5.3.6 (2024-08-15)
added rtpInfoLink
required config prop
Added aboutTitle
required config
Added the following config props under layerSelector
config changes: commentsEnabled
and commentsEnabledUntil
have been replaced with showComments
, newCommentsEnabled
, and newCommentsEnabledUtil
. See the updated docs for details.
A new filter config property, limitFacilityType
, has been added. Also, the useAnd
and offByDefault
options have been removed since they are no longer needed.
needs to be added to your config.
The projectInformation.newCommentsOpenUtil
config value has been renamed to commentsEnabledUntil
The infoText
and projectTypes
configs have been nested under filter
add "Limit to [no] ROW needed" filter control (c6d2eb1 ), closes #152
add (un)select all header links (b82af26 ), closes #26
add disableAdvanced
filter config (e40a28f )
add about sidebar collapsible panel (57cb3fa ), closes #151
add config docs (ff39312 )
add configurable "RTP Info" link to header (670b98b ), closes #150
add defaultExtent config value (dc76865 )
add error boundary to filter (e25addd )
add filter state as url query parameter (b4d68d9 ), closes #13
add final configurable options (a74a3ef ), closes #9
add firebase deploy action for dev (6a32dc9 )
add google analytics (27db32c )
add home button (d73b240 )
add link to wfrc favicon (8b4e051 ), closes #29
add map widget resizer handle and other layout improvements (b5d82e6 ), closes #44
add modes config to limit controls (044fc88 ), closes #168
add optional help popup to advanced filter checkboxes (d221c10 )
add project-level error boundary (234c43c ), closes #47
add selected project as a url parameter (f1e200e ), closes #13
add sherlock (51da6e6 )
add support for black and white imagery base map (0543008 ), closes #110
add udot/local toggle to facility type limit checkboxes (c08be8f ), closes #70
add url parameters for preserving map extent (640a4b4 ), closes #13
add validation message to cost filter (d37686a ), closes #48
add vision refresh basemap to layer selector (aa55df4 )
added info popup to use phasing (98d87ad )
auto-cancel builds (6085cf3 )
auto-open project info on map feature click (8fcf25a )
begin to flesh out simple filter layout and framework (1b1bd0f )
cut prereleases in dev (c1824d3 )
flesh out basic layout (5d9233f )
implement "Limit to Needs Phase..." checkbox (dfdda0b ), closes #69
implement commentsEnabledUntil config (048a663 ), closes #66
implement cost filters (e123e04 )
implement info popup (e9ac26a )
implement layer selector (fce296d ), closes #63 #64
implement phase year filters in advanced (b140956 )
implement project type header in phase tab (9d51933 )
implement reset filter button (e52b0c3 ), closes #12
implement splash screen (de576fa ), closes #65
implement use phasing radio buttons (abd980f )
initial filter by project type implementation (f5007cd )
make application title configurable (3160c6b )
open advanced filter on load if url params have changed filter params (62f98b1 ), closes #89
port comments widget from old wab app (e02835d )
port Project Information widget from wasatch choice map (66b704c ), closes #19
pretty print sql in console logs (1fd61a5 ), closes #31
show symbols from feature layers (45980a7 )
sync advanced toggle state between tabs (a567678 )
sync project types between mode/phase tabs (01fe1f3 )
tooling: add eslint npm command (4f9279e ), closes #2
tooling: add react eslint configs (2d2d9c6 )
tooling: bootstrap and sass (f2ddeaf )
tooling: implement bootstrap (061a163 )
tooling: implement github action for releases (4929703 )
tooling: implement prettier (4391097 ), closes #2
tooling: implement standard version release (229ef1f ), closes #1
use separate configs for viewing existing and submitting new comments (7e7b7ce ), closes #124
wire up simple filter checkboxes (5e351e2 ), closes #5
Bug Fixes
add config to support non-root level deployment (9765f7b )
add mission output (ce1aa4e )
add spinners back to bootstrap (09d1346 )
another try at fixing the sherlock project search crash (bfa8a7b ), closes #221
app version log (f52b925 )
balance geometry type labels with others (3c9c8d4 )
base map selector - Imagery -> Hybrid (150cc32 )
build: jest tests on ci (f99196d )
build: linting (7b2e7a2 )
build: remove autoprefixer warning that is failing build in ci (355e082 )
bump deps 🌲 (c389c14 )
December dependency bumps 🌲 (f0f93f5 )
disable new comments (50151d6 )
enable arcade expressions in project information component (baa7ccb )
env var substitution (331ad33 )
financially constrained -> fiscally constrained (75cd5bb )
fix active/focus outline overlap (42eccc9 )
fix cost validation error message (0a583d4 )
fix filter toggle (df4c43c )
fix issues with limit to udot checkboxes (61b8af8 ), closes #49
fix react router bug causing the app to be blank when hosted in a subdirectory (7a41dc5 )
fix rebuild-docs action (8ed87da )
fix release output name (1d14c95 )
fix reset button regression (b881b7c )
force a deploy (1154767 )
formatting (5a308b2 )
ftp -> rtp typo (2f54527 )
give the labels a little more breathing room (164c1ed )
go back to no top-level async/await (9f0c864 )
handle vertical scrolling issue (0a8fb07 ), closes #28
hide advanced filter on load (881d6f1 )
increase symbol size (9d5caf7 )
January dependency bumps 🌲 (9ae3cfe )
make heading stand out more visually (4f3b7f3 )
make limit to needs text italic (2f13742 )
make udot facilities checkbox look visually distinct from others (a48c148 )
make udot ownership and other checkboxes apply only to the project type that they are contained in (1207e62 )
match labels colors to legend swatches (86188ef ), closes #16
move limit facilities from transit to active transportation (758193e )
November dependency bumps 🌲 (4362500 )
October dependency bumps 🌲 (25365f3 )
once function parameter should be a function (86f2d55 )
only deploy to prod on main branch (8266365 )
prevent crash when searching for multiple projects (ad00ccb ), closes #221
prevent url updates to add to the browser history (dc60da4 )
Q2 Dep Bumps 🌲 (42b2699 )
Q3 Dependency Bumps 🌲 (56c4ef1 )
remove "in millions" text from cost filter (ea31ee0 )
remove reference to missing node version file (a282961 )
sanity test (21a8429 )
select/unselect all should ignore udot ownership checkboxes (7b0e21e )
simplify ownership filter (9d96c20 ), closes #8
switch active/inactive tab colors (4ae9737 ), closes #30
tooling: release body param (12444ae )
tooling: remove working dir (87dc208 )
turning off all primary checkboxes hides all features (61d2246 )
unit test import (51367c1 )
unselecting all should remove all features for that project type (6ef6a65 )
update about content (8333106 )
update config from production (cf4c13d )
update firebase project name (98eeb6b )
update layer defs on use phasing change (d8b4294 )
use new value for attribute style for web api (870072b )
UX improvements for cost filter (733b90b ), closes #32
when closing advanced filter, scroll simple controls into view (a436c68 ), closes #44
wire up config.splashScreen.enabled config (009718a )
bump dependencies 🌲 (395e644 )
bump deps 🌲 (de8bf29 )
bump the safe-dependencies group with 6 updates (dd4cffe )
dev: bump @babel/traverse from 7.23.0 to 7.23.2 (9127add )
dev: bump eslint-plugin-storybook in the safe-dependencies group (7bc93ed )
dev: bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (152c421 )
dev: bump ip from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (4badb1f )
dev: bump phin from 3.7.0 to 3.7.1 (8226c41 )
one final Q1 bump (596810f )
Q1 dependency bumps 🌲 (1bfe22a )
storybook v7 -> v8 (d201ef0 )
add browser as eslint environment (abf3886 )
add eslint recommended (aaccdb6 )
add margin to details to avoid cutting off content (07d9c5a )
standardize checkbox indentation (9bc5d27 )
wrap error message in fallback dialog (449c39b )
You can’t perform that action at this time.