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Tool chain Release Process

Cecile Braunstein edited this page Mar 27, 2014 · 12 revisions

The basic release process of the OpenETCS tool chain proceeds as follow:

    1. Create a milestone after every Sprint (every two weeks) : Every sprint terminates with a Milestone releases
    1. Select a date for the next Release
    1. Decide on the next release contents with the users: The next milestone releases will be then Release candidates

The releases can be found here :

The intermediate build (that are not released) may be found here

Each build will have a number depending on the date of the last build in the following form: yyyymmddhhmm

Milestone releases process

A milestone will

  • Correct bug reported in the issue tracker (tag: "bug report")
  • Implement new functionalities from the issue tracker (tag: "Feature request")

A list of all the steps are given here: Checklist

At the end of each milestone releases, WP participants should at least try to open and/or update the new milestone releases.


A milestone release is realized within a Sprint as follows

  • At the beginning of each sprint participants will set their engagement for the sprint Sprint Activity Log
  • The tasks assigned to the milestone will be retrieved from the Backlog and from the previous sprint according to the participants and the effort they can invest in the current sprint.
  • The last scrum session of the sprint will report the unfinished tasks to the backlog

sprint timeline description


A set of test for each feature (plug-ins and tools) should be provided.

  • Select a Release date
  • Decide the minimum contents
  • Create release candidates (see the checklist for milestone release)
  • Add RC qualifier
  • Test all features (plugin and tools)
  • Report Bugs
  • Fix bug

The release process will be enrich with experiences the process

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