Releases: renderpci/dedalo
Maintenance and security update.
This version is, and will be, the last minor version of v5, it prepare Dédalo to the next major version, v6. With this version, V5 enter in the maintenance state and now, only issues or bugs will develop. New features or tools will be added only to v6.
This update add pagination feature to thesaurus tree.
- Added box elements model detection in time_machine data to prevent errors in component construction
- Added new tool_administration feature 'delete_sections' to easy delete massive sections preserving the Time Machine version
- Added support for check_safe_value -> group 'CONCAT' commands
- Add some resolution cases for diffusion RDF
- Re-added maxmind-db files
- Added resolve_indexation_fragments error control log when result is empty
- Added method get_value_code to component_select_lang class. (used from diffusion to convert locator value to lang code like 'lg-cat')
- Added subtitles optional get value 'advice_text'
- Added diffusion database_alias option to overwrite 'table' and 'table_alias' from original (numisdata catalog case for example)
- Added .htaccess old Apache versions (<2.4) compatibility
- Added ontology utils file for easy csv export
- Add link to component_iri at portal_list
- Add link render for component_iri when is caller by portals in portal_list mode
- Added class ts_object -> get_childrens_data method multi term option. Now, more than one term value can be used like name + surname cases
- Added modo='search' exception to component_common get_instance section check (debug) to allow search thesaurus components list
- Added updates.php index matrix_rsc86_gin and matrix_rsc85_gin creation scripts ready to add in next update
- Added thesaurus pagination feature
- Added thesaurus search virtual sections tipo option. Now, real section tipo is calculated in class search_development2->get_components_from_section method
- Added trigger tool_administration update_dedalo_code function new features: regenerate css files (maybe current installation structure.css file is never than git structure.css file) and regenerate js lang labels files
- Added log message to SAML login sequence to easy track user login sequence
- Add diffusion_element_alias to diffusion
- Added notes to sample.config file
- Added component_pdf and tool_pdf_versions original quality feature. Now, a source document (non PDF) can be added as original quality. - Added download mimes doc,docx,odp,odt,pages to manage this documents. Remember to add configuration new constant 'DEDALO_PDF_QUALITY_ORIGINAL' and the allowed extensions in constant 'DEDALO_PDF_EXTENSIONS_SUPPORTED'
- Add publication info components in section to be searchable
- Removed jquery unnecessary lib files
- Removed nvd3 unnecessary lib files
- Fixed json encode error when get_filtered_relations param 'relations_data_string' is empty
- Fixed error on normalize quotes in not string values (tool export raw get_valor_dedalo)
- Fixed error when component_input_text search's find only first value of their array value (Catalog Obulco case)
- Fixed catch error on publication web_data where invalid SQL generated string was stop the execution. Now a error response is returned (besides an error log notification)
- Fixed Ontology dd_edit small issues
- Fixed error where method process_result->resolve_indexation_fragments was not mandatory static
- Fixed rows_activity error on some wrong value context
- Fixed diffusion value issues with empty values on PHP 8.1
- Fixed section bug when section cached and same section not cached are managed as different sections overwriting data on save. Now, get_my_section method is used when is available in components
- Fixed component_common->split_query check error when try to check $query_object->q strpos
- Fixed issue on dd_init_test PSQL check with empty response
- Fixed ontology form submit duplicity issue when a new term is created. Now enter the fields, press the ENTER key, don't submit the form, just click the 'Modify' button
- Fixed ontology possible infinite loop when empty tern_id is received twice
- Fixed ontology cache bug where method tipo_to_json_item returns inconsistent cached value from previous DB call
- Fixed tool_import_dedalo_csv issue with non-utf8 files blocking tool preview of files
- Fixed auto_detect_line_endings error on method read_csv_file_as_array (class.tool_common.php)
- Fix lang import for nomisma rdf model
- Fixed issue with document encoding detection in tool_common -> read_csv_file_as_array
- Fixed export structure (Ontology) issues when master user privileges generates a import error
- Fix export when users order after search
- Fixed error on clean install sequence that creates a infinite loop
- Fixed PHP 8.1 compatibility issues in class diffusion_sql
- Fixed component_geolocation method get_diffusion_value_as_geojson check issue when value is empty
- Fixed bug search_tipos when value is array (component_relation_children, component_relation_parent)
- Fixed compare null values error on tool_ts_print
- Fixed open_data_link inspector function issues with non Apache servers
- Fixed ontology class wrong type definition
- Fixed issue with component_input_text render_list_value resolution when 'with_lang_versions' is active in thesaurus_list mode
- Fixed tool_indexation css issue where component_text_area tag selection creates a unnecessary page scrollbar
- Fixed error where no default temp preset is loaded in search init
- Fix regex to get tag with spaces
- Fixed publication API incoherence about charset encoding. Now, all connections will be use charset=utf8mb4
- Fixed minor PHP8.1 component_date issues and code clean up
- Fixed error in component_json edit mode where read only mode (permissions <2) shows data wrongly. Cleanup code too
- Fix permissions check for section publication components
- Updated sample.config4.php file with more constants and comments
- Updated core functions to_string to deal with associative array values
- Updated MySQL connection defaults from utf8 to utf8mb4 to support 4 bytes uf8 chars in publication to MySQL (legends cases for instance)
- Updated swagger.json file in publication API server docu from 1.0.21 to 1.0.23
- Updated base structure.css and langs js files
- Updated Dédalo base css and lang js files
Other changes
- Changed fallback no logged url in ontology pages to preserve v6 compatibility
- Ontology code clean and PHP8 compatibility issues fixed
- Improved build_version_from_git_master response messages for easy debug
- Clean code of build_version_from_git_master function
- Restored core_function 'to_string' null result values to '' instead 'null'
- Improved install hierarchies. Now development users can install additional hierarchies anytime
- Changed thesaurus default search limit from 10 to 100
- Revert "Added thesaurus search virtual sections tipo option. Now, real section tipo is calculated in class search_development2->get_components_from_section method"
- Clean up code ImageMagick class
- Improved button diffusion label name to able to identify publication target database
- Changed default ts_object pagination limit from 100 to 300
- Clean up class diffusion code
Maintenance and security update.
This update enforce the security of Publication API.
This update improve export and add import RDF from nomisma
- Added tool_import_dedalo_csv bad JSON notification on preview list
- Added column 'death_context' in custom search global (class.diffusion_sql and class.web_data)
- Added column 'buried_type' in custom search global (class.diffusion_sql and class.web_data)
- Add posterframe for indexation tags
- Add time variable to the tag posterframe to refresh the posterframe
- Added comments of class.ontology.php
- Added library qrcode (EasyQRCodeJS)
- Removed login user notification errors. Could be unsafe on network errors
- Remove the old class diffusion_rdf
- Remove the html tag in values for RDF
- Fixed unique_server_check issue when the value is equal in more than one lang
- Fixed issue in tool_description where where mce editor was not available
- Fix empty lang in the component_autocomplete
- Fix the get_valor when the lang is required
- Fix get diffusion value lang when it has required
- Fix html tags in the literal text for RDF
- Fixed Swagger UI viewer vars XSS vulnerability
- Fixed issue with web_data::build_fragment margin chars in transcriptions with long pauses between time codes. Set to default zero value
- Fixed web_data::get_thesaurus_term error on calculate combined terms
- Fixed get_diffusion_value_as_geojson issues on json decode when data is empty
- Fixed missing encoding value in trigger.tool_export.php -> export_data method
- Fixed bug on tool_export when some double quote values was not properly escaped, generating JSON format errors on import. Now individual lang values quotes are normalized and escaped before create the csv string
- Fixed missing encoding value in trigger.tool_export.php -> export_data method
- Fixed bug on tool_export when some double quote values was not properly escaped, generating JSON format errors on import. Now individual lang values quotes are normalized and escaped before create the csv string
- Fixed web_data regex error in table name verification
- Updated publication API docu/ui (swagger ui) from 2.4.0 to 4.5.
Other changes
- Re-formulate the diffusion_rdf to use easyrdf library
- Change the lang of the component to get_valor()
- Revert "Fix get diffusion value lang when it has required"
- Changed from 6 secs to 180 secs the sleep time in autobackup
- Revert jquery ui from 1.13.0 to 1.11.4 because drag and drop compatibility issues
- Improved server_api web_data check_safe_value verification and errors log. Now table names with only numbers are rejected and sql_fullselect, sql_filter are more restrictive.
Maintenance and security update.
This update review the code for compatibility with PHP8.1
This update change the jquery-ui
- Added IS EXACTLY EQUAL == operator to component_input_text to allow saerchches with @> operator (case Ontologies term_id dd1475)
- Added component_json read only mode controled by properties
- Added Ontology functionality (update_json_ontology_items) to save every change in structure data to the new created JSON Ontology Item field
- Added new queue sql commands to append to the next update data config
- Added Publication API docu viewer optional param 'lang' to easy sync Dédalo data lang and Publication API lang
- Added 'component_svg' as excluded search component to prevent user select this component as searchable
- Added to tool_administration the publication code
- Added try catch to JSON.parse(wrapper.dataset.dato) on recursive_groups function to prevent bad data blocks the search
- Added 'norder' and 'propiedades' to diffusion_sql on resolve_jer_dd_data
- Added component_json search mode
- Added missing property 'fragment_terms' on publication method get_fragment_from_index_locator
- Added SAML error log info to easy follow user login errors
- Added component_json escaped slashes to allow search text inside JSON data
- Added tool_docu options to hide the section inspector
- Added function 'valid_tipo' for verify some tipos like config MAIN_FALLBACK_SECTION that can cause infinite loops in the installation process or in config errors
- Added global search custom columns (MDCAT)
- Added component_semantic_node compatibility options (update_portal_dato)
- Add view_gilph_small
- Added 'is_literal' option in the publication web_data field safe control
- Added publication class.diffusion mysql check for column exists. If not exists, a new column will be created automatically
- Added method 'resolve_indexation_fragments' to class 'process_result'. Updated Publication API swagger updated file
- Added posterframe to web_data::build_fragment method
- Removed web_data class locator dependency in method get_indexation_terms
- Removed component_filter unused methods
- Removed component_common split_query option for component_json search
- Fixed window.opener refresh issue on dd_edit.js
- Fixed class.ontology minor msg vars errors
- Fixed web_data error when no sql filter is passed (build_sql_where). Now a empty string is return
- Fixed button publish input levels issue on Safari
- Fixed issue when ontology term edit not save empty object '{}' as expected empty value
- Fixed/Unlocked Ontology obs field to allow manual remove old values
- Fixed component_filter stats error when project values was not calculated correctly
- Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecated and more strict code issues
- Fixed error in Ontology RecordObj_dd->get_properties. Now default param 'json_decode' is restored to true
- Fixed error in web_data ar_fields check that do not it did not contemplate unicode characters like 'ñ'
- Fixed error in publication class free_node::get_free_fragments where marks were erased before indexation tags calculation
- Fixed minor ontology css and js issues
- Fixed Ontology css issues
- Fixed descriptors error on delete lang term
- Fixed minor var checks on JSON and string values
- Fixed inc/btn.php tag [/index detection issue from server REQUEST_URI when url is encoded (chars like [] are not detected)
- Fixed error on get Ontology model correctly (var 'visible' was overwritten by another script)
- Fix component_semantic_node issues in both search and edit mode
- Fixed issue with duplicate square brackets in resolve_query_object_sql. Now, first and last are removed before process
- Fixed search issue of component_semantic_node when empty value has searched as null value
- Fixed search value display error on component_json
- Fixed issue in web_data free search in literal mode. Remove possible quotes added and force add new ones
- Fixed error in web_data::get_fragment_from_index_locator where indexation_terms were not correctly passed to the next call
- Fixed error where main_dd counter is not updated when creating a new hierarchy
- Fixed diffusion_mysql error where automatic columns 'section_id', 'section_tipo,', 'lang' generating errors whe columns are added to a existing tables
- Fixed publication web_data get_PDO_connection error where port was not send into the dsn string
- Updated dd_tipos with new json_item tipo (ONTOLOGY_SECTION_TIPOS)
- Updated Publication API docu swagger ui json file from v1.0.17 to v1.0.18. Improved description about /thesaurus_root_list use
- Updated Publication API docu ui swagger file with tag 'Legacy Thesaurus'
- Updated swagger JSON file definitions
- Updated main structure.css and js lang files
- Updated login set password and install redirection from default to tool_administration
- Updated structure css and js lang files
- Updated Publication API JSON swagger definitions version to 1.0.20
- Updated process_result::sum_totals function
- Updated jquery-ui to 1.13.0
Other changes
- Clean component_input_text html code
- Clean class JSON_RecordDataBoundObject code. Removed unnecessary exceptions and clarify data flows
- Clean class backup code. Unified terminal execution calls
- Change the viewing_glyphs_small
- Clean diffusion mysql code
- Refactorized diffusion_mysql add_column method
- Clean Publication class DBi code
- Clean code web_data::get_fragment_from_index_locator method. Unified response as object
- Re-factorized web_data functions get_publication_schema, get_table_fields, get_all_tables to use DDO connection
Maintenance and security update.
This version introduce the new install script to manage the process and help to create the PostgreSQL database.
- Added component_html_text references manager feature (like component_text_area)
- Add row_limit check into the find button in portals
- Added component_pdf control to diffusion value. Now only existing files generates output value (prevent empty files issues in publication)
- Added check_remote_server curl error notification on error
- Added proxy options for CURL and get_file_contents in Dédalo external connections like 'Download structure' and 'Update Dédalo code'
- Add sum calculation to the coins in numisdata
- Added common component method 'get_diffusion_resolve_value' for use it in non relation components like text_area
- Added component_geolocation method 'get_diffusion_value_as_geojson' to allow generate standard GEOJSON format as output like component_text_area (used for fallback values in publication)
- Added diffusion_sql::build_geolocation_data_geojson options to allow resolve fallback values
- Added 'options->propiedades' fallback options to class.diffusion_sql->build_geolocation_data_geojson for compatibility with direct calls in the publication process
- Added graves global filters for mdcat in publication
- Added web_data option to accept process_result as JSON encoded item
- Added web_data option to accept ar_fields as JSON encoded array
- Added web_data->check-safe_value option to allow CONCAT sentences as column name (ar_fields)
- Added method 'break_down_totals' to class process_result
- Added component input text get_diffusion_value fallback lang
- Added web_data::process_result check to prevent calls to invalid methods
- Added button_new options for duplicate record in edit mode
- Added page_globals property 'section_id'
- Added SAML sample config file
- Added inheritance from father if exists to section->duplicate_current_section method
- Added counter method 'create_counter' to allow re-create a deleted counter from higher section_id of the current section
- Added on working method build_install_version to class tool_administration
- Added skip filter for sections dd64, dd153 and dd128 in tool_administration class method 'generate_relations_table_data'
- Added Locale to environment page_globals
- Add some field to the header in tool_tr_print
- Added RecordObject_dd::save_term_and_descriptor current lang descriptors record too when is distinct from default structure lang (issues on auto create structure elements from hierarchies)
- Add class backup method to optimize tables. Used after import structure to prevent issues with PostgreSQL index
- Added console errors color for ERROR level messages (core_functions)
- Added Dédalo installation tools and interface for easier setup
- Added Dédalo dd_init_test check in the install process to warn users about possible wrong settings
- Add additional check for system_is_already_installed to prevent issues in previous systems
- Removed legacy ontology menu links
- Reverted removal of legacy file RecordObj_ts to allow Dedalo version updates from older versions
- Removed temporal alert in tool_structuration
- Removed component_geolocation default dato. Now, only will be used to draw the map when no dato is available (null)
- Remove the debugger limitation to show header in the tool_tr_print
- Remove the debugger limitation in tool_tr_transcript
- Removed .gitignore rules about structure.css and js langs
- Fixed issue with component_text_area when on Save command did not correctly update text area content
- Fixed Ontology issue switching Dédalo versions (v5 v6)
- Fixed component_text_area issue on search empty and non empty values (, !)
- Fixed error on search empty / non empty values in component_text_area
- Fixed php8 compatibility issue on autocomplete_ts_search
- Fixed tool time machine error in list mode
- Minor fixes in updates.php file to prevent issues updating Dédalo from old versions
- Fixed issue when DEDALO_DIFFUSION_RESOLVE_LEVELS is not defined in config. Now a value of 2 levels is used as default
- Fixed error in component_text_area where geolocation tags were not updated correctly causing a failure to save (besides, refactorized update_tag function)
- Fixed issue on updates when matrix_stats already exists cases
- Fixed error in publication web_data when lang 'lg-vlca' don't pass the security verification regex
- Fixed issue on updates when matrix_stats already exists cases
- Fixed error in publication web_data when lang 'lg-vlca' don't pass the security verification regex
- Fixed component_image regenerate error when only the image in the original format (like TIF) is available
- Fix close wrap div for component_number in list mode
- Fixed component_geolocation relation bug in compoent_text_area where model was calculated from model tipo instead tipo (old way)
- Fixed components_from_section list exclude error in tool_export. Now, custom ar_components_exclude can be passed to the method to overwrite default list
- Fixed issue with ontology relations model tipo on assign by user
- Fixed error in component_portal on add label in edit_in_list mode
- Fixed component_geolocation lat and lon number format issues on 'get_diffusion_value_as_geojson' method
- Fixed swagger ui input width css to allow 100%
- Fixed minor component_publication CSS issues
- Fixed errors on publication break_down_totals method when values are not as expected type
- Fixed error on button_new.js create_new_blank_record() method which made it impossible to create new records from list mode
- Fixed sample config loader include order error
- Fixed class subtitles lines generation issues. Unified non break spaces, added previous line to fragments with non zero start time (prevent empty subtitles at beginning of some fragments)
- Fixed error on component_filter when default dato was not set properly. Now both, default dato from properties, and user default project, will be added to filter data when a new section is created
- Fixed REINDEX TABLE bug on optimize_tables (class backup)
- Fixed Raspa bug in RecordObj_descriptors_dd method 'get_dato'
- Fixed bug in RecordObj_dd::get_ar_terminoID_by_modelo_name where model was not calculated correctly
- Fixed issue in component_input_text when tld in lowercase was not accepted as value in hierarchy config section
- Fixed database _getConnection throw error on PHP versions < 8.0
- Fixed install bug on old already installed systems
- Fix install minor errors
- Fixed error with RecordDataBounceObject search when no results found
- Fixed install issues with checks in some contexts
- Fixed error on install::clean-tables method when matrix_activity_section_id_seq was not reset correctly
- Fixed and Improved install warnings
- Fixed minor issues in install script
- Updated JQUERY lib from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4
- Updated db install and structure files (ready for Dédalo version 5.8.2)
- Updated structure.json file to 07-07-2021 version. Compressed for convenience
- Updated SALM files. Now Dédalo config file is required to run ACS
- Updated file sample.config4.php . Now, download ontology and code configuration defaults are filled with render master server for easy update
- Updated gitignore file rules. Restored structure.css and common/js/lang needed for install
- Updated db install file dedalo4_install.pgsql.gz with table matrix_activity counter properly reset
- Updated dd_init_test with more clear messages and notifications
- Updated ontology edit term form action. Now, JSON request js is used instead old POST form action
- Update ontology for tld mupreva by @pricua in #42
Other changes
- Optimized concurrent calls to Ontology trigger
- Re-orde the sample.config definitions
- Clean subtitles API server code
- Change the css of the informat in tool_tr_print
- Changed error management of DDBB connection from die() to throw new Exception()
- Consolidated installation files. Unused files were removed and some new files needed to install were added
- Improved dd_init_test for better warnings notification
- Re-factorized ontology code
Maintenance and security update.
- Added img html tag as allowed tag in publication server json/index.php filter (case numisdata legends)
- Added publication API sql_options->sql_filter sanitizacion filter
- Added publication API char '+' to allowed chars in field name (necessary for complex queries)
- Added mandatory style to autocompete
- Added tool_time_machine notes to make user annotations about the data changes
- Added component_number 'in_column' mode to search as section_id is doing now
- Added class.area_thesaurus get_hierarchy_sections validation before continue to prevent errors on non defined hierarchies type
- Added Tool time machine notes. Added inspector view of current component history changes and user permissions control
- Added inspector button to collapse component history list
- Added tool_time_machine notes user permissions control to prevent unauthorized access
- Added component number read only mode like component input text
- Added php lib 'less_php' to build structure css file. Replaces leafo.lessphp and Updated .gitignore file to allow sync lib 'less_php'
- Added search get_query_path component_portal and select_lang path resolution.
- Removed publication API json/index strip_tags directive to avoid issues with sql queries containing <=
- Removed web_data sanitize $sql_options->sql_filter (incompatible with some configurations)
- Removed tool time machine sample_data tooltip
- Fixed Ontoly lang change error
- Fixed component portal buttons issue within tool time machine
- Fixed Ontology css error when non transtaled terms are not displayed as italic font
- Fixed tool time machine inspector user selection and save events issues
- Fixed tool time machine issue when re-render list and context info is loosed
- Fixed tool_time_machine pagination error
- Fixed issue on portal css when a portal is displayed inside another portal
- Fixed issues with component text area used in time machine notes when current section don't have one. Now, tinymce is loaded always as basic lib and tm notes take care of load another text area needed files
- Fixed inspector css issues displaying large component history list
- Fixed component common js issue when select component received wrapper is invalid
- Fixed refresh issues on delete and create time machine notes
- Fixed css an appearance issues in inspector and component history / tool time machine
- Fixed inspector issue when time machine note is deleted
- Fixed issue with Thesaurus root terms button new permissions calculation. Now target section button new is verified to get right write permissions
- Fixed search select column id ambiguity issues when using order clause
Other changes
- Enabled web_data thesaurus indexation column custom name (set config in server_config_api.php)
- Change the css of the mandatory style
- Changed component_filter view in search mode from checkbox to select to improve user experience on large projects list
- Clean css code in component_text_area
- Prevent overload the component tm_history request in inspector calls
- Prevent selection of components in mode 'edit_node' because creates conflicts with inspector current selected component view
- Improved user experience using component history in inspector. Added re focus component on quit dialog tm notes
- Changed class css BUILD_STRUCTURE_CSS mothod to use new lib php_less
- Regression search disabled skip on relation propagation. They are needed for sort columns like 'Publication'. Use user admin panel 'propagate relations' to restore values (yes/no)
- Optimized order results moving null values at end (class search_development)
- Improved search order to move blank values to the end
Now, component_portal can be configurated to use a specific related component in search tasks: 'propiedades->order_component_tipo'
Update the pdf filename removing lang
Maintenance and security update.
- Fixed component text area bug that given bad results on user non empty value searches
- Fixed error on component text area get dato function that it would overwrite the value with 'array()' when the value is array (wrong importations case for example)
- Fixed component text area dato checking error
- Fixed var name mistake in web_data free_search
- Fixed component number error when is used to order result as string instead number
- Fixed tool upload issues with large files (proxy_fcgi:error (104)Connection reset by peer)
- Fixed error on diffusion_section_stats when user activity data was only calculated it until yesterday instead of today
- Fixed error on RecordObj_dd when function GET_COUNTER_VALUE returned empty results
- Fixed FFMPEG conversion issue when aspect ratio is not square (camera files for example). Videos are now playable in Safari and Firefox
- Fixed security vulnerabilities in public api
- Fixed bug in web_data::get_PDO_connection when count losses the db_name
- Fixed error non defined var in component_select when permissions are 1
- Fixed codification issues in tool export (Dédalo raw mode)
- Added DD_TIPOS new constant DEDALO_HIERARCHY_SOURCE_REAL_SECTION_TIPO (to set source section when 'Generate' is triggered in Hierarchy section)
- Added duplicate values prevention on relation_list get_diffusion_value
- Added link to in login page
- Added TLD input user validation to eliminate invalid values temptations
- Added button trigger confirm dialog before exec
- Added button trigger css parser from structure in css.php
- Added user restrictions in section Hierarchy (hierarchy1). Only user developers can edit and delete sections now
- Added/fixed component_input_text TLD values validation from section Hierarchy. Unique values and regex validations where added
- Added Hierarchy alternative original section source to create a new Hierarchy
- Removed class tools exec("ps -o rss -p $pid) function. Changed by native PHP 'memory_get_usage'
- Removes unused swagger yaml file
- Optimized component section_id sequence search using IN() instead OR in operator
- Minor Ontology css fixes
This version update the data in "matrix_activity" and create new section with the statistical analysis for every user.
This version require update the ontology to 03-19-2021 or newer. You will need to update the ontology before update the data to the new version.
Follow this steps:
1 Change the code.
2 Update the ontology to the 03-19-2021 version or newer.
3 Update the data with the «tool administration»
This update review all the activity data and could be a long process, it can take some hours or days (if you have more than 30.000.000 records in activity). It's highly recommended that you close Dédalo to the users, configuring it for maintenance, before executing the data update.
Some fixes and additions:
Fixed error on create new layout print templates from tool_layout_print
Fixed error on free_node when find_word_in_text give error on word position not found
Fixed verification duplicities in component_autocomplete and component_relation_common
Fixed php compatibility issues on update_activity_data method
Fixed tool_export error when user records selection is ordered
Fixed search_development search sort error. Now, to avoid ambiguity in pagination of sorted equal values, the column id is added always
Increased max time for CURL get_remote_data on update ontology to 300 (matrix_dd take long time to download on slow connections)
Enabled the conditionals manager in updates (tool_administration)
Added lib htmLawed
Added lib tcpdf
Added tool layout print error notifications
Added user activity statistics section with daily totals per user
Added new widget 'user_activity' to manage statistics in users section (dd128)
Added configurable diffusion resolve levels user input to allow overwrite default DEDALO_DIFFUSION_RESOLVE_LEVELS
Added new data updated 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 prior update for old activity data.
Added updates dato version from 5.6.2 to 5.8.0 to unify version data and software numbers
Added section trigger error message info when section is not saved
Relaxed exceptions policy in some usual scenarios. Changed by trigger error
Fixed error in component_relation_parent search tipos that causes search from component parent do not works
Updated .gitignore file to apped some libraries (htmLawed,tcpdf)
Increased download structure timeout from 5 to 60 secs in CURLOPT_TIMEOUT to allow manage large data like matrix_dd
Muted temporal debug notification on relation common get_relation_result
This update is maintenance update.
Some additions and fixes:
- Added inspector development info about diffusion
- Added history back on ontology edit save instead close window
- Added diffusion_sql resolve_value merged_unique output option
- Added relation_list diffusion remove duplicates option
- Added class relation list value format options from properties to override default locator output
- Added diffusion resolve_value relation_list support to export inverse locators data
- Added copy value options to relation_common save script
- Added diffusion model 'database_alias' to allow easy create development diffusion databases based on existing ones
- Added Ontology autocomplete off property to input 'ordenNuevo'
- Added trigger local components exclude temp section of lock
- Added additional inspector info about diffusion
- Added build_table_columns option for replace column 'section_id' in diffusion_sql
- Added option to overwrite data_to_be_used in relation_list get_diffusion_value
- Added relations list method 'get_diffusion_dato' with filters by section and component
- Added static cache to iget_s_publicable result
- Added tool lang bulk_translate
- Added tool_export options to manage 'relation_list' elements
- Added available hierarchy files list on export_hierarchy from tool_administration
- Added diffusion function 'resolve_jer_dd_data' to allow direct jer_dd access on publication
- Added ontology edit form lock when descriptor is saving
- Added ontology section connection with structure (for testing purposes)
- Added add_term method to sync records between structure and new section 'ontology'
- Added ontology section and tool_docu
- Added tool_docu automatic tool icon load to the inspector
- Added column 'gender' to web_data get_global_search_json
- Added column 'gender' to diffusion_sql save_global_search_data
- Added diffusion function map_locator_to_int (allow process gender column mdcat3713)
- Added process_dato option to diffusion_sql::resolve_value
- Added hide class on first appearance of thesaurus_search_selector (toponymy, lang, etc.)
- Fixed load ontology sync mode using promise instead jquery defer
- Fixed issue when table_map->from-alias vars is empty (when creating global table)
- Fixed issue in diffusion_sql resolve_value merged option when received data is already array
- Fixed errors and added improvements in diffusion_sql save_global_table_data
- Fixed edit_in_list mode in component_date
- Fixed original copy calculation get_archive_weights widgets
- Fixed import/export ontology path issues
- Fixed class difussion sql map_locator_to_int method to static
- Fixed relation_list array_unique error when array elements are objects (SORT_REGULAR)
- Fixed syntax error on tool administration
- Fixed tool administration import ontology error when a path is not defined in config vars
- Fixed component geolocation issue when the map is inside a section tab and current tab is hidden, map needs to refresh when tab is activated by the user
- Fixed general bug when PHP8 generates an error on 'abs' calls with a temp section (string non convertible to int)
- Fixed error on dd_edit
- Fixed issue in Publication API json_environment where protocol https is not detected correctly
- Fixed error in component_iri read mode
- Fixed error in component_email read mode
- Fixed issue with no file context im component image container
- Enabled relation_list model in diffusion_sql build_data_field
- Changed default data format in realtion_list get_diffusion_value -> dato
- Created css 'grid_2_columns' class to display debug info in inspector (for example about Publication details)
- Removed unnecessary window reposition on tool_upload
- Removed descriptors def column access. It is no longer necessary now
- Removed the no longer used directory 'dd'
- Set the duplicated conditional to the get_archive_weights widget
- Unified structure_json_file_path and fallback (tool_administration)
- Unified menu get var to value = 0 when no menu is required
This update is maintenance update.
Some additions and fixes:
- Added fixed filter symbol_state_tipos to public API get_global_search_json
- Added trigger tool_import_files_dcnav control to manage exceptions and return valid JSON response
- Added tool_administration errors control for sell executions
- Added search_development2 parse control to manage non valid values on 'select' and 'order' properties
- Added support for resolve portals using children locators
- Added new warning to admins when they try to remove a term in the Dédalo ontology (structure)
- Added 'skip_publication_state_check' optional property (structure field 'propiedades') to force skip publication state (Biliography authors for example)
- Added compiled module h264 for httpd in install directory.
- Fix issue on class subtitles when generated VTT fragments are incorrect length calculated, cutting words
- Fix url path issue on tool administration when link to public API viewer (Safari only)
- Fix error on get_diffusion_resolve_value when the lang was not correctly set on diffusion
- Fix incorrect search_query_object order value. Set to false instead
- Fix error in search_development2 var name component_parser_order
- Fixed problem when tool administration hangs checking self host resolution using CURL (limited timeout to 1.5 secs)
- Unify diffusion property name from 'skip_publication_state_check' to 'is_publicable'
Propagated diffusion 'is_publicable' behavior to all diffusion class methods that use publication check to locators data
Update to v5.7.0
This update is maintenance update.
Some additions and fixes
- Added library pack as default libs to easy install
- Added Public API web_data method 'get_full_interview' to easily retrive interview data
- Added server_config_headers.php include to subtiltes public API to allow acces from different domains
- Added control to verify database integrity issues like column existence, etc. (ex. 'properties' in jer_dd)
- Addedd component text area build_geolocation_data_geojson
- Added diffusion method 'build_geolocation_data_geojson' (converts text area value to geojson data)
- Reactivated canvas image hidpi to improve view in retina displays
- Fix load edit page error on Safari when page wraper is not properly css set to display : table
- Fixed tool administration issues with github download code and added php no Zip lib available warning
- Fix issue wit double quotes on set config_auto.php file contents