Removed Default Client Configurations
As was mentioned in the release notes of 1.4.0, the following default
configurations have been removed:
- pyls
- dart
- elixir-ls
- flow
- jdtls
- sourcekit-lsp
For all of these, a helper package is available on packagecontrol.io that
automates the boring set up and installation of server binaries.
Deprecated Default Client Configurations
The following default client configs are DEPRECATED and WILL BE REMOVED:
- haskell-ide-engine -> set up haskell-language-server instead, see
lsp.sublimetext.io for instructions - rlang -> use the R-IDE package, which provides an LSP client configuration
under the hood.
New Example Configurations
An example client configuration for "diagnostic-language-server" has been added
to lsp.sublimetext.io. It is a general-purpose language server which allows
you to hook up any command-line linter program or formatter program. It can be
regarded as a replacement of SublimeLinter. There is an example set up for the
shellcheck program to lint your Bash source code.
New Settings
- Use show_code_actions_in_hover to disable code actions in the hover popup.
- Use show_diagnostics_highlights to disable inline diagnostics in the view.
Removed Settings
- diagnostics_highlights_style is replaced by show_diagnostics_highlights.
Features and Fixes
- Draw empty regions as a small horizontal line (Raoul Wols)
- Fix the
LSP Development
command (#1724) (Arnav Jindal) - Refine diagnostics presentation (#1710) (Raoul Wols)
- Fix crash on showing code actions (Rafal Chlodnicki)
- Handle percent-encoding and leading slash in file URIs (#1722) (jwortmann)
- Add show_code_actions_in_hover boolean setting (#1717) (husanjun)
- Use box-style for multiline doc highlights (#1712) (Raoul Wols)
- Remove some default configs (Raoul Wols)
- Mention font face in customization docs (#1714) (Raoul Wols)
- Improve hover code actions UX (husanjun)
- Improve code action annotation UX (#1707) (husanjun)
- Apply all status messages when a SessionView is opened (#1706) (jwortmann)
- Add instructions for shellcheck (#1703) (Rafał Chłodnicki)
- Don't ascii-escape Unicode (Raoul Wols)
This makes the Flow language server work with non-ascii characters. - Handle schemes other than the file scheme (#1620) (Raoul Wols)
This makes the Deno language server work for goto-def and find-references.