Maintenance and security update.
This version introduce the new install script to manage the process and help to create the PostgreSQL database.
- Added component_html_text references manager feature (like component_text_area)
- Add row_limit check into the find button in portals
- Added component_pdf control to diffusion value. Now only existing files generates output value (prevent empty files issues in publication)
- Added check_remote_server curl error notification on error
- Added proxy options for CURL and get_file_contents in Dédalo external connections like 'Download structure' and 'Update Dédalo code'
- Add sum calculation to the coins in numisdata
- Added common component method 'get_diffusion_resolve_value' for use it in non relation components like text_area
- Added component_geolocation method 'get_diffusion_value_as_geojson' to allow generate standard GEOJSON format as output like component_text_area (used for fallback values in publication)
- Added diffusion_sql::build_geolocation_data_geojson options to allow resolve fallback values
- Added 'options->propiedades' fallback options to class.diffusion_sql->build_geolocation_data_geojson for compatibility with direct calls in the publication process
- Added graves global filters for mdcat in publication
- Added web_data option to accept process_result as JSON encoded item
- Added web_data option to accept ar_fields as JSON encoded array
- Added web_data->check-safe_value option to allow CONCAT sentences as column name (ar_fields)
- Added method 'break_down_totals' to class process_result
- Added component input text get_diffusion_value fallback lang
- Added web_data::process_result check to prevent calls to invalid methods
- Added button_new options for duplicate record in edit mode
- Added page_globals property 'section_id'
- Added SAML sample config file
- Added inheritance from father if exists to section->duplicate_current_section method
- Added counter method 'create_counter' to allow re-create a deleted counter from higher section_id of the current section
- Added on working method build_install_version to class tool_administration
- Added skip filter for sections dd64, dd153 and dd128 in tool_administration class method 'generate_relations_table_data'
- Added Locale to environment page_globals
- Add some field to the header in tool_tr_print
- Added RecordObject_dd::save_term_and_descriptor current lang descriptors record too when is distinct from default structure lang (issues on auto create structure elements from hierarchies)
- Add class backup method to optimize tables. Used after import structure to prevent issues with PostgreSQL index
- Added console errors color for ERROR level messages (core_functions)
- Added Dédalo installation tools and interface for easier setup
- Added Dédalo dd_init_test check in the install process to warn users about possible wrong settings
- Add additional check for system_is_already_installed to prevent issues in previous systems
- Removed legacy ontology menu links
- Reverted removal of legacy file RecordObj_ts to allow Dedalo version updates from older versions
- Removed temporal alert in tool_structuration
- Removed component_geolocation default dato. Now, only will be used to draw the map when no dato is available (null)
- Remove the debugger limitation to show header in the tool_tr_print
- Remove the debugger limitation in tool_tr_transcript
- Removed .gitignore rules about structure.css and js langs
- Fixed issue with component_text_area when on Save command did not correctly update text area content
- Fixed Ontology issue switching Dédalo versions (v5 v6)
- Fixed component_text_area issue on search empty and non empty values (, !)
- Fixed error on search empty / non empty values in component_text_area
- Fixed php8 compatibility issue on autocomplete_ts_search
- Fixed tool time machine error in list mode
- Minor fixes in updates.php file to prevent issues updating Dédalo from old versions
- Fixed issue when DEDALO_DIFFUSION_RESOLVE_LEVELS is not defined in config. Now a value of 2 levels is used as default
- Fixed error in component_text_area where geolocation tags were not updated correctly causing a failure to save (besides, refactorized update_tag function)
- Fixed issue on updates when matrix_stats already exists cases
- Fixed error in publication web_data when lang 'lg-vlca' don't pass the security verification regex
- Fixed issue on updates when matrix_stats already exists cases
- Fixed error in publication web_data when lang 'lg-vlca' don't pass the security verification regex
- Fixed component_image regenerate error when only the image in the original format (like TIF) is available
- Fix close wrap div for component_number in list mode
- Fixed component_geolocation relation bug in compoent_text_area where model was calculated from model tipo instead tipo (old way)
- Fixed components_from_section list exclude error in tool_export. Now, custom ar_components_exclude can be passed to the method to overwrite default list
- Fixed issue with ontology relations model tipo on assign by user
- Fixed error in component_portal on add label in edit_in_list mode
- Fixed component_geolocation lat and lon number format issues on 'get_diffusion_value_as_geojson' method
- Fixed swagger ui input width css to allow 100%
- Fixed minor component_publication CSS issues
- Fixed errors on publication break_down_totals method when values are not as expected type
- Fixed error on button_new.js create_new_blank_record() method which made it impossible to create new records from list mode
- Fixed sample config loader include order error
- Fixed class subtitles lines generation issues. Unified non break spaces, added previous line to fragments with non zero start time (prevent empty subtitles at beginning of some fragments)
- Fixed error on component_filter when default dato was not set properly. Now both, default dato from properties, and user default project, will be added to filter data when a new section is created
- Fixed REINDEX TABLE bug on optimize_tables (class backup)
- Fixed Raspa bug in RecordObj_descriptors_dd method 'get_dato'
- Fixed bug in RecordObj_dd::get_ar_terminoID_by_modelo_name where model was not calculated correctly
- Fixed issue in component_input_text when tld in lowercase was not accepted as value in hierarchy config section
- Fixed database _getConnection throw error on PHP versions < 8.0
- Fixed install bug on old already installed systems
- Fix install minor errors
- Fixed error with RecordDataBounceObject search when no results found
- Fixed install issues with checks in some contexts
- Fixed error on install::clean-tables method when matrix_activity_section_id_seq was not reset correctly
- Fixed and Improved install warnings
- Fixed minor issues in install script
- Updated JQUERY lib from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4
- Updated db install and structure files (ready for Dédalo version 5.8.2)
- Updated structure.json file to 07-07-2021 version. Compressed for convenience
- Updated SALM files. Now Dédalo config file is required to run ACS
- Updated file sample.config4.php . Now, download ontology and code configuration defaults are filled with render master server for easy update
- Updated gitignore file rules. Restored structure.css and common/js/lang needed for install
- Updated db install file dedalo4_install.pgsql.gz with table matrix_activity counter properly reset
- Updated dd_init_test with more clear messages and notifications
- Updated ontology edit term form action. Now, JSON request js is used instead old POST form action
- Update ontology for tld mupreva by @pricua in #42
Other changes
- Optimized concurrent calls to Ontology trigger
- Re-orde the sample.config definitions
- Clean subtitles API server code
- Change the css of the informat in tool_tr_print
- Changed error management of DDBB connection from die() to throw new Exception()
- Consolidated installation files. Unused files were removed and some new files needed to install were added
- Improved dd_init_test for better warnings notification
- Re-factorized ontology code