Releases: renderpci/dedalo
Releases · renderpci/dedalo
Version [6.2.0] - 2024-04-30
The most important changes and new features can be located here.
This update will take a lot of time if you have a lot of media, because it will processing all images, pdf's, audiovisual, 3d and svg files of your installation.
This update implements SSE events for long processes, in a parallel workspace, if you server is not using h2 and SSL, the processes will be mono threaded. Servers without SSL are not supported anymore and the compatibility could be removed at any time.
Bug Fixes
- Fix process_status method bug where Apache small chunks are not sent correctly over HTTP
- Add error control to give CLI message about bad tipos (import issues)
- Fix error where section_record ddo items were displayed in list mode (get_ar_request_config)
- Search related sections when is specified multiple sections, instead all, need to be search as OR instead AND between sections
- Changed button_open_section_list to button_list in show_interface
- Fix component_iri search error where contains symbol '*' is used
- Fix render_common::render_stream names issues
- Fix make_backup widget refresh_files_list errors
- Change the test extension to get original file path in the correct way. Extension of the file need to be the same that the file.
- Fix incorrect value of register.json file of tool_dev_template
- Fix bug where search items in the activity section are blocked when saving
- Fix service_ckeditor destroy problems where ckeditor was not removed on service destroy
- Fix error where global_search records from MySQL diffusion table was not deleted when a record is deleted (unpublished)
- Fix service_autocomplete bug where paste do not work correctly sometime. A keyup event conflict was happening
- Add ui strip_tags for tile in create_dom_element to prevent untranslated labels issues
- Fix missing media components thumb creation on process file
- Fix component_pdf->regenerate_component missing alternative images creation
- [breaking] Change the result db_data.value check previous to save data from null to undefined, error will occurred in the cases that user doesn't change the data and delete the content, null is passed as value to remove data in the server, so the check needs to be different of null, undefined is correct because is not used as value.
- Fix area_maintenance::check_config exceptions errors (wrong list)
- Fix paginator number format issues
- Add restriction to root user for change maintenance_mode in widget 'check_config'
- Fix wrong check config constants list of ignore names
- Add user root check to 'set_maintenance_mode' method
- Fix error in tool configuration fallback to default config
- Fix service_ckeditor error destroying the editor instance when is not available
- [breaking] Add fallback to main section when the component has a section_list and it doesn't has defined his target section as related term, only the component to show in the list was defined (v5 model compatibility)
- Fix dd_utils_api::create_thumbnail error where non JPG images are not processed because a MIME restriction
- Set await to load libraries in component_geolocation
- Fix files_info syntax error view_mini_list_3d, view_text_list_3d, view_mini_list_av, view_text_list_av
- Fix test dd_date error in unix_timestamp comparison
- Fix empty value case error in get_fixed_filter
- Fix CSS issue with min-height in large mosaic views
- Fix error where tool_common modal render not return the expected node
- Fix propagate_component_data issue where non fixed session SQO prevents to propagate data in edit mode (when the user enters directly into edit mode, for example)
- Fix non existing file_path scenarios in regenerate_component method
- Syntax error on get_normalized_name_from_files
- Fix missing fallback for method get_normalized_name_from_files allowing main extension and alternatives
- Get hour with 24 format instead 12 hours when get from unix_timestamp
- Check the original_upload_date data when the original_normalized_name can be recreated with database data.
- Fix non value error in component_json
- Fix unit_test js errors where component array data was set as value. Now only first element of array data is set as value
- Fix tool_pdf_extractor errors. Updates default config
- Fail to locate nodes in DOM, failed introduced in previous refactor
- Add safe folder_path verification on add_file in component_media_common
- Fix cache issue with tool_image_rotation image
- Fix component_text_area issue where icon map click causes double tags. Add stopPropagation to all click events to prevent this issues
- Fix tool_common test issue where non existing upload directory 'test' causes an error on test unit
- Fix tool_import_dedalo_csv error where a failed 'conform_import_data' skip the process of rest of the columns in current row
- Import common Dédalo format data with languages (object format) in correct way. It's not correct to create an array for non-array data, sometimes the import data could be an object as geolocation data.
- Fix virtual section model term and list generation error in hierarchy::generate_virtual_section (missing creation)
- Add default config file path documentation into config
- Move the default data for components to default group in documentation
- Orthography review of component default data documentation
- Rearrange config documentation, add headings to group media formats
- Add new thumb definition to config documentation
- Add alternative extension to PDF documentation of config
- Changes typos into components introduction documentation
- Add link resolution to resolve_portals_custom documentation.
- Comment the deactivate function build_structure_css to specify the v6 model
- Update Readme with the last changes into v6 transition
- Add rebuild_db_indexes feature to are_maintenance widget 'database_info'
- Implements process status check by server SSE
- Add widget make_backup update_process_status feature to allow administrators get real time info about backup process
- Add an option to use any observable call into server. Now observers can handle multiple component calls with one server perform specifying "all" in component_tipo of observer property.
- Add generic dd_tool_api background_running to allow run long tool process in background
- Adds Sublime Text library with shared snippets to ease development
- Add create thumb method into component_3d
- Add create_thumb() method into component_av
- Add create thumb method into component_svg
- Add to create the image alternatives of PDF files for original and web qualities.
- Add thumb file into list_value for all components. Now the list get the thumb quality as any other qualities
- Add to create thumb quality when user send build version from client
- Added resolve_portals_custom {"link","auto"} to allow resolve global_search tables portals
- Add custom defined separator to diffusion 'merge_columns' option
- Add diffusion->save_global_table_data new main column 'link' to allow auto resolve portals in custom mode
- Add to copy section_id of failed import CSV rows
- Add get_dd_date_from_unix_timestamp to create dd_dates
- Add get_shape method to get the properties set into the dd_date
- Add to summarize dates into formulas widget
- Add v5 state_of_component for deprecated and alternative notices
- Add process control to tool 'tool_propagate_component_data'
- Apply the limit data definition in ontology properties when user add new record. Now if the component has a data_limit will be checked and stop the action if the limit is exceeded.
- Add tool_update_cache hilite tipos option for easy location in the list
- Add changes_in_tipos function to move change tipos from -> to in a common way, it will be use in update process to move data from one section to other, all related information as time_machine will be update too.
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add generic class_request method to dd_area_maintenance_api to allow adding new area_maintenance features easily from client widgets
- Add long_process method to class area_maintenance. Used to test long processes and timeouts issues
- Fix CSS layout process_status_node issues
- Update Readme versions of libraries
- First non-working version of background process to import dedalo CSV
- Unified header for text/event-stream in class area_maintenance::long_process_stream. Fixed Apache bug about small chunks
- Name of the update_info_node method and adding a callback function. Now is possible add a specific node render by the caller, if the caller doesn't send it, render a standard msg
- Add verbose option to backup command
- Add user logged check to process runner file
- Add class error print CLI options in Errors and Exceptions
- Improved render_stream DOM nodes manager (update_info_node) to optimize DOM update
- Improved render_stream handling last message and errors
- Remove get_preview_url method of all media components. Now thumb version is used in a common way.
- Add v5 diffusion changes (global search) to v6 (mainly 'stolpersteine')
- Update swagger JSON file version from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 (added resolve_portals_custom link info)
- Update tool_image_rotation register JSON file
- Update tool_import_dedalo register JSON file
- Update tool_upload register JSON file
- Add component_common 'components_monovalue' static property to allow identification of non multiple components
- Add inspector copy on click feature to tipo, model, table info
- Add tool_common js config update on build autoload
- Add common static property '$pdata' for use with CLI processes
- Add component_image CLI process data info in method convert_quality (useful in import processes)
- Allow dump method use to CLI process for debug use
- Fix service_dropzone issues with build status and add reset_dro...
Version [6.1.4] - 2024-03-29
Bug Fixes
- Check the has_dataframe property in tool_time_machine before use it.
- Error to check if the component_instance exists into recursive_groups in search, only empty instances could be skipped
- Fix unresolved ddo model case in class indexation_grid
- Widget state error when non output is found received data
- Fix component_security_access calculate_tree error on check dedalo_application_lang from session
- Fix common->get_ar_request_config check error where section_tipo 'self' was treated as bad type
- Fix component_image bug where fit image fail on pagination because vector_editor is already active on check
- Fix PHP testunit situation where component_inverse save data. Now, save is blocked in component to prevent this issue
- Fix section cases without context (when the user does not have permissions, for example)
- Fix inconsistencies between the interface (mainly buttons) and the actual language of the application
- Fix incorrect caller_tipo parameter passed to sections::get_instance from dd_core_api::build_json_rows causing bad service_autocomplete response in some cases (Epigraphy for example)
- Fix syntax error where sections->get_dato checks model instead mode
- Fix non space found scenario in common::truncate_html
- [breaking] Fix search error when the first section_tipo is not available. Now any reliable section will be used, regardless of order
- Check if the ts_term is present into hierarchy section before count it in get_coins_by_period
- Fix issue where empty tool label causes an error on parse tool_common->get_structure_context (lg-vlca case)
- Fix class installation problem where invalid table sequences were erroneous. Add controls to update matrix sequences on import data
- Fix error in area_maintenance::check_config where regex don't take care about # symbols
- Add property 'sample_data' to components documentation
- Add utoponymy tld into the config documentation
- Update install xpdf tools to 4.05 documentation
- Add control to set parent grouper to ddo_map subdatum resolution, now it can be controlled by ddo definition in properties
- Add debug metrics class to centralize performance info like permissions calculation, etc.
- Add sample data to component_json. Add button 'code' to the component buttons render
- [breaking] Add control to define if a hierarchy show it in thesaurus tree view, by default is yes
- Add unofficial toponymy tld, utoponymy, into hierarchies definition to be installed
- Add component_check_box 'activate all' option to easy set values (view_tools)
- Add functions into hierarchy to create a simple schema of sections to be compared between versions of ontology
- Add a parse to simple schema file to get the section his parents and children all with label to be used to show the changes
- Create the simple schema with changes into the ontology comparing between old ontology and new one, write the changes into a file
- Add API methods to get simple schema files list and get the parse of one of them
- Add method to get the changes data from API into component_security_access
- Add a render for changes files list selector and changes data information
- Add sample_config DEDALO_SESSIONS_PATH and the session manager to automatically delete sessions and cache files older than 48 hours
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Check if the component is empty before adding his value in build_json_rows, prevent insert data into invalid component
- Check if the build element (component, section, area, etc.) has context before build it, if not return false. Prevent to build bad components in client.
- Check if the service_time_machine build has context before build it, if not return false. Prevent to build bad service_time_machine in client.
- Check if the element has context before add to section element and ignore it. Prevent to add bad components without context in common get_section_elements_context.
- Prevent add components without context into the search panel (bad defined components), add and alert to user to be removed the bad component of the preset.
- Add control to get data from database of component_info, now, the list and edit of the component_info get data from database instead calculate it directly. Take account if the component has data saved, if not do the calculation.
- Improve the first sentence in fragments of subtitles. Now it handle the previous line as first subtitle
- Add size control of the section_group to be adapted columns with his own size
- Add active_tree property into hierarchies definition into install to control if the hierarchy will show into the thesaurus tree view
- Add subtitles class unify spaces replacement from v5
- Remove permissions calculation for API count (except users section)
- Add area_maintenance json-value PRE style to force break new lines
- Add component_pdf->create_image validation for source and target files
- Increase CSS style tab padding top and bottom
- Add metrics for search, ontology (RecordDataBoundObject) and matrix load (JSON_RecordDataBoundObject)
- Add metrics Search free
- Add check for context.css in section view default (in some cases could be empty)
- Fix tool_common wrapper error when no tool_header is assigned
- Update tool_import_files register.json file
- Add metrics ontology_total_calls_cached
- Add model check for section class
- Update tool_numisdata_order_coins labels (2.0.2)
- Check component_portal target_section before using it to prevent empty cases from causing the portal flow to be interrupted
- Add widget calculation mdcat check for numeric values to avoid unrecoverable errors
- Add PHP testunit test 'test_component_portal_test44' for dd_api_Test
- Fix service_autocomplete grid CSS issue with small sizes
- Change the property name of hierarchies definition from active_tree to active_in_thesaurus
- Add utoponymy as default tld into the sample config
- Add update 6.1.4 to add a new component to control the hierarchy view in the thesaurus tree, copy the active data into the new component without touching the old data.
- Fix component_number padding issues in input value
- Fix component_radio_button padding issues in input value
- Fix component_select padding issues in show_on_active
- Fix component_portal padding issues in button_remove
- Add get_permissions_table 'dato' fallback to empty array when component_security_access data is null
- Add active_in_thesaurus property check and control the view hierarchy into thesaurus tree when create new hierarchies
- Add to get the simple_schema_changes_files list into the controller of component_security_access
- Add application lang to resolution of simple schema changes labels
- Add class backup::update_ontology dd_cache::delete_cache_files fire, to force reset cache of hierarchy tree
- Remove HTML tags from component_check_box datalist in tools view
- Add function 'get_dir_files' check to verify target directory exists before iterate it
- Update dedalo6_install data base
- Add make_backup async option to allow use in both modes, async and sync
- Optimize the widget get_coins_by_periods to calculate large dataset of coins (>5000 items), now the match is done calculating with the section data instead to create instances of every section and component
- Change the tool cataloguing to get the css in properties of the button_trigger
- [breaking] Unify access to main Dédalo config session vars
- Add method install::get_hierarchy_typologies (read JSON file 'hierarchies_typologies.json')
- Move function 'get_dir_files' from dd_utils_api to core_functions
- Change the get_dir_files to use in general way, now it return the filepath with new default processor
- Add cache control to recordObj_dd functions as get_ar_children, now is possible bypass the cache, always get the real database info, using when the data is changed in the same call
- Moves main page styles (loading, hide, invisible) from inline to general.less
- Add ui.load_item_with_spinner to component_security_access latest changes render
- Add request_config ddo's definition into the datalist of security access tree. Sections with source->request_config ddo_map will show his children as other sections.
- Add mobile styles to component_security_access
- Change maintenance_msg (add emoticon)
- Limit dd_core_api:read_raw records access
- Re-organizes the calculation of permissions and modifies the format of the permissions table
- Move Dédalo API response debug property 'dedalo_last_error' to conditional SHOW_DEBUG===true to prevent leak server information to client in no debug environments
Version [6.1.3] - 2024-03-18
Bug Fixes
- Add remove HTML tags to portal button_list title to prevent untranslated terms tags
- [breaking] Fix bug where component_text_area->get_related_sections passes 'tipo' as caller tipo instead of the expected 'section_tipo'
- Fix command error in backup::copy_from_file that generates update ontology errors
- Fix unittest call error where tipo was pased as component instead section
- Fix line text wrap in inspector selection_info
- [breaking] Fix but where component_relation_parent::get_parents_recursive store recursions in cache. Now, only final result is saved to cache
- [breaking] Change wrong tipo passed from dd_core_api::build_json_rows to 'sections::get_instance' for the expected section_tipo
- Reduce the maximum dd-modal height from 95vh to 93.5vh to avoid unwanted scrolling in large content
- Add new thesaurus dependencies to documentation
- Add new main tld's into the configuration tlds documentation
- Add new link the config index documentation
- Add link to the dependencies table into config documentation
- Add events manager documentation
- Add new properties to dd_object
- Redefine the thesaurus definitions into install new hierarchies documentation
- Add new widget get_coins_by_period for numisdata ontology
- Add area_maintenance widget 'export_hierarchy' (from v5)
- Add new DBi::get_connection_string method to unify the creation of connection strings
- Add tooltips to buttons (ui.activate_tooltips)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add pointers to modal header, body, footer for easy selection (ui.attach_to_modal)
- Add condition show_interface.read_only to the vector_editor button to allow control of its display
- Add button_fullscreen to component_portal buttons
- Unified tools 'show_interface' control of their components
- Add check to EXPORT_HIERARCHY_PATH var definition (by default is not defined from sample config)
- Change the CSS style of get_coins_by_period value
- Change the default show_interface.button_tree, it need to be true by default and false when is specify
- Remove old code that show a gear as button_tree, use view tree instead
- Unifies tld definition to lower case in hierarchies.json
- Add install::activate_hierarchy options to create target hierarchy section when do not already exists
- Add padding to hierachy_container in area_maintenance CSS
- Add error control to bad section_tipo in hierarchy::export_hierarchy
- Change section buttons list order. The new order is children_real_tipos, children_virtual_tipos
- Change the update_value event to event_item_value for component_security_access
- Update install hierarchies with official names
- Add new import official hierarchies sql files into install
- Re-activate tool_lang_multi automatic translation
- Add mobile CSS to buttons in tool_propagate_component_data
- Update Spain Ontology data (es1, es2)
- Add 'activate_tooltips' condition to make it work only in edit mode
- Change the tool_common->view_modal method to allow spinner loading of the tool smoothly
- Unified DB connection_string from DBi::get_connection_string (classes backup and hierarchy)
- Change the update_value event to sync_data event when the component need to be update by a change data by itself
- [breaking] Reformulate the update_value event fired by the ontology configuration to sync data between components.
- Change the map_update_coordinates to get the new data from the hide data of the caller component instead to call directly
- Unify get_ar_target_section_tipo methods across components and calls
- [breaking] Move event publish 'update_value' from common.refresh to method component_common.change_value again for flow coherence
Version [6.1.2] - 2024-03-13
Bug Fixes
- Fix missing 'delete_lang' option in TR::deleteMarks
- Fix subtitles::build_subtitles_text error control when the sourceText is empty. Now, the expected object response y return instead a bool false
- Bug in split fragments into subtitles class
- Removed non-break character that cause infinite loops in transcription
- Error in get the correct lang for labels in tools, need to be sync with dedalo_application_lang instead dedalo_data_lang
- Fix syntax error calling generate_relations_table_data from dd_area_maintenance
- [breaking] Fix error that causes inconsistency between user selected application lang and tree calculation cache file lang
- Solve unittest language problems when using a language other than English
- Add area_graph conditional to prevent issues when is not defined in Ontology (old versions of the Ontology)
- Add matrix_time_machine table section_id_key add in updates.php in the update 5.9.7 to 6.0.0 to prevent errors when updates from code >= 6.1
- [breaking] Fix error in update -> convert_table_data calls without class defined in in action (convert_table_data was made generic and the caller class it is mandatory now like 'activity_v5_to_v6::convert_section_dato_to_data')
- Recover global window var 'DEDALO_NOTIFICATION' to prevent issues updating versions < 6.1.1
- [breaking] Fix wrong count for multiple tables such as "relationship search", when more than one total is given
- [breaking] Fix MIME types issues uploading files in dd_utils::upload
- Add to check if the user is root to bypass the matrix check of the target section of component.
- Update install proceedings with the last versions (php8.3, MariaDB11, etc)
- Update install proceedings for PHP
- Update install proceedings for MariaDB
- Update install proceedings for MariaDB secure installation
- Update install proceedings for Dédalo code
- Update install proceedings for postgreSQL
- Update install proceedings for access to PostgreSQL
- Add install_help documentation with video and virtual machine
- Add the location of the mod_h264_streaming to install it
- Add virtual machine link to download
- New tool_image_rotation
- Add DEDALO_SOURCE_VERSION_URL and DEDALO_SOURCE_VERSION_LOCAL_DIR info to update_code widget (area_maintenance)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Re add 'Export CSV' button to allow export Ontology as CSV file parsing standard JSON data from term and recursive children
- Re-enable Ontology feature 'Export CSV' from term edit window
- Remove incorrect CSS files into tool_posterframe
- Add area_maintenance regeister_tools widget error control for bad 'register.json' files
- Update readme tld's status
- Add component_common->get_ontlogy_info method to resolve component info (description)
- Change the 'load' CSS class of the saving components for a less intrusive 'save'.
- Sample config : add session_start_manager->save_path = '/tmp' as default value to avoid de-synchronization between php-fpm and CLI session path
- Sample config db : change MYSQL_DEDALO_SOCKET_CONN default value from '/tmp/mysql.sock' to null to prevent config conflicts
- Unify widget_common.js js with components and tools paths for JS files
- Add login::Login dedalo_application_lang session fix to prevent background cache CLI errors
- Add control log messages to calculate_tree file (allow control that lang and session are correct)
- Update Ontology install import files
- Add new show interface properties, button_delete, button_edit_options and button_fullscreen
- Change the render_column_id from the compoment_portal definition to section to be coherent with the render of the section_list into view_tool_cataloguing_mosaic
- Implement the show_interface control into view_cataloging_mosaic
- Improve browser tab navigation
- Add fit_image method to component_image view default edit to allow resizing in fullscreen mode
- Add button_list and button_save to default_show_interface properties definition (common.set_context_vars)
- Add method get_ar_target_section_ddo() to obtain the target section ddo of the components
- Add matrix_table get and set definitions of dd_object matrix table property will be use to identify shared sections
- Implement set_matrix_table of target section_tipo of the sqo in request_config
- Implement to check shared target section_tipo and define the show_interface buttons when the target_section is shared(saved in matrix_dd)
- Remove old definitions and add new ones in dd_object
- Add hierarchy typology definition to identify the hierarchy to be imported in install
- Add CSS styles to import hierarchies
- Reduce the tools files to preload to /js and /css directories to prevent load additional libs
- Change default value for MYSQL_DEDALO_HOSTNAME_CONN from 'hostname' to 'localhost' to prevent non configured MySQL database cause DNS resolution hang in area_maintenance
- Change the fixed parameters of the image rotation method to include more options
- Improve error control for area_maintenance update_ontology
- Improve dedalo_notification. Add update on update_lock_components_state events
- Move the docu inspector links to a new line, separate from the 'tipo' value
- Improve dd_utils_api::get_dedalo_files filter to prevent add non essential files to login preload worker
- Implement show_interface control in render_column_id of section to be controlled by callers as tools
- Changed 'is_inside_tool' var by more granular 'show_interface' in buttons rendering
- Change the get_ar_target_section_tipo of common to get first the target_section_ddo instead do it directly
- Install hierarchies from array of objects instead flat array of string
Version [6.1.1] - 2024-03-06
Bug Fixes
- Resolve the infinite loop in subtitles calculation when the transcription has a lots of
- Label to get the correct lang into section_tab context now it show the correct label in tabs
- Fix testunit error in component_password_Test class where value was not decoded before use
- Fix indexation_tool error where self vars was nod defined in active_value and update_active_values methods
- Add missing 'subtitles' folder creation on dd_init_test
- Re-enable build_subtitles_file functionality to tool_transcription
- Add property 'dedalo_version' to download_remote_structure_file master server call data (allows to discriminate which version of Ontology to serve)
- Add 'tld2' to properties of environment.dedalo_projects_default_langs. This helps to resolve tld2 langs from tld3 like in subtitles case
- Add dynamic subtitles track event 'updated_subtitles_file_' to component_av in player view
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add error checking area_maintenance to detect rsync command failures
- Remove section call to 'get_total' (count rows) in the build function. It is no longer necessary because paginator makes the call instead.
- Add paginator opacity transition
- Unify js class method tr->add_tag_img_on_the_fly tags width and height definitions
- Add paginator 'active_values' to allow scaffolding to be rendered before getting the result from the DB.
Version[6.0.5] - 2023-12-12
Bug Fixes
- Fix duplicity issue on get_files info from disk in component_media_common
- Ck_editor toolbar disappear when the with is not odd
- Fix error where media_common->update_component_dato_files_info do not preserve injected 'dato' like in unit test cases
- Incorrect name of the view_mini class for component_input_text CSS
- Fix component_text area list max-height issue. Remove it to improve audiovisual list (rsc167)
- Fix component_relation_parent error in tool_import_dedalo_csv where new data generates an error because a valid locator type was expected
- Fix component_email issues on conform_import_data, converting to array when is not
- Fix non array values issue on component_common conform_import_data
- Fix non existing language case in component_date conform_import_data
- Fix component_relation_common_Test class issues where type is not coherent with the component type (component_portal)
- Fix component_date issue where method get_grid_value generates an error when data is empty
- Force garbage collector after code_update in are_maintenance (prevent cached files generating errors)
- Fix component_date js error when value is empty
- Fix update_code error when dd_date file is not updated at runtime causing code inconsistency
- Add dato_resolved to component_info->get_dato() to allow cache calculated data
- Fix widget calculation errors when empty value is received
- Skip permissions in search mode to list all components in sub sections, all users can search in all schema
- Allow save data into the component when it is search mode, all users can use all components to search
- Counter error msg when the table is empty, search can sent null as result, it's necessary check the rows
- Add matomo to docs (mkdocs.yml)
- New color picker view for component_input_text to select color in easy way.
- Add component_email unit test
- Add component_external unit test
- Add/complete component_filter unit test
- Add component_filter_master unit test
- Add component_filter_records_test unit test
- Add component_geolocation unit test
- Add component_info unit test
- Add component_inverse unit test
- Add updates index matrix_test table to get flat locator used by inverse searches
- Add cache to method 'common::get_matrix_tables_with_relations'. Add exception to allow matrix_test inverse search
- Add search_related unit test
- Add component_iri unit test
- Add view to render edit section
- Add mode solved to component_portal to avoid to get subdatum and use the literal in data
- Add render for area graph
- Add base view to list mode for section
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add core_functions get_username to allow centralized access to the current registered user name
- Change direct access session vars for user_id and username, to centralized functions in core_function (get_user_id, get_username)
- Unify icon stars appearance
- Fix date syntax mistake
- Add update to 6.0.5 with new tables for nexus data
- Unify components media unit test
- Unify unit test common components
- Remove component_filter old commented code
- Remove component_filter unused method 'get_project_groupers'
- Allow to define the constant 'SHOW_DEBUG' before loading the configuration file (useful in unit test)
- Add to get the properties when the section is loaded in mode list, the properties need to be the section_list node (to be processed different of edit mode)
- Get the view set into the properties of the section in list mode (get the section_list node properties)
- Add to grid relation components to get the fields_separator and records_separator define into the request_config - show
- Unify the way to define the wrapper of the section to render the same CSS class in the wrapper node in list and edit
- Add check if exist the node_body for navigate in section, now sections can have different views and it could has node_body or not
- Remove the limit in edit mode of the section, it could have more than 1 record
- Add solved mode in section.js
- Add mode solved to get the literal of the component when it get_data
- Add area_graph as main area
- Add render solved mode to section
- Add session_write_close to close the current session and set it as read-only (unblock PHP thread) in dd_api->build_json_rows->search
- Move filter::get_user_authorized_projects cache from session to file to prevent session blocking. Unified delete_cache_files files prefix calculation
- Move component_av get_media_streams calculation form controller to specific API call because it is used only in the player view
- Move the classes 'dd_manager' and 'section' to the fixed classes to be loaded (in the loader)
- Unify component_3d_Test class
- Unify component_image_Test class
- Reorder button in alphabetic order
Version [6.1.0] - 2024-03-05
Main features:
- This update add new dataframe model with new component_dataframe, this component is used as component_portal to link to different sections. (annotation, uncertainty, roles, etc..)
- Paperjs lib was totally removed and change by sgvCanvas lib of svgEdit project.
- New Graph a Nexus section was implemented in the same way that Hierarchy sections.
- Add property 'dedalo_version' to download_remote_structure_file master server call data (allows to discriminate which version of Ontology to serve)
Bug Fixes
- Removed infinite loop when edit a section in window try to update the caller (widow_blur into edit_record_handler)
- Set session save to false when relation list open a link to prevent use the sqo of the original section
- Search remove left side into render view graph solved
- Get context of source component for empty sections, now when section has no data get the context of the component creating a instance
- Change the var for let into for loop in render solved
- Fix component_relation_parent issue where 'dato' was not updated on update_children
- Fix bug in component_relation_parent::get_parents_recursive method where self-referenced parent causes an infinite loop
- Fix unit test issues where section and component_relation_parent conflict with section's parent data
- Add view_graph_list_section navigation on graph_button mouseup
- Fix class search::propagate_component_dato_to_relations_table empty section_id/section_tipo situations
- Fix component_relation_related_test class inconsistency when test_remove_related try to remove non previously created section (2)
- Fix sample config SHOW_DEBUG condition syntax error
- Fix dd_init_test error where file 'cache_test_file.json' prefix was added unnecessarily
- Fix wrong message type (array instead string) in class install
- Add class install new tables 'matrix_nexus' and 'matrix_nexus_main' to $to_clean_tables var value
- Add page check environment to detect non installed situations
- Correct errors in sample files that do not exist (area maintenance)
- Error call to component_parent_recursive with boolean as is_recursion in component_relation_common, now recursion is an array with the tipos
- Remove .active CSS class for component_section_id, now it use the section color definition
- Options overwriting when drag node start the event dragstart
- Mode and view of the source/target component before save it
- [breaking] Fixes unwanted parse properties->request_config, properties are clone as original before parse the request_config to maintain the original properties as is.
- Fixes overwriting properties variable of external ddo in parse of request_config
- CSS style of component_dataframe view line list in component_portal
- Restore the caller_dataframe of the component when save
- Remove relation with new model of component_dataframe for portal
- Get previous data in datum to match with the dataframe data of the component with section_id_key
- Check if the request_config is set into component, if not added it, now all component includes literals could has request_config
- Get the section_id of the locator that is processing to get subdatum, section_id could not to be the same when dataframe data processed
- Focus of input node of component conditioned to be activated as true
- Add request_config when the component need it and it's not created previously, to get the list_of_values
- Section_id match as int when update the status of the component_radio_button, sometimes section_id could be a string
- Assign drop to order coins when the portal change or external windows close
- Drop into order coins, need to be specific to control the tool situations into tool_numisdata_order
- Use the column name instead component_tipo to get the specification of different data options of the column
- Refresh children when new child was added into thesaurus, parent need to be refreshed to show the new child into the tree
- Check if the window has the langs if not get it
- Fix component_input_text search contains '*' inconsistency where an array was returned instead of an expected object
- Fix component_3d edit view when permissions are 1
- Fix component_common->get_component_permissions inconsistency where strpos was used in a integer
- Add error message when component_media_common->get_list_value item does not have file extension
- Fix unit_test js issues where component_text_area content_data was found in list mode
- Fix component_portal button_delete and button_new missing permissions error
- Add dd_core_api::delete button_delete permissions check exception for delete_mode 'delete_dataframe'
- Add section->add_relation locator->paginated_key check to prevent saving the unwanted locator property 'paginated_key'
- Fix php unit test issues when testing non global admin users
- Add security::get_security_permissions model control to prevent calculate permissions of non section elements
- Fix page user_navigation issue with URL vars. Now, an empty set of vars is created each time
- Fix PHP unit test API URL issues
- Remove unwanted d3 lib .gitignore file
- Fix component_geolocation issue where lon/lat values number_format generates and error because the type (string, expected int or float)
- Fix component_common.update_data_value issue where empty fires an error
- Add component_input_text get_structure_context params to force request_config
- Fix security::get_ar_authorized_areas_for_user issue where null user id generates and error in test sequence
- [breaking] Fix error where tool_import_dedalo_csv calls conform_import_data and wrongly passes $component_type instead of the correct $column_map->column_name var
- [breaking] Fix component_date->conform_import_data bug where date values with 2 parts were not calculating the correct date
- Fix component_select button editing issue where the session_save value was missing, causing inconsistencies in the section list
- Fix the problem in the section_Test class where the required sections 4 and 5 were removed.
- Fix duplicated columns_maper content in tool_import_dedalo
- Fix modal label style issue where was display as inline instead block
- Fix component_text_area big images issue in service_autocomplete (case portal oh1->oh25)
- Fix error on page event keydown ->'Escape' deactivate component action
- Fix non existing directory situation in dd_utils_api::list_uploaded_files (case tool_import_files user directory not created yet)
- Fix tool_import_files regex file info cases where some match do not exists (null fallback is applied)
- Fix bug where indexation grid of component_text_area does not generates the tool_transcription context correctly
- Fix bug (incomplete code) of method component_common->get_list_of_values
- Fix component_portal render_references error where open window does not work correctly
- Fix paginator issue where user click event was propagated unnecessarily
- [breaking] Fixed inspector bug where the delete section button did not select the current record correctly
- Fix CSS issue where component full screen causes bad modal display
- Add component_common::save_unsaved_components control to detect errors when is not defined
- Fix wrong minimum_width_px value from component_number
- Fix component_portal problem where the delete button was not displayed when the target section did not have delete permissions
- Fix dd-modal issue where mousemove event is fired and drag_data if not available
- Fix modal header selection issue where white text is not visible in some configurations
- Add missing time machine annotation column
- Fix widget status issue where undefined 'situation_total' value causes a failure in the section time machine list
- Fix the problem with the menu language selector where the background color made it difficult to read the options.
- Fix problem where tool_user_admin does not have permissions to load the user section from menu.
- Fix a CSS issue in the menu language selectors where the options are sometimes not readable
- Fix CSS issue where component_image does not give 'media_wrapper' selector in mosaic view
- Fix component_portal issue where clicking on the pagination activates service_autocomplete when the component is not actually active
- Remove common::notify_load_lib_element_tipo call (not existing method from v5)
- Fix hierarchy test mistake where array_filter is used instead array_find
- Correct tags that were not correctly set for translation
- Fix empty value error in widget state
- Add wav MIME to allowed MIME types in dd_utils_api
- Enable tool_export print button
- Fix CSS min height size of empty section records in list mode
- Fix paginator issue where label 'registros_mostrados' was not being replaced properly
- [breaking] Fix section SQO limit bug that overwrite limit value in list mode with the edit value (usually 1)
- Fix tool_export error calculating max value when ar_row_value->ar_row_count is empty
- Fix inspector caller label issue when element label is not translated (showing mark tags)
- Fix tool_indexation CSS issue where long select options are overlapped
- Fix tool_indexation Safari CSS issue where long select options are overlapped
- Fix various non standard labels
- Fix CSS issue where long string like URL break layout list
- Double code of merge error
- Double code of merge error
- Admit string value for section_id_key set in locator, sometimes the value could be a string as section_id
- Add missing 'section_id_key' property to dd_api_Test::test_read (using new caller_dataframe model)
- Fix bug in menu language selector where the application and data language could not be de-synchronized
- [breaking] Fix bug in menu/component_security_access where de-synchronizing DEDALO_APPLICATION_LANG and DEDALO_DATA_LANG causes labels to be calculat...
Version [6.0.6] - 2023-12-21
Bug Fixes
- CSS to show drag icon in right container in tool numisdata order coins
- Add component_3d unit test
- Add component_av unit test
- Add component_pdf unit test
- Add component_svg unit test
- Add component_check_box unit test
- Add tool_export unit test
- Add tool_import_dedalo_csv_Test with CSV test files
- Add component_filter unit test
- Add component_date unit test
- Add section view inheritance
- Add view graph solved to section
- Add view graph list in section
- Add graph icon
- Add graph button
- Add render views graph and base in list mode for section
- Add area_graph controller in server
- Add area graph class in server
- Add class area_graph for client
- Add CSS for area_graph
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update ck-editor
- Add CSS to view base for section
- Add CSS to graph view for section
- Add CSS style for column_drag in view list graph for section
- Remove old d3 library
- Update d3 library
- Rewrite core_function debug_log to make it more configurable
- Rewrite PHP text unit classes to use a unified bootstrap
- Move component_check_box method 'get_dato_as_string' to class component_relation_common
- Improve flexible test from tool_import_dedalo_csv. Add custom over-writable files_path
- Move static functions from component-date to dd_date class
- Add the limit = 1 when the section is in edit mode
Version [6.0.4] - 2023-12-07
Bug Fixes
- [breaking] Delete wrong action common.js sqo.parsed delete. SQO parsed status must be preserved across interactions. Otherwise, the SQO is parsed again.
- Fix component_common->get_diffusion_value issue where int values generates an error on diffusion_value
- Fix wrong subtitles path creation in class subtitles::get_subtitles_url
- Remove component_media_common method 'get_dato' return constrain. Note that in v5 data update could be different to null|array (wondercoins update case)
- Fix wrong posterframe_tag_url in web_data::build_fragment method (double video_id)
- Add the label of component_portal in view tree, use properties if you want remove it
- Revert diffusion resolve_value merge changes (mib issues from v5). To merged group, use 'merged_group' option in properties like 'actv89'
- Add missing case 'merged_group' in diffusion_sql::resolve_value
- Add component_relation_common::resolve_query_object_sql option to search with custom functions in inverse mode (result is false)
- Changed the api call for sqo test in maintenance panel
- Prevent duplicate alerts from being displayed to the user in case of failure to save
- Fix local_db menu id conflict when logging in with different users. Added 'id_variant' page menu construction with user id when creating menu instance.
- Fix tool_media_versions sync files issues with component_image
- Fix media get_files_info error where original quality was duplicated
- Fix service_autocomplete bug where local_storage_ar_id was not JSON parsed before comparing, resulting in wrong option selection.
- Fix the problem of formulas when summarizing given empty values (widget calculation)
- Unified ui.activate_first_component the new section creation selection (component_portal, component_select)
- Fix component_number search issues with operators. Added 'empty value' and 'no empty' search operators
- Add missing tld lang items: la > Latin, gl > Galician
- Fix tool_import_rdf errors when no value (IRI) is defined
- Fix Bibliographic reference (rsc332) error where clicking on the edit icon did not open the Zenon window
- Fix missing external_data engine properties needed to open view/edit window (Zenon case, for example)
- Add service_autocomplete url_trigger fallback for Zenon because property 'api_url_search' is not defined in old Ontologies (pre 28-11-2023)
- Fix search wrapper_component style issues. Now, the width is fixed to 33% for easy remove multiple
- Fix component_portal error where request_config was get from component instead from component context (not suitable for change mode list->edit)
- Fix engine_section_properties empty case error
- Fix component common regenerate_component issue where empty array [null] was not set as expected null value
- Add search mode components context option 'parent_grouper_label' to easy view the component parent info. This helps to differentiate components with the same name like '?'
- Fix component common regenerate_component syntax error
- Fix component_iri title_input issue on auto-selection
- Fix CSS issues with search tool tips. Overlapping with portal services_autocomplete
- Add set_time_limit (3h) to tool_update_cache to prevent errors on large datasets
- Fix SQO re-parse error when reloading the page. SQO section is now cloned before being set as session value to avoid interactions.
- Fix login->Quit error where temporary files are not deleted on Quit
- Fix method 'get_value_with_fallback_from_dato_full' param 'dato_full_json' constrain error. Changed to mixed type instead object|string
- Autocomplete selector with white background doesn't show the list to choose
- Remove wrong CSS style class line from component_portal in search mode
- Fix transform_data::add_portal_level minor errors and syntax issues
- Fix non tld included in config DEDALO_PREFIX_TIPOS situation when running update 6.0.2
- Fix CSS issue where section_id column does not display the bottom line in the list
- Fix bug in tool_indexation where the creation of a new tag note failed when component_text_area was not saved first
- Fix component_portal bug where delete a record affects another data
- Check and encapsulate end property to fix error when it doesn't exists
- Check previously if the date of the RDF is a timestamp and fix the dd_date correctly
- Removed sticky position when the portal is large, was impossible to access to the bottom information
- Update version of php in install documentation
- Add new time_range mode for component_date
- Add all_project_langs fallback to component_input_text->get_diffusion_value
- Add autocomplete property to identify the source search, and set permission to it, at least to 1 (read)
- Add permissions inheritance into subdatum to assign read in the autocomplete searches and show target data in the portal fields
- Add sync files feature to tool_media_versions
- Add n_records info to ttol_update_cache response
- Add component_number unit test. Data format is now stricter, only empty and null arrays are accepted.
- Add view rating for component_radio_button
- Add star svg for view rating
- Add new method to set a dd_date properties from timestamp set_from_timestamp()
- Add new method to check and create sections in middle of information as ref biblio or ref person create_new_resource(()
- Add new method to check and create sections in middle of information as ref biblio or ref person create_new_resource(()
- Add the import from RDF to ref person creating a section in middle of origin and resource as ref person
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add a lang fallback to diffusion::map_image_info
- Add JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES to avoid adding escaped slashes to diffusion values in 'resolve_value' method
- Add experimental filter_by_list_inverse to service_autocomplete (inactive)
- Add comment and definition comment of autocomplete property in RQO
- Add comment of the process to assign permissions in sections
- Add to check if the permissions are set previously and return then in permissions of the section
- Renamed tool_import_rdf name 'get_resource_macth' to 'get_resource_match'
- Change method 'get_rdf_data' property '$options->ar_values' default value from null to [] to prevent evaluation errors
- Change tool_import_rdf style: colors and loading classes
- Change 'external_data' property by 'api_config'. Add request_config_object property 'api_config'
- Add webp format as allowed MIME in dd_utils_api::get_known_mime_types
- Add check file exists verification before getting file contents to prevent log warnings. If the file does not exist, it returns false
- Add dd_cache::delete_cache_files to init_user_login_sequence to force calculate caches on login
- Add control to prevent parse already parsed SQO objects
- Add static cache control to dd_cache::cache_from_file method to avoid reading files more than once per script
- Add dd_cache::delete_cache_files for section->Save to force refresh cache when section DEDALO_REGISTER_TOOLS_SECTION_TIPO is saved
- Add tool_import_rdf auto checked option when only one is available
- Add tool_import_rdf close modal event that refreshes the host section when closing the modal
- Add tool_import_rdf button validate auto-focus when in DOM
- Add tool_import_rdf refresh section when RDF data is updated
- Remove event_manager.publish('save') when saving the component if no changes are detected
- Add stop_on_error property to update run_scripts to allow to define that we want to stop the update process in case of error
- Add update class option to allow objects in the script_vars
- Add class transform_data to allow components data transformation from updates
- Updated phpunit from 10.4.2. to 10.5.2 with composer
- Fix CSS issues about portals content and buttons height in list
- Add filter_by_list_fast to service_autocomplete where a full selection of the filter list is equivalent to none. Remove useless list from search in these cases
- Improved JSON_RecordDataBoundObject debug information on Save error. Now, query result id '0' is considered an error and notified
- Move session cache to file cache: labels calculation, user registered tools,
- Add test_unit component_number_test class
Version [6.0.3] - 2023-11-21
Bug Fixes
- [breaking] Fix wrong diffusion fields_separator by records_separator value in v5_component_autocomplete_hi->$_get_diffusion_value between parents
- [breaking] Correct diffusion resolve_value inconsistency whereby merged data do not retain the group between elements
- Solve incomplete class issues on session save for request_config_presets
- Fix wrong image_dimensions call from class diffusion
- Fix tool_time_machine missing date format 'date_time' in 'when' column that show only date but no time in rows list
- Add component_date keydown event catch (stopPropagation) to prevent that validation fires page events like open search panel
- Add component_date button_exit_edit in view_line_edit
- Add component_select button_exit_edit in view_line
- Fix minor CSS issue in view line and select arrows icon
- Add component_input_text keydown event catch (stopPropagation) to prevent that validation fires page events like open search panel
- Fix publication issue where fields_separator and records_separator was different to expected in mints->indexation (component_autocomplete_hi) numisdata833
- Fix Ontology related term calculation where some legacy models was not resolved correctly (component_portal when component_autocomplete_hi for example). Changed in v5 and v6 Ontology to preserve compatibility
- Fix wrong path of file in class dd_area_maintenance::update_code
- Fix component_number CSS issues in view_line
- Fix component_publication CSS issues in view_line
- Fix component_radio_button CSS issues in view_line
- Solve component_common->get_dato_paginated error when pagination offset is null. A fallback to 0 will be applied
- Add keydown event to view_line_edit_number (component_number) to prevent to fire page events like open search panel
- Catch invalid_page_element errors when url tipo is from component instead expected area/section/tool
- Fix error where empty active_users->ar_user_actions generates an error in lock_components::get_active_users_full method
- Remove no longer used 'matrix_dataframe' from install clean tables
- Add matrix_tools to install clean tables
- Fix error when media_common->add_file fails to move uploaded file to a non existing directory. Now, target directory is checked before move
- Add section wrapper 'mousedown' listener to allow component de-section on click in modal windows
- Resolve Safari issues when open new tab generates a logout
- Fix component_3d syntax error on dump_object (viewer)
- Add missing event_manager imports
- Remove unused clearInterval(intervalTimer) call in service_upload
- Fix syntax error in tool_dev_template were main_element selector was not prepend by 'self'
- Fix login function load_finish syntax error (called before declared)
- Fix menu tool_common.js wrong paths
- Fix render_section_group collapse_toggle_track functions definition error
- Fix render_tool_time_machine select_lang functions definition syntax error
- Fix ts_object errors on get_children fire without clean_children_container active. Also fix component save event update of the tree term value
- Solves component_text_area fn_show_button_create_fragment function issue when self.show_interface if not defined
- Add session_save var (value false) to thesaurus edit window call
- Change tool_common view_window policy of caller refresh from new window blur to current window focus to prevent tool upload accidental fire blur when user open his local disk files window
- Fix ts_object error where parent arrow icon is not updated when a child is created
- Fix JS instances bug where model resolution (using API get_element_context) do not updates lang value of the instance. Note that some components may change their lang depending on whether they are with_lang_versions or allow transliteration.
- Fix error where multiple Thesaurus terms (like Name, Surname for persons) was not managed correctly
- Fix pagination refresh_element errors in ts_object
- Fix Safari issue where utils->open_window do not exec the on blur event. Reversed to window focus that seems more compatible
- Fix component_portal issue where default input selection was applied it. Added transparent focus_first_input method to catch the calls
- Fix section construction bug where section_record creation of section instances overwrites local database value in sections referencing itself (case actv1)
- Fixed bug where temp sections do not save values because a type restriction in section to int. Now, int, string and null will be managed as section_id values
- Fix missing paste event in service_autocomplete
- Fix ts_object spinner icon CSS position error
- Fix missing open_window import from view-default_list_pdf.js
- Fix CSS issues of paginator in mobile context. The vertical height will be set automatically instead of using a fixed value.
- Fix a bug in component_relation_parent where recursive parents are not calculated correctly (only two levels)
- Add CSS limit modal label overflow to prevent overlapping with modal buttons
- Remove ts_object v5 specific filters from 'component_relation_index'. Now, all items with model 'component_relation_index' will be rendered
- Fix component_email input focus issues on activate when in search mode
- Fix components focus event an CSS issues in search mode
- Fix ts_object->get_child_data error where v5 legacy model 'component_relation_struct' was included in result, duplicating thesaurus button selectors
- Fix component_input_text error where fallback value was not applied when permissions are < 2
- Fix syntax error in component_image where called function open_window was not imported
- Fix a bug in creating upload thumbnails for audio-visual content. Now, only image and PDF MIME types generate thumbnails.
- Fix missing 'lang' situations in diffusion_sql::resolve_value
- Fix missing 'lang' situations in component_relation_common::get_diffusion_value
- Fix image CSS distortion in coponent_image when image source is external
- Fix CSS error calculation modal header width
- Fix ts_object thesaurus load children CSS issues with spinner position
- Fix bug in component_av causing erroneous calls to 'get_default_quality'.
- Change tool_media_versios files_info source from component data (DB) to forced read disk. Prevents outdated data in the tool about current files
- Fix posterframe double slash on the path
- Fix CSS flexbox removing whitespace in section_records search mode
- Fix q_operator value issues in component_portal in search mode
- Add pagination to ts_object (Thesaurus). Limit was set default to 100 (allows to manage the list of persons)
- Add the delete section dialog option to delete/preserve the published records. The default value is true (delete all published records of the current section).
- Add area_maintenance widget unit_test button 'run_long_process' to check server timeouts
- Add optimize_database process (VACUUM ANALYZE) to install class
- Add try focus first input on ui.component.activate function. If custom definition exists, use it, else, try searching in DOM the first input/select available
- Add component_text_area custom 'focus_first_input' function to allow focus editor area from service
- Add component_text_area 'inline' edit for list mode. Now, a modal box is opened when user click on component value in list mode
- Add DEDALO_PUBLICATION_CLEAN_URL feature from v5 to v6
- Add actv1 styles to dd_grid view_indexation CSS
- Add Ontology term duplicate
- Add auto-focus first diffusion button when tool_diffusion is opened
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Adds git-cliff configuration file cliff.toml
- Update component_text_area test to evaluate null instead array on empty component values
- Add api_engine property check before evaluate the value in build_requaest_config to prevent errors on incomplete definition user presets
- Add section->set_component_direct_dato method checks to prevents evaluate non already defined objects
- Rename ts_object->get_children_data method to ts_object->get_child_data to avoid name confusions with same name method from dd_ts_api
- Update ts_object_Test class call to renamed method 'get_child_data' instead old 'get_children_data'
- Update .gitignore file to exclude new items
- Remove unnecessary UPDATE database action after get_active_users from class lock_components
- Move tool time machine render time_label_node inside callback render function for better user experience
- Add component_password check to prevent the 'demo' user from changing his password
- Add dd_core_api save check to notify user of component save errors (when null is returned)
- Add component_check_box tools view option to view previously hidden 'always_active' tools, like 'tool_user_admin'
- Change wrong username demo from 'demo' to 'dedalo'
- Update tool_propagate_component_data labels from missing register file
- Update tool_dev_template icon
- Updates tool_dev_template register.json file
- Update Ontology import files
- Fix CSS interaction with d-modal label styles. Change 'add|new' icon to light version
- Add new MIME types
- Add component_3d->process_uploaded_file check for data type to prevent errors on bad formed data
- Fix CSSissue where search presets paginator took up unnecessary space
- Add component_av->process_uploaded_file check for data type to prevent errors on bad formed data
- Update lz-string lib from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5
- Update js lang files from Ontology labels
- Add component_image->process_uploaded_file check for data type to prevent errors on bad formed data
- Add component_pdf->process_uploaded_file check for data type to prevent errors on bad formed data
- Add component_svg->process_uploaded_file check for data type to prevent errors on bad formed data
- Add component_text_area lang info into the label in edit mode for development purposes
- Remove dd-modal '_hideM...