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Thomas Schank edited this page Dec 10, 2012 · 1 revision
# See also the sketch at:
#Es gibt folgende Berechtigungen auf Ressourcen im Medienarchiv (In Klammer die deutschen Bezeichnungen des Interfaces):
#- View (Sehen): sehen einer Ressource
#- Edit (Editieren): editieren von Metadaten einer Ressource, hinzufügen und wegnehmen von Ressourcen zu einem Set
#- Download Original (Exportieren des Originals): Exportieren des originalen Files
#- Manage permissions: Verwalten der Berechtigungen auf einer Ressource
#- Ownership: Person, die eine Ressource importiert/erstellt hat, hat defaultmässig die Ownership und alle obigen Berechtigungen.
#- Nennt man eine Person oder eine Gruppe bei den Berechtigungen, wählt für diese aber keine Berechtigungen aus, so bedeutet dies, dass den genannten explizit die Berechtigungen entzogen sind.

Feature: Permissions
  As a user
  I want to have different permissions on resources
  So that I can decide who has what kind of access to my data

  Scenario: View permission
    Given a resource
      And I am "Normin"
      And the resource has the following permissions:
      |user              |permission       |value|
      |Normin            |view             |true |
     Then "Normin" can view the resource

  Scenario: Edit permission
    Given a resource
      And I am "Normin"
      And the resource has the following permissions:
      |user              |permission       |value|
      |Normin            |view             |true |
      |Normin            |edit             |true |
     Then "Normin" can edit the resource

  Scenario: Download original permission
    Given a resource
      And I am "Normin"
      And the resource has the following permissions:
      |user              |permission       |value|
      |Normin            |view             |true |
      |Normin            |download         |true |
     Then "Normin" can download the resource
  Scenario: Manage permission
    Given a resource
      And I am "Normin"
      And the resource has the following permissions:
      |user              |permission       |value|
      |Normin            |view             |true |
      |Normin            |manage           |true |
     Then "Normin" can manage the resource

  Scenario: Owner permission
    Given a resource owned by "Normin"
      And I am "Normin"
     Then "Normin" is the owner of the resource
  Scenario: Permission which allows a user to add MediaResources to a MediaSet  
    Given a set named "Editable Set"
      And I am "Normin"
      And the resource has the following permissions:
      |user              |permission       |value|
      |Normin            |view             |true |
      |Normin            |edit             |true |
      And a set named "Viewable Set"
      And the resource has the following permissions:
      |user              |permission       |value|
      |Normin            |view             |true |
     When "Normin" adds the set "Viewable Set" to the set "Editable Set"
     Then "Viewable Set" is in "Editable Set"

  Scenario: Permissions through groups
  # Petra and Normin are members of the ZHdK Group.
  # Normin's Diplomarbeit (Set) is viewable by Petra, because Normin granted view permissions
  # for the ZHdK Group and Petra is member of that group. 
    Given I am "Petra"
      And I can view "Diplomarbeit 2012" by "Normin"

  Scenario: Users with explicit user permissions are explicitly excluded even when they would have group permissions
  # Normin and Petra are both in the Group ZHdK
    Given a resource owned by "Normin"
    And I am "Normin"
    And "Normin" changes the resource's groupermissions for "ZHdK" as follows:
    |permission       |value|
    |view             |true |
    And "Normin" changes the resource's permissions for "Petra" as follows:
    |permission       |value|
    |view             |false|
    Given I am "Petra"
    Then I can not view that resource

  Scenario: Permission presets
    Given I am "Normin"
     When I open one of my resources
      And I open the permission lightbox
      And I add "Petra" to grant user permissions
     Then I can choose from a set of labeled permissions presets instead of grant permissions explicitly    
  Scenario: Limiting what other users' permissions I can see
    Given a resource owned by "Normin"
      And the resource has the following permissions:
      | user      | permission | value |
      | Normin    | view       | true  |
      | Normin    | download   | true  |
      | Normin    | edit       | true  |
      | Normin    | manage     | true  |
      | Petra     | view       | true  |
      | Beat      | view       | true  |
      | Beat      | edit       | true  |
      | Beat      | download   | true  |
      | Liselotte | view       | true  |
      | Liselotte | edit       | true  |
      | Liselotte | download   | true  |
    When the resource is viewed by "Normin"
    Then he or she sees the following permissions:
      | user      | permission |
      | Normin    | view       |
      | Normin    | download   |
      | Normin    | edit       |
      | Normin    | manage     |
      | Petra     | view       |
      | Beat      | edit       |
      | Beat      | download   |
      | Liselotte | edit       |
      | Liselotte | download   |
    When the resource is viewed by "Beat"
    Then he or she sees the following permissions:
      | user   | permission |
      | Normin | view       |
      | Petra  | view       |
    When the resource is viewed by "Liselotte"
    Then he or she sees the following permissions:
      | user      | permission |
      | Normin    | edit       |
      | Beat      | edit       |
      | Liselotte | edit       |
    When the resource is viewed by "Petra"
    Then he or she sees the following permissions:
      | user   | permission |
      | Normin | view       |
      | Petra  | view       |
  Scenario: Cascading of public permissions
    Given a resource owned by "Normin"
      And I am "Normin"
      And the resource has the following permissions:
      | user      | permission | value |
      | Normin    | view       | true  |
      | Normin    | download   | true  |
      | Normin    | edit       | true  |
      | Normin    | manage     | true  |
      | Petra     | view       | true  |
      | Beat      | view       | true  |
      | Beat      | edit       | true  |
      | Beat      | download   | true  |
      | Liselotte | view       | true  |
      | Liselotte | edit       | true  |
      | Liselotte | download   | true  |
    When I change the resource's public permissions as follows:
      | permission | value |
      | view       | true  |
      | download   | true  |
    Then I cannot edit the following permissions any more:
      | permission |
      | view       |
      | download   |

  Scenario: Display the complete LDAP name on the selection dropdown
    Given I am "Normin"
      And I have set up some departments with ldap references
     When I open one of my resources
      And I open the permission lightbox
      And I add "Vertiefung Industrial Design (DDE_FDE_VID.dozierende)" to grant group permissions

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