Releases: scipopt/PySCIPOpt
Releases · scipopt/PySCIPOpt
What's Changed
- Add node cutoff by @Joao-Dionisio in #953
- Update README with usage request by @Joao-Dionisio in #952
- Add major / minor / tech versions by @Opt-Mucca in #956
- Added option for getting Lhs, Rhs of nonlinear constraints by @Joao-Dionisio in #935
- Fix syntax highlighting in README by @mmghannam in #958
- New matrix variable functionality by @Joao-Dionisio in #957
Full Changelog: v5.3.0...v5.4.0
What's Changed
- Update steps to update documentation by @mmghannam in #925
- Primal-dual evolution event handler recipe by @Joao-Dionisio in #916
- Add _createConsBasicLinear by @Joao-Dionisio in #917
- solve problem with multi-threads by @liangbug in #918
- Allow writeProblem to write to stdout by @Joao-Dionisio in #926
- Added categorical data example by @Joao-Dionisio in #932
- Updates mac script to use precompiled version by @Opt-Mucca in #933
- Correct output redirection by @DominikKamp in #929
- Generic indicator names by @Joao-Dionisio in #930
- Add transformed option to getVarDict by @Joao-Dionisio in #934
- Fixed categorical data example #932 by @Jiunixo in #939
- add support for [get|set]HeurTiming by @pfetsch in #940
- Don't run extensive tests on every PR by @mmghannam in #943
- Added utility interface to SCIP for copyLargeNeighborhoodSearch and its prerequisites by @stefanmaak in #942
- Add type to loop variables only by @Joao-Dionisio in #947
- Mt/release 5 3 0 by @Opt-Mucca in #950
New Contributors
- @DominikKamp made their first contribution in #929
- @Jiunixo made their first contribution in #939
- @stefanmaak made their first contribution in #942
Full Changelog: v5.2.1...v5.3.0
What's Changed
- Add parser to read SCIP statistics by @Joao-Dionisio in #859
- Relax stage for checking getObjVal, getVal by @Joao-Dionisio in #872
- Move doc generation to separate workflow by @mmghannam in #877
- Strong Branching by @Opt-Mucca in #873
- Adds bipartite graph function by @Opt-Mucca in #874
- Add release guide by @mmghannam in #878
- Fix path where version is loaded by @mmghannam in #879
- Expand getStatistics to allow unbounded, infeasible, and user-interrupted problems by @Joao-Dionisio in #871
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #886
- Add prototype for utils functions by @Joao-Dionisio in #880
- Migrate to Readthedocs and Sphinx by @Opt-Mucca in #890
- Add readthedocs.yaml by @Opt-Mucca in #891
- Remove import pyscipopt by @Opt-Mucca in #892
- Add pyscipopt as docu requirement by @Opt-Mucca in #893
- Update README with new docs. Move CONTRIBUTING to docs by @Opt-Mucca in #894
- Easier way to attach event handlers by @mmghannam in #895
- Add list of contributors by @Opt-Mucca in #897
- Add documentation for event handlers by @mmghannam in #898
- Update recommended version. We're currently on 9.1.0 by @Opt-Mucca in #899
- Change min requirement again by @Opt-Mucca in #900
- Change docstring style to numpydocs by @Opt-Mucca in #901
- Add dislcaimer. Remove incorrect warning by @Opt-Mucca in #902
- Remove duplicate entry in CHANGELOG by @Joao-Dionisio in #903
- Update by @Joao-Dionisio in #904
- Update tutorial to include parameter emphasis and setting by @Joao-Dionisio in #909
- Change theme of documentation by @Opt-Mucca in #911
- Add sphinxcontrib.jquery for new theme by @Opt-Mucca in #912
- Update theme by @Opt-Mucca in #913
- Add comments from dominik by @Opt-Mucca in #914
- Update to 5.2.0 by @Opt-Mucca in #920
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #886
Full Changelog: v5.1.1...v5.2.1
What's Changed
- Add check for pt_PT in test_locale by @Joao-Dionisio in #841
- add support for disjunction constraints by @ctdunc in #837
- Add getnorigconss by @Opt-Mucca in #845
- Fix locale fix by @Joao-Dionisio in #843
- Add verbosity argument to writeParams and writeProblems by @Joao-Dionisio in #844
- Wrapped createOrigSol by @Joao-Dionisio in #848
- Minor changes to test_pricer by @Joao-Dionisio in #852
- Add recipe for getting infeasible constraints by @Joao-Dionisio in #857
- Add SCIPprintExternalCodes by @Opt-Mucca in #860
- Add SCIP_STATUS_(PRIMAL;DUAL)LIMIT by @Opt-Mucca in #864
- Mt/status limits by @Opt-Mucca in #865
- Release workflow based on manual input by @mmghannam in #866
- Fix release workflow & control uploading to pypi with a parameter by @mmghannam in #867
- More fixes to the release workflow by @mmghannam in #868
- Better way to mark release mode in pyproject & Ability to upload to test-pypi from workflow by @mmghannam in #869
- Update changelog & version by @mmghannam in #870
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v5.0.1...v5.1.1
What's Changed
- Update changelog for 5.0.0 by @ju-manns in #807
- Update README and INSTALL instructions for 5.0.0 by @Opt-Mucca in #808
- Add ds store to .gitignore by @Opt-Mucca in #814
- Faster compilation in PR pipeline by @mmghannam in #823
- Add getTreeSizeEstimation by @sirenard in #829
- Add method for adding piecewise linear constraints by @Joao-Dionisio in #776
- Set locale in write/print functions by @Joao-Dionisio in #830
- Fix dropEvent bug by @Joao-Dionisio in #828
- Fix setLogfile method to handle None path by @liangbug in #813
- Add possibility for nonlinear objective function by @Joao-Dionisio in #781
- Fix formatting of examples & recipes by @mmghannam in #835
- Fix pipelines by @mmghannam in #834
- Update links to new scip build with sassy+nauty by @mmghannam in #839
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.0.1
What's Changed
- Mt/add getconshdlrname by @Opt-Mucca in #764
- Update by @Opt-Mucca in #765
- Print names of events and current stage by @Joao-Dionisio in #769
- Fix outdated time.clock() call by @Joao-Dionisio in #773
- Type loop variables by @Joao-Dionisio in #758
- Revert "Type loop variables" by @Joao-Dionisio in #789
- Update README links by @Joao-Dionisio in #793
- Add support for Cython 3 by @mkoeppe in #792
- Modernize Python metadata by @mkoeppe in #791
- Add addExprNonlinear by @Joao-Dionisio in #760
- Update by @mmghannam in #798
- Add extra args for includeconshdlr for new SCIP version by @Opt-Mucca in #785
- Update supported python versions to 3.8 through 3.12 by @ju-manns in #800
- Update by @mmghannam in #802
- Remove bison from brew install since bison is installed by default (on macos:latest at least) by @ju-manns in #801
- Mt/cibuildwheel by @Opt-Mucca in #803
- Change regex expression by @Opt-Mucca in #804
- Download scip packages from instead of by @ju-manns in #805
- Skip incomplete test by @Opt-Mucca in #806
Full Changelog: v4.4.0...v5.0.0
- Added all event types and tests for checking them
- Added SCIP functions SCIPconsGetNVars, SCIPconsGetVars
- Added SCIP functions SCIPchgCoefLinear, SCIPaddCoefLinear and SCIPdelCoefLinear
- Added SCIP function SCIPgetSolTime and wrapper getSolTime
- Added convenience methods relax and getVarDict
- Added SCIP functions hasPrimalRay, getPrimalRay, getPrimalRayVal
- Fixed mistake with outdated values for several enums
- Correctly set result, lowerbound in PyRelaxExec
- Fixed typo in documentation of chgRhs
- Pricer plugin fundamental callbacks now raise an error if not implemented
- Brachrule plugin fundamental callbacks now raise an error if not implemented
- Fixed segmentation fault when accessing the Solution class directly
- Changed getSols so that it prints solutions in terms of the original variables
- Fixed error message in _checkStage
- Made it so SCIP macros are used directly, instead of being manually inputted.
- Improved error message when using < or > instead of <= or >=
- Removed double declaration of SCIPfindEventhdlr
4.3.0 - 2023-03-17
- Add SCIP function SCIprowGetOriginCons
- Add getConsOriginConshdlrtype to Row
- Add possibility to use sine and cosing
- Add ability to set priced variable score
- Python 3.11 support
- Removed function rowGetNNonz
What's Changed
- fix confusing error message in checkStage by @mattmilten in #581
- add note about SCIP's licensing by @mattmilten in #590
- Removes incorrect PY_SCIP_CALL wrapper by @Opt-Mucca in #592
- Mt/row origin call by @Opt-Mucca in #598
- add (co)sine functions by @pfetsch in #612
- Add ability to set priced variable score by @mmghannam in #623
- Default lib and include paths fixed for Mac installation by @sm-ghavami in #647
- pyproject.toml: New by @mkoeppe in #628
- pyproject.toml: Set build-backend by @mkoeppe in #650
- .github/workflows/integration-test.yml: Update tested Python versions by @mkoeppe in #649
- updated copyright date to 2023 by @Urquh4rt in #642
- New release 4.3 by @mattmilten in #661
New Contributors
- @mmghannam made their first contribution in #623
- @sm-ghavami made their first contribution in #647
- @mkoeppe made their first contribution in #628
- @Urquh4rt made their first contribution in #642
Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.3.0