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Terms of Service

Roger Steve Ruiz edited this page Dec 2, 2015 · 5 revisions

Draft Terms of Service: this provides a draft of a possible set of terms of service for agencies which use the Open Opportunities platform. These are draft and do not necessarily reflect all terms needed for your agency or organization.

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Sharing Your Content and Information
  3. Users’ Rights and Responsibilities
  4. Changes
  5. Termination
  6. Other

Table of Contents

1. Privacy Policy

Open Opportunities conforms to privacy rules and regulations as set out by the United States Department of XX. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Open Opportunities will ensure that personally identifiable information (PII) is appropriately protected when collected, maintained and/or disseminated. The Department will not use Open Opportunities to solicit and collect sensitive PII from individuals. Sensitive PII is a specific set of PII data elements, such as Social Security numbers or dates of birth, for which loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have at least a serious adverse effect on the individual based on an overall assessment of data element sensitivity, distinguishability, context of use of the PII, and the legal duty to protect the PII.
  2. Users will be notified of the purpose and use of any PII collected by Open Opportunities, regardless whether the PII is covered by the Privacy Act. Users will be notified whether the Department, independent of the collection by the social media platform, will collect and maintain this information in any capacity. PII will only be used in accordance with its permissible statutory purpose. Information collected for one purpose will not be used for another purpose without notice to or consent of the subject of the information.
  3. Users are capable of posting unsolicited PII and Privacy Act-covered information on Open Opportunities. By default, the user grants permission to the Department to see this information when he or she joins Open Opportunities and enters this information.
  4. Information placed on Open Opportunities is subject to the same Privacy Act restrictions as when releasing non-electronic information.
  5. Open Opportunities administrators will report and respond to security incidents if they occur, per the guidance in xx. In the event that either PII or national security information is inadvertently lost or disclosed in an unauthorized manner, such loss or disclosure must be reported in accordance with established procedures.
  6. Open Opportunities uses persistent cookies (e.g., to create user profiles and login information or website usage metrics) and will comply with the Office of Management and Budget Memorandum on persistent cookie usage, as well as Deparment of xx social media policies.
  7. Upon signing up for Open Opportunities, users’ information will be used in accordance with guidelines set forth in xx. Collected data will be used to fine-tune the design and functionality of the site. The U.S. Department of xx may also use data to perform statistical analyses of the collective characteristics, interests, and behaviors of our registered users. Open Opportunities does not release protected information to any outside companies, organizations, or governments, nor to any third parties not directly involved with administration and development of the site.

2. Sharing Your Content and Information

Participation in Open Opportunities is completely voluntary. Users can choose to participate, choose what content to include, and choose how to manage their personal information. The minimum content and information necessary for participation on Open Opportunities is certain information from the Global Address List (GAL), such as name, work phone, email address, and title. This information is already accessible to all authorized users through the GAL and the Department SharePoint installation. Users can control other information that is shared using the Edit Profile settings. Additionally:

Certain information is necessary to process your request for participation in Open Opportunities. This information includes elements imported from the Global Address List (GAL). All other information is provided on a voluntary basis. Information will be displayed on xx, and will be accessible to authorized users of the system. Content, information, and activities on Open Opportunities are subject to search, monitoring, and analysis. Users may limit the information they provide, recognizing that this may prevent them from taking full advantage of the features of Open Opportunities. Information entered for the Open Opportunities platform will facilitate voluntary sharing of work between U.S. Department of xx users. Information on Open Opportunities is Departmental, not personal. The Department will monitor user-generated content (UGC) and will monitor for clearly inappropriate content (see Users’ Rights and Responsibilites below). Site administrators will remove content found to be in violation of any laws, rules, or regulations, if found to be a security breach, or in violation of this terms of use agreement. All user-generated content is subject to the policies and guidelines on records management. Site administrators will be responsible for the archiving of material in accordance with approved records disposition schedules. This includes but is not limited to: Content records including entries, comments, blog posts, links, videos, and other social media communications; Site management and operations records including design, policy and procedures, and other web management records. Content will be archived in accordance with records management guidelines and policies. 3. Users’ Rights and Responsibilities Open Opportunities is a crowd-work marketplace for personnel who are authorized to use it. Users are expected to maintain professional behavior, and to abide by all workplace rules and regulations. These include but are not limited to:

User-generated content must be relevant and accurate. Users must keep their language, conduct, and contributions professional, civil, and to the point. Users are responsible for their use of Open Opportunities, for any content they post to Open Opportunities and for any consequences thereof. When publishing information, the content must: Adhere to the content and security policies in xx; Not promote a personal business or political point of view. Users will adhere to copyright considerations as outlined in xx: Copyrighted materials must be used only in accordance with current copyright laws, which typically require permission from the copyright owner. Refer to xx, Use of Copyrighted Material, for specific policy in this area. Public information produced by the Department and published on social media sites or applications cannot be copyrighted and is in the public domain. No copyright insignia or statement should appear on Open Opportunities. Consistent with xx, any user-posted content must be Section 508 compliant. If users post audio, video or multimedia files, the files must have transcripts, text descriptions or captioning, respectively. These should be on the same site as the file itself. Open Opportunities is an UNCLASSIFIED service. Users will not reveal: Classified information Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals (NOFORN) information For Official Use Only (FOUO) information Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of other people Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about themselves Users are not permitted to post advertising or solicitation of any kind. Users may post links, but only for informational, not promotional, purposes. When non-Federal links are provided, it will be with the understanding that the links contained are for informational purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views or endorsement of the U.S. Government or the U.S. Department of xx; and Users will not upload viruses or other malicious code. Users will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else. Users will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user. Users will not use Open Opportunities to engage in unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory actions. Users will not post content or take any action on Open Opportunities that infringes or violates someone else’s rights or otherwise violates the law. Open Opportunities administrators reserve the right to remove any content or information posted on Open Opportunities if it is determined to violate the Terms of Use Agreement. Repeated violation of these Terms of Use may result in termination of the user’s participation in Open Opportunities.

4. Changes

Open Opportunities may change its terms of use and privacy policy. Any change will be posted on the website so that users will always know what information is gathered and how it is used. Open Opportunities can make changes for legal or administrative reasons, or to correct an inaccurate statement, upon notice without opportunity to comment.

5. Termination

Users may delete their account at any time. Open Opportunities reserves the right to delete any-and-all retained account data related to site visits from shared accounts. If you would like to request an exception, please contact xx for assistance.

6. Other

These Terms of Use do not supersede any existing Department policies or regulations. Any questions about the information contained herein can be asked using our contact form or by emailing xx As with other Department of xx programs, unauthorized or improper use of Open Opportunities may result in disciplinary action as well as civil or criminal penalties.