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Thomas Schank edited this page Dec 10, 2012 · 1 revision
# -> Plupload statt eigenes Upload-Widget
Feature: Upload
  As a user
  I want to upload files to the system
  So that I can share my files with everyone

  Background: Load the example data and personas
    Given I am "Normin"
      And all users have dropboxes

  # -> Zugriffsberechtigungen beim Upload: Gleich wie bei Medieneintrag editieren
  Scenario: Setting permissions during upload
    When I upload a file
    Then the file is attached to a media entry
     And I can set the permissions for the media entry during the upload process
  Scenario: Filling in core metadata during upload
    When I upload a file
    Then the file is attached to a media entry
    When I go to the upload edit
     And I fill in the metadata for entry number 1 as follows:
     | label                           | value                    |
     | Titel                           | Test image for uploading |
     | Autor/in                        | Hans Franz               |
     | Datierung                       | 2011-08-08               |
     | Schlagworte zu Inhalt und Motiv | some                     |
     | Schlagworte zu Inhalt und Motiv | test                     |
     | Rechte                       | Tester                   |
  # -> User kann beim Upload beim Vergeben der Metadaten die Werte zu Titel, Autor, Datierung, Schlagworte und Rechten von einem auf alle Medieneinträge übertrage
  Scenario: Assigning one value to all uploaded things
    When I upload several files
     When I go to the upload edit
     And I fill in the metadata for entry number 1 as follows:
     | label                           | value                                    |
     | Titel                           | Test image for mass assignment of values |
     | Autor/in                        | Hans Franzfriedrich                      |
     | Datierung                       | 2011-08-09                               |
     | Schlagworte zu Inhalt und Motiv | other                                    |
     | Schlagworte zu Inhalt und Motiv | example                                  |
     | Rechte                       | Tester Two                               |
    Then I can assign the Title to all the other files I just uploaded
    Then I can assign the Copyright to all the other files I just uploaded

  # Feature exists already, but needs this test
  Scenario: Adding to a set during upload
    When I upload a file
    Then the file is attached to a media entry
     And I add the media entry to a set called "Konzepte"

  # -> Dateien zum Import aus einer Dropbox holen 
  Scenario: Uploading large files
    When I upload a file with a file size greater than 1.4 GB
    Then the system gives me a warning telling me it's impossible to upload so much through the browser
     And the warning includes instructions for an FTP upload

  # -> Dateien zum Import aus einer Dropbox holen 
  Scenario: Uploading via a dropbox
    When I have uploaded some files to my dropbox
     And I start a new upload process
    Then I can choose files from my dropbox instead of uploading them through the browser

  # -> Dateien zum Import aus einer Dropbox holen 
  Scenario: Recursively searching for importable files in my dropbox
    When I have uploaded a directory containing files to my dropbox
     And I start a new upload process
    Then I can choose files from my dropbox instead of uploading them through the browser
  # -> Upload abbrechen können   
  Scenario: Cancelling my upload
    When I have started uploading some files
     And I cancel the upload
    Then the upload process ends
     And the uploaded files are still there
  # -> Dateien nach Upload aber vor Import löschen   
  Scenario: Deleting files before, during and after upload without completing the import
    When I uploading some files from the dropbox and from the filesystem
     And I delete some fo those after the upload
     And I wait for the AJAX magic to happen
    Then those files are deleted
     And only the rest of the files are available for import
  # -> Angabe des Original-Dateinamens bei einem Medieneintrag
  Scenario: Extracting the file name into metadata
    When I import a file
    Then I want to have its original file name inside its metadata

  # -> Highlighting für Felder, die nicht validieren (required)
  Scenario: Fields that don't validate should be highlighted
    When I upload a file
      When I go to the upload edit
      And I fill in the metadata for entry number 1 as follows:
      | label | value                       |
      | Titel | Test image for highlighting |
      And I try to continue in the import process
      Then I see an error message "Inhalte mit unvollständigen Metadaten!"
      And the field "Rechte" is highlighted as invalid

  Scenario: Sequential batch editor for uploading many files
    When I upload several files
      When I go to the upload edit
      Then I see a list of my uploaded files
       And I can jump to the next file
       And I can jump to the previous file

  Scenario: Filtering only media entries with missing metadata in the sequential batch editor
    When I upload several files
     When I go to the upload edit
     And I fill in the metadata for entry number 1 as follows:
     | label                           | value                    |
     | Titel                           | Test image for uploading |
     | Rechte                       | Tester                   |
    Then I see a list of my uploaded files
     And the files with missing metadata are marked
     And I can choose to list only files with missing metadata
    When I choose to list only files with missing metadata
    Then only files with missing metadata are listed

  Scenario: meta terms in the context upload
    Given MetaTerms are existing in the upload context
     And I am "Normin"
    When I upload a file
    Then I can set values for the meta data from type meta terms

	Scenario: Dependencies among the pulldown menus of the copyright field
    When I upload several files
     When I go to the upload edit
     And I fill in the metadata for entry number 1 as follows:
     | label                           | value                                    |
     | Titel                           | Test image for mass assignment of values |
     | Autor/in                        | Hans Franzfriedrich                      |
     | Datierung                       | 2011-08-09                               |
     | Schlagworte zu Inhalt und Motiv | other                                    |
     | Schlagworte zu Inhalt und Motiv | example                                  |
    Then I can assign the Title to all the other files I just uploaded
		When I select a copyright status from the predefined ones and this status has values for each of its fields
		And then switch to another copyright status that has no or blank values for any of its fields
		Then each of these fields of the copyright status are cleared
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