TinyEngine v2.2.0正式版本已发布,新增了诸多新特性,欢迎大家使用,反馈意见~
另外TinyEngine Java版本已同步正式开源,查看下面文章了解更多: 开发者福音!TinyEngine开启新篇章,服务端Java版本正式开源~
- 画布渲染器:支持父子多层级页面嵌套渲染,支持切换页面的时候局部切换刷新
- 页面管理插件:支持静态页面下任意层级页面新建子页面, 支持拖拽编排
- 画布容器:新增路由指示器
- 内置物料:新增 RouterLink、RouterView、和横向导航、竖向导航快捷snippet
- 属性配置:新增页面选择器,支持选择与回填
- 预览模块:支持单页预览的时候嵌套视图预览
- 出码模块:支持多层级路由嵌套结构
- 画布容器右键功能增强:RouterLink增加右键菜单路由跳转
- 画布容器工具增强:增加非激活页面悬停,支持RouterLink组件悬停菜单,支持RouterLink组件通过悬停菜单点击后跳转
- 工具栏:增加切换嵌套视图/单页视图
- 物料协议增加packages字段,解决组件npm包字段重复问题
- 修复部分对接Java版本后端问题
- 修复大量新版UI与交互细节问题
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat: update block filters UI in materials by @gene9831 in #914
- feat: support checking all blocks in material add block panel by @gene9831 in #923
- feat: page support nested routers by @gene9831 in #932
- feat: Support merging categories and groups by @gene9831 in #907
- feat: schemaDataAsync by @chilingling in #885
- feat: blockCompiler by @chilingling in #906
- feat: page tree supports dragging by @gene9831 in #948
- feat: add navigation snippet by @rhlin in #968
- feat: Adjust the routing structure to increase the name by @lichunn in #974
- feat: add canvas route bar by @gene9831 in #967
- feat: generatecode support import element style by @chilingling in #817
- feat: add auto publish workflow by @chilingling in #1005
- feat: support drag page node to root by @gene9831 in #1023
- feat: the blocks categories and groups merged by default by @gene9831 in #1038
- feat: materials new protocol by @yy-wow in #940
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix: fix exportName mismatch by @lichunn in #929
- fix: state & globalState getter by @chilingling in #930
- fix: slot should extra params by @chilingling in #919
- fix: optimize bind-i18n styles by @gene9831 in #925
- fix: preview should not overwrite mainFile by @chilingling in #920
- fix: Modify UI review comments by @xuanlid in #916
- fix: fix app param type error when create group by @gene9831 in #985
- fix: Modify UI review comments by @xuanlid in #941
- fix:Modify panel shadow color by @xuanlid in #943
- fix: resolve block search exceptions by @SonyLeo in #995
- fix: replace RouterLink to html anchor in canvas by @gene9831 in #1007
- fix: resetCanvasState indirectly called in useHistory, resets the isBlock status by @gene9831 in #1009
- fix: block list filters not clearing by @gene9831 in #1006
- fix: pageId comparison type does not match by @gene9831 in #1016
- fix: resolve the issue of dynamic component URL errors when using relative path scripts in materials. by @BWrong in #958
- fix: genCode favicon can't work on node runtime by @chilingling in #1000
- fix: switch page or block should clear selection by @chilingling in #992
- fix: optimize block code saving and publishing logic by @SonyLeo in #996
- fix: modify the class name of the MonacoEditor component by @lichunn in #999
- fix: the position of the pop-up window for configuring internationalized entries in the editor is incorrect when the full screen is switched by @yy-wow in #969
- fix: shortcut operation attribute configuration internationalization and icon configuration closed abnormally by @yy-wow in #970
- fix: state accessor defaultValue support expression #977 by @chilingling in #997
- fix: add Page JS alert info. by @SonyLeo in #1012
- fix: resolve the automatic save state invalid after refresh by @SonyLeo in #1004
- fix: Modify UI review comments by @xuanlid in #1013
- fix: cannot select common page by @gene9831 in #1028
- fix: common page do not support drag by @gene9831 in #1029
- fix: remove 1px blank inside page tree container by @gene9831 in #1032
- fix: add error handlers and fix some misspelling of word by @gene9831 in #1036
- fix: preview page nesting and adding null detection processing by @lichunn in #1035
- fix router page review issue by @rhlin in #1037
- fix: The style configuration binding variable component reads the configurator configuration by @yy-wow in #949
- fix: remove redundant and wrong type declaration by @rhlin in #1040
- fix: add preview algorithm protection by @lichunn in #1042
- fix: fix the error of routing bar caused by invalid pageid by @gene9831 in #1045
- fix: update template bundle by @yy-wow in #1048
- fix: AI chat request error by @gene9831 in #1059
- fix: Delete prompt box by @xuanlid in #1068
- fix: parent form field in page settings do not display by @gene9831 in #1069
- fix: preview failure by @lichunn in #1079
- fix: data source type select and display exception by @SonyLeo in #1082
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-rc.4...v2.2.0