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ASC Q2 2022 Meeting

Thomas Naughton edited this page May 19, 2022 · 13 revisions

PMIx Standard Administrative Steering Committee (ASC) 2Q 2022 Meeting

Quick Links

  • Governance Document [latest]

Agenda (Finalized April 26, 2022)

This meeting has a floating agenda with specific synchronization points to keep us on track. Rough time estimates are provided per agenda item, and the co-chairs plan to cover the topics in the order seen below. However, since some agenda items will take longer/shorter than anticipated an exact start/end timing is not guaranteed and some items may float to the second day. If you are not able to attend the full meeting and are presenting then please let the co-chairs know and we can plan accordingly.

Day 1: May 10 (10 am - 1 pm US Central Daylight Time)

Start End Topic
10:00 am 10:05 am Gathering (Josh)
10:05 am 10:10 am Roll Call (We will start roll call promptly at this time)
10:10 am 11:30 am Discussion of agenda items
11:30 am 11:45 am Break
11:45 am 1:00 pm Discussion of agenda items

Day 2: May 12 (10 am - 1 pm US Central Daylight Time)

Start End Topic
10:00 am 10:05 am Gathering (Kathryn)
10:05 am 11:30 am Discussion of agenda items
11:30 am 11:50 am Voting and Break
11:50 am 12:30 am Administrative and Working Group agenda items
12:30 am 12:45 pm Technical and Use Case Presentation(s)
12:45 am 1:00 pm Closing discussion and wrap up

Agenda Items

Administrative and Working Group Agenda Items

  • Review 2022 quarterly meetings dates and plans
1Q 2022 - Virtual
  - Feb 15 & 17 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
2Q 2022 - Virtual
  - May 10 & 12 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
3Q 2022 - Virtual
  - Aug 9 & 11 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
4Q 2022 - Virtual (tentative)
  - Oct. 25 & 27 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
  • ASC Membership
    • Vote on new ASC Members
    • Call for new ASC Members
  • Release Planning
  • Working Group Updates (~ 10-15 minutes each)
    • Client Separation / Implementation Agnostic Document
    • Tools
    • Dynamic Workflows
    • Open Call for New Working Groups
  • Technical and Use Case presentations
    • Isaias Compres "PMIx in the Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA)"
  • Additional discussion items

Meeting Notes:


Person Institution Day 1 Day 2
Aurelien Bouteiller UTK X X
Nat Shineman OSU X X
Norbert Eicker JSC X X
Michael Karo Altair X X
Josh Hursey IBM X X
Howard Pritchard LANL X X
Thomas Naughton ORNL X X
Ralph Castain Nanook X X
David Solt IBM X X
Isaias Compres TUM X X
Kathryn Mohror LLNL X X
Ken Raffenetti ANL X X
Brice Goglin Inria X X

Day 1: May 10, 2022

Day 2: May 12, 2022

  • Plenary discussion items
    • PMIx ABI (IAWG/Ken ~ 20 min)
    • PMIx Publish / Lookup (IAWG/Dave ~ 30 min)
      • Working PR:
      • Discuss issues related to Publish/Lookup
        • Publish takes directives and info in same list, but issue if it is an unrecognized directive this could cause confusion/mistakenly assume as info key
          • Option1: Introduce new API that separates params
          • Option2: Create new directive to flag items to be published, but not solve backward compat
          • Option3: document and add restrictions in spec (no API changes)
          • Option4: do nothing
        • publish/lookup supports multiple ranges
          • validity of publishing same key twice on the same range (WG will look more into it, it is believed to be illegal code with undefined behavior)
          • Group prefers solution where LOOKUP queries only the range it is given (i.e., to be visible, the PUBLISH must target the same range). No ‘inheritance’ of published items. The same key may be published on different range
  • Revision Exception Votes
  • Administrative and Working Group Agenda Items
  • Review 2022 quarterly meetings dates and plans
    • Aug. 9th, 11th locked in
    • Please review october tentative dates for conflict with major conferences/events
  • ASC Membership
    • Vote on new ASC Members
    • Call for new ASC Members
      • JSC (Norbert Eiker) called for consideration
    • NOTE: Will announce JSC on list for vote at next quarterly meeting.
    • NOTE: Action items to update governance doc to clarify membership election steps and that new voting members can vote at meeting where they become active.
  • Release Planning
    • PMIx 4.2 Release (Josh/Ralph ~ 5 min)
    • PMIx 5.0 Release (Ken/Dave ~ 5 min)
  • Working Group Updates (~ 10-15 minutes each)
    • Client Separation / Implementation Agnostic Document (Dave)
      • Publish subscribe chapter update
      • ABI topic
    • Tools (Isaias)
      • Group will focus on ABI
      • MPI Sessions
    • Dynamic Workflows (no representative)
    • Open Call for New Working Groups
  • Technical and Use Case presentations
    • PMIx in the Modular Supercomputer Architecture (MSA) (Isaias Compres)
  • Additional discussion items
    • Ralph: we cannot PUT PMIX attributes, hence we have an issue with RMs that do not expose all the required attributes (we would like to put them ourselves if the RM doesn’t do it) -> idea is to enable putting PMIX attributes, prototyping WIP
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