#28625)
perf - f6e85844a0 form-field: resolve scrolling performance issues (#27251)


Commit Description
fix - ef68e3215c drag-drop: resolve helper directives with DI for proper hostDirectives support (#28633)
fix - 8f60b62c94 overlay: fix overlay margin in isBoundedByLeftViewportEdge ('left-ward') mode (#28233)


Commit Description
fix - cfdfa9a672 derive all token values from theme (#28664)