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WP7 Workshop November 2015

Michael Jastram edited this page Nov 18, 2015 · 14 revisions

There will be a timeslot for WP7 at the openETCS Workshop on November 23/24. We have a 90-Minute timeslot.


The objective is to properly identify and document all outcomes of WP7. This information will be used for the itea review in December.


  • D7.1 - D7.4 have been delivered.
  • D7.5 still missing: "Ecosystem Artefacts". This is just a summary of Terms, Committer Agreements, etc. and will be produced by Formal Mind.

WP7 Outcomes

These are the concrete outcomes of WP7:

For the ITEA presentation and WP7 website, I would like to have (1) one paragraph for every specific outcome and (2) a URL pointing to "more information". Here are the outcomes - please let Michael know if anything is missing!

  • openETCS Tool (Michael)
  • openETCS Tool Documentation (Michael/Izaskun)
  • openETCS Tool Build Infrastructure (Michael)
  • ERTMSFormalSpecs (Stan)

(1) description: ERTMSFormalSpecs provides an open-source domain-specific language, designed to express the ERTMS specification in a concise and verifiable formal representation. It is understandable by domain specialists while retaining the ability to be translated to executable representations by fully automated means.

As of today, ERTMSFormalSpecs is in commercial use by two customers: the ERTMS Users Group (see and ThalesGroup (see Both these customers use ERTMSFormalSpecs to get a boost in their ERTMS implementation projects.

(2) URL: and

  • Traceability Architecture (Raphael)
  • Migration Roadmap Scade2Open (Silvano)

(1) description: We have evaluated possible scenarios for migrating the openETCS OBU model, currently developed using the proprietary Scade language, to an open format. This work is based on an analysis of the current modeling choices and the available export formats supported by the Scade toolsuite. The most promising scenario relies on an integration of behavioral description blocks inside the openETCS SysML architectural model.

(2) URL: Scade2Open deliverable

  • Model-Validation (Alexander)
  • SysML-to-Scade (Alexander)
  • SysML-to-B (David)
  • Subset-openETCS-Translation (Moritz/Michael)
  • Test-Plan (Izaskun)
  • Qualification-Plan (Izaskun, Stefan)
  • Model-Building-CI (Michael)
  • openETCS User Handbook (Izaskun)
  • CI for Modeling (Marc/Ingo)
  • Eclipse Safety Framework (All4Tec)
  • Bitwalker Data Dictionary (Uwe)
  • Acceleo-based Code Generation (Stefan)


In the following, please create one Table per exploitable item. WP7 partners, please add yourself to those blocks containing items you plan to exploit, and add new ones as necessary.

Word2ReqIF Converter

Item Description
Provider: Formal Mind
Contact: Moritz Dorka
Main Features Converter specific to Subset26, to convert Word to ReqIF
Inputs: MS Word (only Subset-26)
Outputs: Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) archive
USP Produces atomic requirements; consumable by any RE-tool; unique, reproducible IDs
Integration Constraints: Java/Eclipse
Intended Users: Subset-26 authors and Subset-26 users (e.g. UNISYS)
Conditions for Reuse: EUPL

Eclipse Safety Framewok (ESF)

Item Description
Provider: All4tec
Contact: Jonathan Dumont
Main Features Perfom safety analysis on SysML or UML like models
Inputs: UML models, from Papyrus, MagicDraw, etc.
Outputs: Reports (XML, HTML, PDF, DOC), Trees (OpenPSA)
USP Provides a unique set of tools that enable both modelling and analysis of safety concerns, and allows a first-class interactivity between design and safety assessment activities. As this approach is based on models, each time the system model evolves, a new safety analysis can be done on the modified parts, and keeps the previous analysis on each unchanged component. This represents an important time-saving.
Integration Constraints: Java/Eclipse RCP
Intended Users: All companies needing MBSA (Model Based Safety Analysis)
Conditions for Reuse: EPL (Eclipse Public Licence)

Acceleo-based Code Generation

Item Description
Provider: TWT
Contact: Stefan Rieger
Main Features Code generator prototype from SysML to SystemC for simulation
Inputs: SysML Block Diagrams and State Charts
Outputs: SystemC class structure and state machine template
USP Model-based approach, allows graphical specification, highly customisable
Integration Constraints: Eclipse, SystemC, C++ Compiler
Intended Users: System designers (Cross-Domain)
Conditions for Reuse: EUPL

Qualification Plan

Item Description
Provider: SQS, TWT
Contact: Izaskun de la Torre, Stefan Rieger
Main Features Qualification plan for the openETCS tool chain (taking into account EN 50128)
Inputs: openETCS Toolchain, EN 50128
Outputs: Qualification plan
USP Qualification necessary for industrial tool application
Integration Constraints:
Intended Users: System designers, functional safety architects, tool certifiers
Conditions for Reuse: EUPL

SysML to Time Petri Net translator

Item Description
Contact: Silvano Dal Zilio
Main Features generation of time Petri Net models from SysML Activity Diagram for Model-Checking
Inputs: SysML Activity Diagrams
Outputs: Petri Net using the syntax of the Tina tool (export to other model-checking tools is possible)
USP Formal verification of SysML model with behavioral information that takes into account both timing-information and operation on structured data
Integration Constraints: Eclipse
Intended Users: functional safety architects
Conditions for Reuse: EUPL

SysML to B Translator

Item Description
Provider: MERCE
Contact: David Mentré
Main Features Generation of B project blueprint from SysML diagrams (structure, not behavior)
Inputs: SysML Block Diagrams (BDD, IBD) + Formal Annotation
Outputs: B project (including formal annotations)
USP Easier linking between system architects (not having a formal background) and safety critical software architects willing to use B Method for building the safety critical part of the software. Also application of Model Based Engineering approach.
Integration Constraints: Eclipse
Intended Users: Safety critical software architects
Conditions for Reuse: EUPL
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