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Releases: renderpci/dedalo

Update to 5.6.4

26 Sep 11:37
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This version is a maintenance versión with several fixes.


  • Add new QR_tool.
  • Add new Metadata_tool.
  • Add new Add_componnent_data_tool.

Update to 5.6.3

06 Jul 08:56
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Maintenance update.

Fix the 5.6.0 update with small changes into the process to re-create the ontology with the V6 compatibility, it remove the possibility of lost 'dd' tld in main ontology tables in the process of update to v5.6.0.

Important note!: In the V5.6.0 update. If you update the ontology before you has the code installed, is possible loose the main ontology (dd tld) into 'jer_dd' and 'matrix_descriptors_dd' tables, if this happen you can will lost the possibility to enter into Dédalo and run the administration tools. If you are in these situation, you will need re-create from backup or the original install 'jer_dd' and 'matrix_descriptors_dd' tables manually.

Update version to 5.6.0

21 Jun 12:03
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This release fix some bugs and errors and update the ontology structure for compatibility with the upcoming V6 version.


  • Fix search 'get_components_from_section' error on show nested section_group_div / tab components in filter selectable list


  • Added "properties" column to manage "jer_dd" structure table for compatibility with the V6.
  • PHP7.4 full tested, now Dédalo has full compatibility with php 7.4.x versions.

Notes for V4 and V5 and the future ontology in V6

The next major version of Dédalo will remained full ontology compatibility with current V4, V5 versions, the new version add a new column for properties that specify new v6 functionalities.
Starting today 21-05-2020 the master ontology will included this column by default, and v4 and v5 versions need add this column for update the ontology. The new properties column will store jsonb copy of the current "propiedades" column (that will be removed in the future) and add new v6 properties.

Update version to 5.5.59

05 Jun 09:14
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This version is a maintenance versión with several fixes and bugs removal.

  • Fix bug in component_common::get_value_with_fallback_from_dato_full that not change returned value when lang is changed (publication, etc.)
  • Fix bug in components get_valor($lang) when using lang, to prevent value to be cached
  • Fix error on load security xml classes by SAML login
  • Moved method get_diffusion_resolve_value from component_autocomplete to component_common.
  • Added method component_info get_diffusion_dato using widget dato response
  • Fix search_development2 children recursive bug on pagination. Now no limit is applied to first search
  • Fix empty values inclusion on resolve term.
  • Fix error on component_autocomplete_hi in search mode when search term is array
  • Added class.process_result.php as auxiliar class to search than allow postprocess results
  • Updated method component_relation_parent->get_diffusion_value adding ts_object::get_term_dato_by_locator method
  • Added component_relation_parent -> get_diffusion-value -> custom_get_term_by_locator resolution
  • Added parents_recursive publication when in thesaurus section
  • Re-enabled resolved_static cache in diffusion_sql update_record method
  • Fix bug in class component_relation_common->Save where table relations data is not deleted when component data is deleted. (!) Its recomended to run adminitration tool 'generate_relations_table_data' to force relations table data regeneration.
  • Fix inspector issue on small screens


08 Apr 07:26
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This version fix several bugs and improve count performance.

-Makes more easy to separate the Publication API from Dédalo application
-Fix error on resolve recursive levels in diffusion_sql class, method -> update_record
-Improve search_development2 count performance (specially in matrix_activity).
-Update class web_data->get_records method to allow send sequences of section id to the API server
-Fix error on search development when only first element of relational component was calculated

Update to v5.5.14

06 Feb 09:28
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This release fix some bugs and errors, it's a maintenance update.

The most important fixes:

  • Fix the search in the date to fix year only searches.
  • Add min version of the pdf viewer

Update to v5.5.9

19 Jan 11:56
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This update clean some old code and fix some issues.

Fix the install DB to new users ontology.
Fix some ui inconsistencies into the tool_sort

Update 5.5.4

19 Dec 13:46
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Fixed the export tool to breakdown the portal data intro different rows.
Fixed the export tool issue when more than one portal share the same section
Fixed the search of the component_iri, now is possible search inside component_autocomplete.
Add missing file in /vendor/autoload.php.
fixed component_email css.

Update 5.5.0

02 Dec 17:16
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Fix, some errors with the new php 7.4.
Change the data of the component_email to array.

Update to 5.4.93

01 Nov 11:22
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This is maintenance update, several fixes and small changes.