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87 Craft CMS之Search

Jinxin Chen edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Craft CMS内建了Search功能,可以轻松的搜索资料

Craft CMS内建的Search,可以使用包含:简单搜索、逻辑搜索、栏位搜索、完全匹配搜索、区域过滤、通配符搜索功能


搜索语法 搜索结果
salty containing the word “salty”.
body:salty where the ‘body’ field contains “salty”.
salty dog containing both “salty” and “dog”.
body:salty body:dog where the ‘body’ field contains both “salty” and “dog”.
salty OR dog containing either “salty” or “dog” (or both).
body:salty OR body:dog where the ‘body’ field contains either “salty” or “dog”.
salty -dog containing “salty” but not “dog”.
body:salty -body:dog where the ‘body’ field contains “salty” but not “dog”.
"salty dog" containing the exact phrase “salty dog”.
body:"salty dog" where the ‘body’ field contains the exact phrase “salty dog”.
salty locale:en_us containing “salty” in the ‘en_us’ locale.
sal* containing a word that begins with “sal”.
*ty containing a word that ends with “ty”.
alt containing a word that contains “alt”.
body:sal* where the ‘body’ field contains a word that begins with “sal”.
body::salty* where the ‘body’ field begins with “salty”.
body::"salty dog" where the ‘body’ field is set to “salty dog” and nothing more.
body:* where the ‘body’ field contains any value.



{% set query = craft.request.getParam('q') %}

{# Pass the search query directly into the search param: #}
{% set results = craft.entries({
    search: query
}) %}

{% for result in results %}
    <li><a href = "{{result.slug}}">{{result.title}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

模板先获取参数q,然后将该参数传递给craft的search api搜索并返回结果,最后将结果列表出来。


访问页面如下页面即可对craft cms中的内容搜索,并呈现搜索结果



/search?q=apple OR egg


如果需要限定搜索的section,可以利用search api的section参数,比如:

{% set results = craft.entries({
    section: 'blog',
    search: query
}) %}


{% set results = craft.entries({
    section: 'blog,news',
    search: query
}) %}


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