Releases: Spiderpig86/Cirrus
Gamma 8 Patch 1
Patch to fix issue when importing Cirrus in a project.
π Fixes
- Fix incorrect paths that break imports in utils folder 379a3d0
Gamma 8
Lots of fixes in this one. Big thanks to all the issues submitted by users over the year!
π Features
- Link pseudo elements will now use
instead of fixed link color bd9ab44 - Buttons now completely support color modifier classes (background, text, and border). 5962ca4
- Add px (1px) to default sizing system. 14970c4
- Add 48 and 64 to default sizing system to close the gap with
viewport. 31f80f0 - Border color util classes will now set button shadow color, taking precedence over bg color classes. 46fcc01
- Add new
utility class. 81d36aa - Add
util classes. ee67b56 - Update utility mixin to handle prefers dark/light and reduced motion variants. 4907381
- Add common class name field to utility api, add new function to convert old class map to new class mapping for utility mixin. 3b6d753
- Reorder style generation to minimize minified size with gulp-clean-css. b5dd955
- Add new gap classes for row or column only 5c317e0
- Add new font style classes #192 83463e1
- Move language label for code component to styling for 'pre' #206 2248631
- Add new helper class to toggle tree-nav visibility 623a19d
- Integrate native hover color generation for buttons using bg- modifier classes 7b55b6d
- Add new utility classes for grid auto flow row and column. f0349a1
π Fixes
- Remove margins from label HTML element. 010146f
- Remove margins for
. 4bfb7c0 - Last border of accordion item should be invisible. a95694b
- Add missing button variables to v1 color classes. 8e01988
- Reset cursor of
children. c706fce - Inline condition for generating classes to avoid conflicting variable names. 50dc1b5
- Fix incorrect viewport being used to apply fill-height styles #163. 7ef825b
- Add left text alignment for list in dropdown menu. 6997266
- Fix horizontal centering for default spinner. 50af674
- All semantic color references to _theme.scss will now use _config.scss for customization #174 d3e0f9a
- Remove duplicate generation of blur util classes c60a237
- Fix grid row support, grid rows will now have a max of 6 74cdab9
- Remove extra padding on anchor tags 9bd4aec
- Move pointer cursor to
specifically instead of colored tags #193 0a6c23f - Hide overflow for frame component #195 7fd9209
- Restrict transition animation to only box shadow #194 4731e12](4731e12)
- Fix specifier for tree-nav class for small viewports 875a5ce
- Fix issue where range slider does not slide from start to end #217 77582e7
- Fix accordion rendering on Safari #216 ab69a6c
- Set pointer as default cursor for pagination-item a tag #211 d9ea857
- Vertical center spinner fix (#242) 856461d
- Fix bug where list dropdown menu flashes briefly during page load #207 2cbc17a
- Use default browser focus styling for elements that don't have custom styling b164485
- Remove unused focus styling 68eb3a2
- Fix incorrect property used for column gap 81336a8
- Fix bug where webkit default focus styles were applied instead of input, textarea, and select focus styles, refactor forms code cff0e97
- Fix incorrect selector used in commit a95694b 7090712
- Form border styling should respect --border-opacity var if present 95bb80b
- Fix horizontal alignment of loading spinner f093e8f
π₯ Breaking Changes
- Rename
to follow new class conventions 37290af - Deprecate
, revert to applying list stylings to child link to support nested lists, expand list stylings to child divs and spans first children only #198 889f0fe - Deprecating
classes due to incompatible color styling 161bf52
Gamma 7
π Features
- Add configurations for specifying custom font families for primary and secondary fonts. dfaadb1
- Removed auto-imports for Google fonts for GDPR compliance. dfaadb1
- Add
class to support diabled state fordiv
tags. 8565138 - Button shadows now rely on CSS variables. d9fc6ac
- New map added to
to include fg and bg colors. faac886 - Add new
class to replaceshown
class to display modal dialogs. 2c3c6d7 - Add new
utility classes. 23925ed b070926 - Add new blur filter utility classes with viewport variants disabled. f723636
- Add utility classes for fixed widths based on default sizing system. 21e1b5a
- Add new utility classes for min/max width using breakpoints. 6a2b469
- Add
component. 5347b9f - Add border color and border opacity utility classes. ae26f16
- Add utility classes for fixed heights based on default sizing system. 7111de8
- Add Gzipped build option for Cirrus for Gulp. 8ad2051
- Add utility classes for transition durations. d0814bf
- Add utility classes for line heights. 6ac14a3
- Add
and negative versions of absolute util classes. 4fc644d - Add absolute values for absolute util classes based on default sizing system (limited to 0-4rem). 1e83295 7dfa71f
- Add
util classes. 374cc0e
π Fixes
- Fix bug with non-vertically aligned toggle component for different zoom levels. 368a6db
- Move inline image values to constants. 6b5a999
should reuse logic fromgenerate-classes-for-viewport-with-map
. 37c5f8e- Transparent border added to default style for all elements so border util classes will show up. b6e3a9f
should have a line height of 1 instead of 0. ee293be
π₯ Breaking Changes
- Themed button classes now respect changes in
map inside_config.scss
. faac886 - Updated
to have components (e.g. avatars, tabs, etc.) as top level attributes in the config instead of havingavatar-sizes
for example.
avatar-sizes: (),
breakpoints: (),
button-sizes: (),
avatars: (
sizes: ()
breakpoints: (
widths: (),
breakpoint-pairs: ()
buttons: (
sizes: ()
- Remove
vendor prefix for flexbox due to high CSS3 standard adoption. 34c838b - Remove prefixes for remaining styles that have > 98% unprefixed adoption according to caniuse. b1d1fb1
- Remove all remaining CSS prefixes except
. eff211e - Fixed viewport classes for
where it was shifted 1 level wider than expected in 0.7.0 628a815
Gamma 6 Patch 1
- Fixes issue where importing Cirrus using new
import would fail due to incorrect import paths for external projects. - Updated Gulp and unit tests to resolve import paths that reference
. - Purged unused dependencies and updated remaining dependencies.
Example next.js project attached,
@use "cirrus-ui/src/cirrus-ext" as * with (
$config: (
excludes: (
opacity: null, // Disable default opacity classes
extend: (
// Add your own
opacity: (
25: .25,
50: .5,
75: .75,
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans, Droid Sans,
Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;
a {
color: fill('gray', '400');
text-decoration: none;
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
import Head from 'next/head'
import Image from 'next/image'
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
export default function Home() {
return (
<div className={styles.container}>
<title>Create Next App</title>
<meta name="description" content="Generated by create next app" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<main className={styles.main}>
<p className="u-opacity-25">Testing</p>
<p className="u-opacity-75">Testing</p>
<h1 className={styles.title}>
Welcome to <a href="">Next.js!</a>
<p className={styles.description}>
Get started by editing{' '}
<code className={styles.code}>pages/index.js</code>
<div className={styles.grid}>
<a href="" className={styles.card}>
<h2>Documentation →</h2>
<p>Find in-depth information about Next.js features and API.</p>
<a href="" className={styles.card}>
<h2>Learn →</h2>
<p>Learn about Next.js in an interactive course with quizzes!</p>
<h2>Examples →</h2>
<p>Discover and deploy boilerplate example Next.js projects.</p>
<h2>Deploy →</h2>
Instantly deploy your Next.js site to a public URL with Vercel.
<footer className={styles.footer}>
rel="noopener noreferrer"
Powered by{' '}
<span className={styles.logo}>
<Image src="/vercel.svg" alt="Vercel Logo" width={72} height={16} />
Gamma 6
Like Cirrus 0.6.0, 0.7.0 was another large undertaking that brought a large refactor of the entire codebase to prioritize configurability and enhance overall developer experience. This rewrite represents the first step in how Cirrus is repositioning as a component-and-utility-centric SCSS framework.
With this, there will be some breaking changes when upgrading to 0.7.0, but this release note entry should make the changes painless to do.
There are a ton of things that were added in this new update, but below are a few big ones I want to highlight.
A new way to use Cirrus
With previous versions, the only ways to use Cirrus was to either linking the CDN link at the top of your page or importing cirrus-ui
into your Node project.
This is fine, but it lacked any sort of customization. The only way to change Cirrus was to clone the project and build your own version locally. Dart Sass has given me immense opportunity to improve Cirrus's usability and fix technical debt and hacks. One of the things it also enabled was directly importing Cirrus into your Sass/Scss project directly.
Not only can you import different pre-configured versions of Cirrus, but also take advantage of all the functions, mixins, constants, etc. that Cirrus comes built with.
// main.scss
@use "node_modules/cirrus-ui/cirrus-core" as *; // Core build OR
@use "node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/cirrus-ext" as *; // Extended build
@screen-above($md) {
.my-class {
background-color: rgba(#{hex-to-rgb(fill('blue', '600'))}, .25);
No more having to build Cirrus separately and then copying and pasting the generated styles to your project. Read more on this here.
Focus on configurability
One of the things this rewrite aimed to accomplish was configurability. In the past, CSS frameworks were just things we plop into our project and we either accepted styles it gave us or we spent countless hours overriding them to fit our needs. Why should we continue to subject ourselves to that amount of torture?
0.7.0 marks a big step in dynamic class generation. Whether you are building Cirrus locally or you're importing Cirrus directly into your Sass files, you can take advantage of defining a configuration object in both scenarios when you import the framework. Use the configuration object to specify viewports for classes, extend existing component and utility styles, toggle features, and more.
@use "node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/cirrus-ext" as * with (
$config: (
excludes: (
opacity: null, // Disable default opacity classes
extend: (
// Add your own
opacity: (
25: .25,
50: .5,
75: .75,
Currently most utility classes and components can be customized through here in this release, but I hope to extend this capability a lot more in future updates. Read more on this here.
Revamped colors
Default colors have been tuned a bit for increased vibrancy and range. Of course, these colors can be customized via the configuration object as well.
Utils, utils, and more utils
Utility classes within Cirrus have grown to be quite popular. This update adds utility classes for:
- Letter Spacing
- Flex
- Wrap
- Grow/Shrink
- Color Opacity
- Flex/Grid Gap
- Font Size
- Box Shadow
- Border Radius
- Min/Max Height/Width
- Font Weights
- Opacity
- Z-Index
A lot of classes have also seen the introduction of viewport variants. Those can be found in the class specific documentation in the docs page.
This update wasn't as focused on introducing new components, but it was not forgotten. Some of the new components styles are:
- Breadcrumbs
- Progress
- New Animations
Check out the new docs to see all the new features in 0.7.0!
π Features
- Avatars now use
for text. 5ff9035 - Card footer font size increased to
. 57a2c89 - New
viewport added to Cirrus. 61e3f03 - New utility classes for opacity.
- New framework colors for black and white. 2334c1a
- Migrate from LibSass to DartSass. fc54c2d
- Add z-index utility classes. a596b6a
- Add absolute positioning utility classes. fb4379a
- New unit testing and CI setup (series of commits).
- Add font size utility classes. d5b8088
- Add flex/grid gap utility classes 98ea940
- Add box shadow utility classes. f7c4862
- Add flex grow/shrink utility classes. 00d2d61
- Add min/max height/width utility classes. 1639ea4
- Add border radius utility classes. b7b3892
- Enable viewport class generation for grid. decb897
- Allow element focus color to be overidden. 1c0b7db
- Add breadcrumb component. 9328a6c
- Add progress component. df19e16
- Add new
animations. 5f13215 - Add flags to conditionally generate utility classes. a455e2a
- Add flags to conditionallity generate component styles. 2dbc78d
- Add
class to handle overflowing tables with many columns. f0249ed - Add utility classes for background color opacity. 60c1a33
- Add utility classes for text color opacity. 1176332
- Refactor color usage of buttons to use background and text opacity configs. de0beca
- Tune v2 colors for better vibrancy. 62b2a34
- Add
classes. c0fcb18 - Add flex-wrap utility classes. 7875c39
- Add letter-spacing utility classes. 4d6f8a8
- Add
) classes. 5e67315 - Update CSS reset for Cirrus. 27c905a
- Darken default text color. cea9b3c
π Fixes
- Fixed rendering issues where links with classes
rendered with inconsistent heights. 9a60273 - Remove extra margin and padding from textarea. 65caa20
- Fix bug where smaller viewport classes will override classes with larger viewports for columns. 8e48957
- Change height for
tomin-height: 100vh
. 4b6c075 - Fix bug where margin auto classes were not correctly behaving based on viewport. 4616553
- Remove link color override in footer. bbe6d75
- Fix bug where hamburger menu animations where not working. 203ab37
- Fix issue where toggle glyph was not hidden behind the toggle knob. [fa7c1bb](fa7c1bb...
Gamma 5
Cirrus 0.6.3 mainly focuses on making existing classes more consistent, fixing existing UI bugs, and introducing some new bigger changes like Tags and viewport support for margin/padding.
In the mean time, I have been working quite hard on Cirrus Blocks which gives developers a faster way to prototype with Cirrus with a large collection of new components built using Cirrus. You can check out the repository here.
π Features
- Update
font sizes to have less of a gap fromh1
. 7d63a17 - Update header font sizes for
. 718d676 - Move
declaration fromtheme.scss
to prevent conflicts when importing into Node project. 3def8a2 - Rewrite tags 65f4fd9 0cd2358 #69
- Deprecated old sizing classes like
, etc. to be replaced by common sizing conventions likesm
. See breaking changes for more details. - Add new tag sizes
, andmd
. - Fix tag padding.
- Deprecated old sizing classes like
- Add support for viewports for margin and padding classes. 1a6f8aa #68
- This means classes like
is now supported for all viewportsxs
, andxl
- This means classes like
π Fixes
- Margin between buttons in
is now-1px
instead of-.1rem
. 8ec79f7 - Fix UI glitch where button shadow/forms on focus is sometimes overlapped by neighboring buttons. 5a7d18f 0979c27
- Fix
rendering incorrectly. df408e9 - Fix bug where feature flags were not correctly used from
. 4835bf4
π₯ Breaking Changes
Gamma 4 Patch 1
π©Ή 0.6.2-Patch-1
- Minor patch that fixes:
Gamma 4
Cirrus 0.6.2 is a minor update that officially introduces viewport variants for utility classes. The viewport behavior is now consistent across all supported utility classes. For example, we can make a div
have display: block
only for md
or higher just by adding the u-block-md
class. The main concept here is that we design for the smallest screen width and only apply the modifications for larger widths (more on this later).
π Features
This update officially adds support for viewport classes for the following utilities:
- Clearfix
- Display
- Flexbox
- Position
Streamline generation of viewport classes for different utilities. These utility classes follow a mobile-first design approach, meaning that something like
will allow for all viewports. To change the behavior forsm
, orxl
, we would need to apply additional modifier classes (see example below). c0e9980-
In this example, here we start with
. Formd
and above, we will useu-block
.<div class="u-flex u-block-md"> <!-- --> </div>
Classes that apply on buttons such as default button styling, styling buttons in headers, etc. all now use a common selector. 1b6b997
New overflow utility classes: 2ac8654
- overflow-[auto/hidden/visible/scroll]
- overflow-x-[auto/hidden/visible/scroll]
- overflow-y-[auto/hidden/visible/scroll]
Other refactoring: 0ef030b
- Refactored code to extract more hard coded values to variables.
- Removed usage of prefixed *-transition properties, not needed according to
- Removed remaining @media declaration in favor of screen-above, screen-below, and screen-between utilities
- Deprecated
- Added more group selectors
π Fixes
π₯ Breaking Changes
- Simplified position utility class naming: 9edfab5
- Renamed
to be consistent with utility class naming conventions. 5774e4b - Deprecated
, use<em></em>
instead. 0ef030b
Gamma 3
Cirrus 0.6.1 is a minor update that addresses a few issues that were found in 0.6.0. It also corrects the column behaviors for xs
, sm
, etc. viewports to be more aligned with what is expected.
π Features
Added rounded tag groups, added primary color to control themes, updated BEM notation for
. #49 -
now inherits overflow rules. 4a4f276. -
Using multiple column breakpoint classes will now respond accordingly. For example with the code example below, the div will span 8 columns for large screens and above but will span 4 columns for all screen sizes up to large. This is more in line with the behavior seen in most major frameworks. e6a0fd2
<div class="col-xs-4 col-lg-8"></div>
Added BEM compliant class names for
. The old class names will still be supported but will be deprecated in a future release. #51
π Fixes
- Removed extra space between label and
when the input contains an icon. #47 - Fixed
not overflowing correctly in smaller screens. ad43bc2. - Fixed inconsistent
UI when certain heights caused by overflowing text content. 8859388
π₯ Breaking Changes
- Shifted column sizes down one step: new
that begins at 0px, oldxs
-> newsm
, oldsm
-> newmd
, oldmd
-> newlg
, oldlg
-> newxl
. This is to have better consistency with the majority of viewports we see today. d2784b7
Gamma 2
Cirrus 0.6.0 is a massive step forward towards our official release of version 1.0.0. This update is comprised of an SCSS rewrite, a documentation overhaul, and the addition of many helper classes in the utils
file. I've worked very hard on this update and I really hope you all enjoy it! Check out the new documentation here.
π Features
- Complete rewrite of framework to use Scss.
- Overhauled documentation for better developer experience.
- Utility classes updates:
- Added margin/padding utility classes in
. 79ab814 - Updated text element margins, increased spacing between
. 4072d50 - Added our v2 color palette. 7ff010d
- More utility classes added for element
. edfaf7e - Links will now have
display: static
(which is the browser default). 089cd34 - Padding/margin classes will now have
089cd34 btn-circle
now dynamically scales with content. ccefd9f- Improved styles for
. 5678de0 - Added column classes with breakpoints, such as
, andcol-lg-*
. 7d3381f - Face lifted
π Fixes
- More consistent theming for
selector oninput
. c53c8de - Added accessibility styles for
classes with outline. c53c8de - Fixed issue for button group rounding being inconsistent at certain widths. 43e8499
- Made font sizes more normalized around
instead of being more varying in sizes across framework. 54a8618 - Fixed issue with header dropdown having incorrect positioning. fcf11e8
- Removed side padding for
. fcf11e8 - More predictable behavior with button being inline-flex. fcf11e8
- Better padding sizes for buttons. 9eb17f7
- Fixed incorrect padding for glyphs in forms. 9fa0c1c
- Better
sizing. 2c823af - Mobile devices can now select CSS only dropdown menu. 54f17c3
- Fixed
for buttons. ee175d0 - Many other minor class fixes.
π₯ Breaking Changes
- Class changes:
- Deprecations:
- The former
element is now thespace
class to by compliant with HTML standards. 0b12d85 - Footer has now been revamped with these changes:
- Footer title changed from
changed to.footer__list-title
changed to.footer__list-item
changed to.footer--fixed
- Footer title changed from
- All classes for
are deprecated. Use spacing utility classes instead.