Releases: scality/backbeat
Releases · scality/backbeat
Release 7.70.18
What's Changed
- BB-659 Make backbeat lifecycle processor retry timeout configurable by @nicolas2bert in #2620
- BB-670: Disable core dumps in the container by @BourgoisMickael in #2628
Full Changelog: 7.70.17...7.70.18
Release 7.70.15-4
What's Changed
- BB-670: Disable core dumps in the container [HF for 9.4.2] by @BourgoisMickael in #2627
Full Changelog: fixcoredump...7.70.15-4
Release 7.70.15-3
What's Changed
- BB-659 Make backbeat lifecycle processor retry timeout configurable by @nicolas2bert in #2623
Full Changelog: 7.70.15-2...7.70.15-3
Release 9.0.4
What's Changed
- Deploy Metadata in Backbeat tests by @Kerkesni in #2610
- Fix queue populator shared metrics by @Kerkesni in #2612
- Fix Kafka LogReader failing when attempting to store offsets in Zookeeper by @Kerkesni in #2615
- Release 9.0.4 by @francoisferrand in #2621
Full Changelog: 9.0.3...9.0.4
Release 9.0.3
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 9.0.2...9.0.3
Release 9.0.2
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 9.0.1...9.0.2
Release 9.0.1
What's Changed
- Support lifecycle transitions on OOB bucket by @francoisferrand in #2606
- Add openssl to image by @francoisferrand in #2616
Full Changelog: 9.0.0...9.0.1
Release 9.0.0
What's Changed
- BB-400: bump mongodb to 4.4.21 by @williamlardier in #2406
- Remove default behaviour of selecting the first cold location on expiration of cold objects by @Kerkesni in #2461
- BB-423: bump mongodb to v5.0 in the ci by @williamlardier in #2446
- INTEGRATION [PR#2516 > development/8.7] Improvement/bb 580 circuit breaker alert by @bert-e in #2518
- INTEGRATION [PR#2521 > development/8.7] Timeout setup in data mover s3 client by @bert-e in #2523
- INTEGRATION [PR#2520 > development/8.7] Improvement/bb 587 retry on s3 errors by @bert-e in #2525
- remove duplicated circuit breaker stop on close method by @benzekrimaha in #2532
- add missing Kafka log source in error by @benzekrimaha in #2533
- Remove log source override by @benzekrimaha in #2536
- Replication deployment with single location per instance by @benzekrimaha in #2537
- Fix BackbeatProducer event.error handlers set twice. by @benzekrimaha in #2535
- Support setting a site name for Kafka consumers by @Kerkesni in #2547
- condition start method on bucketprocessor by @benzekrimaha in #2551
- Remove useless config elements by @benzekrimaha in #2534
- Blacklist accounts and bucket in lifecycle by @Kerkesni in #2552
- remove GC producer from ObjectProcessor by @benzekrimaha in #2545
- Improvement/bb 541 avoid initializing mongodb client by @benzekrimaha in #2553
- LifecycleDeleteObjectTask: BackbeatRoutes in S3C do not support non versioned buckets by @benzekrimaha in #2541
- forward port workarround for queue populator batch getting stuck by @Kerkesni in #2544
- use deleteObject to expire objects in S3c by @Kerkesni in #2562
- S3C supports having different queueProcessor probeserver configuratio… by @KillianG in #2550
- allow consuming log records without wait when more logs are available by @Kerkesni in #2557
- Support role auth for crr retry by @Kerkesni in #2559
- Check if GC config exists before creating gc producer in replication by @KillianG in #2555
- Expose Kafka producer configuration by @Kerkesni in #2564
- snapshot datamover topic offsets only when transition is supported by @Kerkesni in #2565
- Improvement/bb 514 handle lifecycle rules by @benzekrimaha in #2548
- dataMoverTopic not required anymore and defaults to empty string by @KillianG in #2554
- support dedicated replayProcessor probeservers by @Kerkesni in #2568
- Check large objects before replication by @KillianG in #2558
- INTEGRATION [PR#2574 > development/8.7] BB-624 Retry connection to kafka if backbeat processes started before by @bert-e in #2585
- Make probeserver config optional for bucket notification processes in S3C by @Kerkesni in #2587
- Routes parametrize by @benzekrimaha in #2569
- Use V2 listing when listing backend is not mongodb by @Kerkesni in #2571
- Revert "use deleteObject to expire objects in S3c" by @Kerkesni in #2570
- Fix the dataMoverTopic config param always being required by @Kerkesni in #2572
- use the same queue populator zookeeper path as in 7.x by @Kerkesni in #2581
- Disable assumeRole for the conductor and lifecycle queue populator in S3C by @Kerkesni in #2575
- Log consumer lag metrics by @KillianG in #2563
- Bucket Notifications Unification by @Kerkesni in #2549
- properly pass compressionType and requiredAcks to BackbeatProducer by @Kerkesni in #2573
- Merge release workflows & build federation dev image by @Kerkesni in #2593
- Properly initialize retry params for lifecycle by @francoisferrand in #2597
- Support a single change stream to listen to all op log events by @williamlardier in #2540
- Fix source params of GC for restore-expiration by @francoisferrand in #2598
- Converge backbeat images by @francoisferrand in #2600
- BB-640 Add VersioningEnabled header to Backbeat client by @nicolas2bert in #2601
- BB-640 package version bump by @nicolas2bert in #2605
- Improvement/bb 632 bump mongo db driver 6 by @benzekrimaha in #2599
- BB-649 Lifecycle should expire CRR REPLICA objects by @nicolas2bert in #2614
- Improvement/bb 642 remove dmf specific location handling by @KillianG in #2613
- Improvement/bb 615 node22 and dependencies bump by @benzekrimaha in #2602
- Improvement/bb 585 bump deps by @benzekrimaha in #2611
Full Changelog: 8.6.52...9.0.0
Release 7.70.15-2
Full Changelog: 7.70.15-1...7.70.15-2
Release 7.70.17
What's Changed
- BB-649 Lifecycle should expire CRR REPLICA objects by @nicolas2bert in #2614
Full Changelog: 7.70.16...7.70.17