Releases: pharo-vcs/iceberg
Version v1.5.2
- Improving the theming
- Using new commander version
- Improving the Metacello integration allowing the update of dependencies.
- Fixing the dependency with Tonel.
- New Tonel version
Version 1.5.0
Version 1.4.0
Version 1.3.1
Bug corrections
- #1064 Fix failing tests regarding clean code in Pharo
Version 1.3.0
- #1021 Self hosted gitlab support
- #1027 Improved new tag dialog to generate semantic versionning tags
- #1044 Show a button "View on Github" when creating a PR
- #1008 Add "create branch from GitHub issue" option
- #1048 Add commands to open remotes on Github
- #1010 Add menu entry in extras to force calculate diff
Bug corrections
- #975 Metacello asks too many times what to install when there are conflicting versions
- #980 Iceberg should Identify better the packages and the normal files
- #982 The Edit Project should have a Warning if it will affect the packages
- #986 Iceberg does not realize changes in extended classes
- #999 Pulling and pushing to a gitolite server asks password
- #984 Conversion to Tonel generates corrupted .properties
- #1041 Filter in repository view don't work with capital letters
- #1019 Metacello Integration leaves Monticello leftover repositories
- #859 Creating a branch and pushing does not sets the upstream
- #1043 Packages starting with lowercase not recognized
- #991 Error on right click in the project editon wizard
- #775 Reviewing a PR is broken
- #1036 Debugger if we try to merge without selecting a branch
- #988 Iceberg should load the packages in a single MCLoader (This will make the loads of packages atomic)
- #1001 Use "instance creation" instead of "instance-creation" for method protocol name
- #1004 Use displayScaleFactor in UI
- #977 Add ToolTip help to the Commands
- #1030 Better support for binary files
- #1034 SSH passphrase is now hidden
- #1018 Iceberg UI relies on deprecated classes from Spec and Commander
- #1051 Clean useless huge hierarchy in Github plugin UI
Infrastructure Enhancements
- #1023 Fix CI for windows
Version 1.2.2
#961 Authentification error while connecting with HTTPS
#965 Walkback - #nextChildNodeStartingFrom:suchThat:ifNone: committing selected code to branch (repo with ./dev/src)
#967 Merging a Commit that does not have Smalltalk Code
#962 DNU when loading with metacello and gitlocal
#972 use instanceSide/classSide instead of other API
#964 Rename "Add Local Repository" into "Import from disk"
Version v1.2.1
#950 Iceberg v1.2.0 breaks projects Metacello Integration bug
#951 New project window should be coherent on the vocabulary UI enhancement
#953 Make remote request anonymous enhancement
#952 Cannot Clone Pharo Repository Pharo plugin bug
#955 Repair actions for repositories with fetch required are wrong UI bug
Version v1.2.0
New Iceberg Version
Thanks to all brave users, issue reporters and contributors :).
This version includes the implementation of projects.
Projects are a way of defining basic metadata of the repository.
Now, this metadata just include the source directory.
This means that people do not need anymore to provide ALL THE TIME the source directory.
Instead every repository includes a project file that provides it.
Iceberg will guide people to create the given file. This file is managed by Iceberg and people should not touch it from the outside or accept the consequences :).
New Features
- #866 Introduce first version of Projects
- #870 Improving tests of Metacello Integration
- #903 Split basic tests from metacello tests in CI
- #914 Sync Wiki with documentation directory automatically
- #934 Manually check metacello integration dialogs
- #935 Try to refrite the metacello integration tests.
- #940 Installation in new Pharo should also bootstrap pharo repository
- #675 The History of a Method in Calypso should show a progress bar.
- #788 Show progress during network operations (fetch,push, ...) Libgit.
- #875 Tonel plugin does not delete .filetree Migration
- #897 Update to OSSubprocess 1.0.1
- #911 Repair Checkout branch should appear in "no project found"
- #933 Fix Edit repository dialog
- #939 IceInteractiveErrorVisitor duplicates IceTipInteractiveErrorVisitor
- #944 Extract pharo repository bootstrap code into iceberg
Bug Fixes
- #828 Convert sources to tonel raises an Exception
- #839 Infinite loop in IceGitLocalRepositoryType if the path is wrong
- #849 VM crash while saving credentials Credential Manager
- #851 .properties file is not create if project is imported and not cloned.
- #869 Error msg after an http timeout is unreadable
- #873 Error with credential provider Credential Manager
- #874 The integration with Metacello does not work when there is a src directory, but not project file.
- #880 Putting "." in project src field gives dnu
- #884 Edit Project Dialog tries to select 'src' folder as default, but does not handle if it does not exists
- #886 Edit Project Dialog does not allow to select the root of the repository as source directory
- #888 Could not locate repository does not have subdirectory anymore.
- #889 Loading an unborn project through metacello does not work
- #894 GitHubAPI fails when the API responds with a 204 No Content
- #901 I get a DNU projectName....
- #902 Edit project metadata does not detect default format
- #918 Cloning pharo from a sync'ed repository does not correctly show dirty packages
- #928 Pull request cancel
- #930 Changed ivar/slot name in stateful trait not recognized as a change
- #931 DNU when trying to unload an Iceberg pkg where underlying Pharo pkg has been removed
- #932 Pharo repository forgets packages
- #938 Do not catch assertion failures
- #941 Iceberg pre-installed repository has wrong repair action
- #946 Fixing Metacello Integration Tests
- #948 Cloning from github creates an invalid remote
Version 1.1.2
Upgrade to Calypso 0.6.3