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Thomas Schank edited this page Dec 10, 2012 · 1 revision
# These are the things we did not do during the first Onwership iteration.

Feature: Ownership II

  As a user
  I want to feel that I own my files
  So that I have a mental connection to them and am not confused by other people's files, or other files I have access to

  Background: Load the example data and personas
   Given I am "Normin"

  Scenario: The admin interface allows assigning permissions
    Given I am pending
    # Given a resource owned by "Susanne Schumacher"
      # And a resource owned by "Ramon Cahenzli"
     # When I go to the admin interface
      # And I assign the resources to "Susanne Schumacher"
     # Then both resources are owned by "Susanne Schumacher"
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