1.1.0 (2024-01-10)
Bug Fixes
add proptypes to make it buildable again (4980cf1 )
add proptypes to make it buildable again (9f51210 )
allow dynamically loading selectable options (41f2b16 )
allow dynamically loading selectable options (51f7bb1 )
avoid reactive variables to trigger themselves (#61 ) (9c7c731 )
build Multiselect types correctly (#39 ) (21fd029 )
build Multiselect types correctly (#39 ) (dc63bfb )
bump version (#60 ) (726cc86 ), closes #54 #59
execute modelValue watcher immediately, so modelValue can be set before the component is mounted (#78 ) (11c13e9 )
execute modelValue watcher immediately, so modelValue can be set before the component is mounted (#78 ) (3d015dc )
fix missing types (036f6a1 )
installation advise, so it can be merged in main later (#74 ) (3a6814c )
installation advise, so it can be merged in main later (#74 ) (#75 ) (f1cbd89 )
missing types (8540b45 )
type and lint errors (#82 ) (c96c236 )
use undefined as standard for no selection in single mode (f5a95ee )
use undefined as standard for no selection in single mode (512ba80 )
add eslint and make changes suggested in code review, also adapt tests and docs to the changes (946e28d )
add infinite and maxOptions prop to allow infinite scrolling (c90aada )
add loadingOptions prop that will display a loading spinner the option dropdown if true (2867386 )
add types (3a86107 )
add types to build (4614fdb )
add web types #37 (421e5b7 )
allow number 0 and empty strings as value for options in single selection mode (df73732 )
also allow setting the modelValue in multiple mode instead of just pushing things into it (13269ee )
improve how closeOnSelect and labels work (66fd118 )
improve the slots (bfc7cef )
improve the way search works and display texts if there are no select options or search results #42 (4f80db3 )
make changes suggested in the latest code review and also add new tests (7c2eced )
You can’t perform that action at this time.