1294 commits
to main
since this release
Bug fixes
- bug/3670-background-image-is-not-updated-when-video-is-added by @briemla in #411
- bug/3606-selecting-multiple-flows-when-filtering-for-tracks-assigned-to-flows-shows-wrong-tracks by @briemla in #414
- bug/3568-stracktrace-isnt-logged-on-cli by @randy-seng in #417
- bug/3817-wrong-title-for-export-eventlist-popup by @randy-seng in #420
- bug/3863-cutting-uses-gui-offset-instead-of-section-offset by @briemla in #423
- bug/4010-export-of-events-fails by @briemla in #430
- bug/4109-counts-suffix-for-interval-should-be-min-for-minutes,-not-s by @randy-seng in #437
- bug/4094-count-export-fails-on-empty-dataframe by @briemla in #435
- bug/4002-log-stdout-polluted-with-number-of-detections-warnings by @frunika in #438
- bug/4136-update-section-geometry-fails-sometimes by @briemla in #439
- bug/4102-start-and-endpoints-are-plotted-in-reversed-direction by @briemla in #445
- bug/4209-could-not-load-otconfig-file by @briemla in #446
- feature/3728-run-mypy-on-all-files-during-pre-commit-check by @randy-seng in #413
- feature/1963-resolve-merge-conflicts-of-different-track-files-automatically by @briemla in #415
- Feature/2485 reimplement intersection strategy for sections and flows by @randy-seng in #416
- Feature/3508 start otanalytics via configuration file by @randy-seng in #424
- feature/3027-get-metadata-for-tracks-in-trackdataset by @randy-seng in #428
- Feature/3995 pandas implementation to cut tracks with sections by @randy-seng in #432
- feature/4096-print-overall-processing-time-after-otanalytics-has-been-closed by @briemla in #436
Dependency updates
- Bump pytest from 7.4.2 to 7.4.4 by @dependabot in #426
- Bump black from 23.10.0 to 23.12.1 by @dependabot in #425
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 by @dependabot in #392
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 5 by @dependabot in #418
- Bump matplotlib from 3.8.0 to 3.8.2 by @dependabot in #410
- Bump numpy from 1.26.1 to 1.26.3 by @dependabot in #427
- Bump pandas from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot in #433
- Bump pillow from 10.1.0 to 10.2.0 by @dependabot in #434
- Bump seaborn from 0.13.0 to 0.13.2 by @dependabot in #444
- Bump opencv-python from to by @dependabot in #442
Full Changelog: v0.2.0.0...v0.3.0.0