v3.7.0: Patterns, News/Blog App, SciVis & APCD, Improvements
originally published on May 13 2022
- Quick: ECEP Custom Styles w/ Caveats (#478)
- Added the sciviscolor updates to the subrepo. (ba3a60f)
- ECEP-114: Members Page (Nav Pattern, Typography, Sticky Position) (#464, #481)
- ECEP-113: News/Blog (Core, ECEP, Texascale) (#466)
- Update submodule to include APCD (#486)
- GH-149: Polish base.html markup (#151)
- Quick: Un-Deprecate Bootstrap Picture (#474)
- chore(tup-231): re-order and reduce comments (#484)
- Improve handling of missing custom settings (#485)
- docs(README): taccsite_custom clarity (4070121)
- docs(README): improve git submod use instructions (cb56b56)