Releases: onnx/tensorflow-onnx
Releases · onnx/tensorflow-onnx
- added support for opset-15
- added support for tf-2.7
- misc fixes
Changes since tf2onnx-1.9.2
- remove 2.6rc0 override by @guschmue in #1683
- Implement GRU rewriter for tf2 by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1688
- Fix bug in reverseV2 for 1D tensors by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1691
- Handle Abs in TransposeOptimizer by @mateusztabaka in #1699
- Fix tf1 loop variable parsing for duplicated Enter nodes by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1697
- Tom/keras gru by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1692
- Implement symmetric padding mode by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1698
- Fix loop optimizer when scan output is also loop-carried-dependent by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1701
- Fix bug in reading hash tables in freeze_session by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1709
- Increase unit test timeout for windows job that often fails by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1711
- Fix RandomUniform/RandomNormal rewriters for non-const inputs by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1710
- Fix usage of custom_ops, custom_op_handlers, and custom_rewriter ags by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1708
- Fix nightly tests by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1712
- Fix nightly (explicit_pads not supported in old tf versions) by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1717
- Tom/tfjs bugfixes by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1723
- Pin onnxruntime-extensions until issue is fixed by @TomWildenhain-Microsoft in #1733
- hardswish support for tflite by @guschmue in #1735
- add opset-15 by @guschmue in #1731
- Optimize einsum when node[1].is_const() by @xadupre in #1739
- replace depreciated docker image by @guschmue in #1750
- Add Keras LSTM support by @q-ycong-p in #1752
- Bug-fix to skip keras LSTM test for TF2.1 by @q-ycong-p in #1754
- tf-2.6.0 -> tf-2.6.1 to avoid build issues by @guschmue in #1759
- Fix the Broken CI by @leimao in #1761
- Fix TF1-Keras Dilated Conv ONNX Exported by @leimao in #1744
- tf-2.7 by @guschmue in #1762
- #1763: fix output shape of flatten rewriter by @guschmue in #1766
- #1749: Fix fused_batch_norm 5d NDHWC input reshape convert by @hwangdeyu in #1769
- [Test ONNX 1.10.2] Verify whether 1.10.2 from TestPyPI solve the crash issue by Shape-15 by @jcwchen in #1753
Full Changelog: v1.9.2...v1.9.3
A huge thank you to our community for this release!
- support for tf-2.6 (required some change for models >2GB and tflite)
- experimental support for tensorflow.js
- support for tf.signal.rfft
- we added all unit tests from keras-onnx to prevent regressions when transitioning from keras-onnx to tf2onnx
- misc fixes
Changes since tf2onnx-1.9.1
- tf-2.6 to ci, reflect tf-2.6 in readme 1680 (guschmue)
- Fix issues with tflite on tf2.6 1681 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Don't copy/split transpose unless further optimization is likely 1679 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement RaggedTensorToTensor for tensors with dense (uniform) dims 1676 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix conversion of OneHot for dtypes unsupported by ORT 1675 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in topk casts affecting other input consumers 1674 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix Where/Select op for bool dtypes 1673 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix freezing of ResourceGather op 1672 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix script about benchmarking humpback_whale model 1671 (xadupre)
- Implement VALUE_ROWIDS format for ragged to tensor 1664 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improve detection of NaN values in Select op 1663 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- tf-2.6.0rc2 1662 (guschmue)
- Fix keras nightly applications 1661 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement RandomShuffle op 1658 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement reduce all/any for non-const axes 1657 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improve lookup table loading for from_keras conversion 1654 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix implementation of skip_tf_versions 1653 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in einsum optimizer reading attributes 1652 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Update RFFT2D to handle 3D arrays 1649 (xadupre)
- support for AsString, StringToNumber 1648 (guschmue)
- Handle missing tensorflowjs package in unit tests 1647 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Update script to test tflite models from tfhub 1644 (xadupre)
- add provider to run_pretrained_models 1642 (guschmue)
- add inception_v4 1641 (guschmue)
- Skip onnx checker for new onnx version for IR3 bug 1638 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- [WIP] Fix tfhub scripts (enformer, ...) 1637 (xadupre)
- Skip onnx checker for new onnx version for IR3 bug 1636 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Move check earlier to fix loop in transpose optimizer 1631 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add PRelu to Transpose optimizer 1630 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix TFJS conversion for old TFJS models 1629 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add conversion of _FusedDepthwiseConv2dNative and Prelu for TFJS 1628 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add variable to make it possible to test weekly onnx package 1627 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix tfhub scripts checking discrepencies on resnet 1626 (xadupre)
- Fix tfjs quantized weight parsing for fp16 quant 1625 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tests for onnx 1.9.101 1624 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add pretrained model tests for tfjs 1622 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- RFFT2D for TFLite 1621 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement fused tfjs ops 1620 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/fused tfjs ops 1619 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Trim down regular keras2onnx tests 1618 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix Roll op for negative shifts 1616 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add TFJS conversion 1614 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Work on tfjs support [WIP] 1612 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix nightly build by moving tf2.4.1 to Python3.7 1611 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make keras2onnx tests deterministic 1608 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make keras2onnx tests use templates 1605 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix state in azuredevops 1604 (guschmue)
- Move unit tests from regular to nightly 1602 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Refactor tflite/tf logic out of tfonnx into tf_utils and tflite_utils 1599 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add windows keras2onnx applications tests 1598 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix converter for rfft when fft_length < shape[1], implements fft2d 1596 (xadupre)
- Refactor 1595 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add script to benchmark bert and mobilenet 1594 (xadupre)
- Move keras2onnx unit tests inside tests dir 1591 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/keras2onnx application tests 1590 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
A huge thank you to our contributors for this release!
Fixes, support for opset-14, improved keras support
Changes since 1.8.5
- Implement Round for lower opsets 1589 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in CropAndResize for empty tensors 1588 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add yamnet to the list of tfhub models tested 1587 (xadupre)
- fix opset typo 1585 (guschmue)
- Implement rewriter for LSTM nodes in tf2 1584 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add opset-14, move ci pipeline to test opset-8 -> opset-14 1583 (guschmue)
- Add pure keras unit tests for Windows 1582 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add target for converting to channels last format 1581 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Adds scripts to benchmark tfhub models and check discrepencies 1580 (xadupre)
- Removes uses of onnxruntime when optimizing einsum 1579 (xadupre)
- Add Windows keras2onnx tests 1578 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix issue with tf1 loops with tensor array read last pattern 1577 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add pure keras tests from keras2onnx 1574 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix timeout issues on nightly 1572 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make keras2onnx tests deterministic 1571 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add warning for non-cpp protobuf 1570 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Const fold Ifs and remove keras_learning_phase inputs 1569 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix nightly CI 1568 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Misc fixes for adding keras2onnx tests 1567 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix link to tutorials/keras-resnet50.ipynb in 1566 (iizukak)
- Fix nightly pipeline for tf1.13 1565 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix nightly build for tf2.1 1564 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added tests from keras2onnx 1563 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Prevent tf1 loop ops from const folding 1561 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Hack to support > 2GB tensors 1558 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement conversion of set intersection, union, difference 1556 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Const fold Concat 1554 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add constant folding for Split op 1553 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix Conv groups for unknown input dims 1552 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/ort 1.8 1551 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- ort -> 1.8 1550 (guschmue)
- [DON'T MERGE] check pretrained models 1548 (xadupre)
- Replace onnxruntime_customops by onnxruntime_extensions 1547 (xadupre)
- Fix subtle bug in ConvTranspose 1542 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- better way to get kwargs 1541 (guschmue)
- add script to run optimizer on onnx files 1538 (guschmue)
- Use structured inputs by default from CLI 1534 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Remove captured inputs when using CLI 1533 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement conversion of CTCGreedyDecoder 1530 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Made from_keras work for tf1 1529 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug in transpose optimizer for mul of conv with multiple consumers 1528 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add 1 more model and update script 1527 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make rewriters use get_tensor when needed to avoid subtle bugs 1526 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix Conv for unknown input rank 1524 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix dtype in SegmentSum 1523 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/more models 1522 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Convert EnsureShape to Identity 1521 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- More group C models 1520 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Remove from future import ..., only support python 3 1519 (xadupre)
- Add support for register custom ops 1518 (zerollzeng)
- Fix Gemm rewriter for bias node with multiple outputs 1517 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- more HF models 1516 (guschmue)
- Added more group A and C tfhub models 1515 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix licence classifier 1514 (guschmue)
- Explicit padding for const shape ConvTranspose 1513 (calvinmccarter-at-lightmatter)
- Add hash table support and frozen graph repairing for from_keras 1512 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
A huge thank you to our contributors for this release!
Fixes, support for tf-2.5, improved keras support
Changes since tf2onnx-1.8.4
- Pin flatbuffers version 1511 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Keep inputs of placeholder with default when removing unused nodes 1510 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add option to run_pretrained_models to save ort/tf profile 1509 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add huggingface tutorial 1508 (guschmue)
- Implement conversion of RaggedToVariant and RaggedFromVariant in loops 1503 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add getting started sample code 1502 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement DivNoNan conversion 1499 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in conv rewriter if intermediate node outputs are used 1498 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add optimizer to push q and dq ops into place 1497 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in transpose optimizer where node is deleted twice 1496 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Remove double reshape 1495 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Unit test for from_function with non-tensor inputs in spec 1492 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Filter structured inputs to only include TensorSpecs 1490 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improve keras output order detection 1489 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Correct min opset of CombinedNMS to be opset 12 1488 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add hack for legacy keras 1486 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement RandomStandardNormal conversion 1484 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug with BatchMatMulV2 when it has the same input twice 1483 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add huggingface/electra 1482 (guschmue)
- Fix errors in tf freezing with AssignVariableOp 1481 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Reorder keras outputs if possible 1480 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in while shapes 1479 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug that renamed subgraph i/o twice 1478 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improve keras API 1477 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix Slice that is Identity 1476 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix Slice conversion for nodes with multiple outputs 1473 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make conv dilations rewriter work for dynamic pads 1470 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add more huggingface models for testing 1469 (guschmue)
- Match SpaceToBatch->Conv->BatchToSpace pattern more generally 1468 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Skip unregistering optional inputs/outputs that are empty 1467 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Handle DecodeError in tf_loader 1466 (calvinmccarter-at-lightmatter)
- Add ReduceMean/ReduceMax -> GlobalAveragePool/GlobalMaxPool optimizer 1465 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improve perf of SegmentSum 1463 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/tf 2.5 1462 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Optimize SpaceToBatchND sequence to DepthwiseConv2dNative dilations 1461 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- [WIP] add tf-2.5 to ci 1460 (guschmue)
- Tom/batch to space crop 1459 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add support for Explicit padding 1458 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Switch Einsum to Matmul when 2nd inp is constant 1457 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Remove the OneHot from SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits for opset >= 11 1454 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/enable transpose any rank 1453 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Check shapes and dtypes in optimizer tests 1452 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix MaxpoolWithArgmax 1451 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Enable string tests in CI pipeline 1450 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix TensorListStack and Loop shapes 1448 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Skip deepcopies for large models 1446 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in casting Log inputs 1445 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- respect target argument 1444 (guschmue)
- Add support for range_given attr of QuantizeDequantizeV2 1442 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Verify dtypes against onnx type inference 1441 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tests for onnx package 1440 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make transpose optimizer push through unsqueeze 1436 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add onnx conv2d op group attr 1435 (BBuf)
- Prepare to enable Transpose optimizer for transposes of any rank 1433 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in reshape_optimizer and disable silent error catching in opt… 1431 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix random uniform rewriter for scalar shapes 1429 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make unit tests aggressively verify graph shape information 1427 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make unit tests verify graph shape information [1426](
- new, simplified python api (see here)
- support for structured outputs so output names of keras model are the same as keras output names
- examples for tflite and keras
Changes since tf2onnx-1.8.3
- raise error if signature is missing 1406 (guschmue)
- Added conversion for DenseBincount 1401 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix broken link 1397 (guschmue)
- Fix raw_data to no longer have __EXTERNAL when data stored externally 1392 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- [WIP] Support for WordpieceTokenizer (part of Bert) 1390 (xadupre)
- Added debugging advice to GitHub issues template 1389 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added TensorRT as a target and fixed Resize op conversion for TensorRT 1388 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug in transpose optimizer for Mul when rank=5 1387 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Enhance BatchToSpaceND and SpaceToBatchND handlers 1386 (mateusztabaka)
- Fixed bug in depthwise conv when kernel is shared between two nodes 1384 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add argmax and reduction ops to transpose optimizer 1383 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug where unknown shape overwrites loop iter and cond shapes 1382 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Allow tflite to cut graph if inputs/outputs are provided 1381 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added rewriter for specific pattern in a 1P model 1380 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/combined non max suppression 1376 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/tflite flexops 1374 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Bug with Dequantize with no quantization params 1373 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Convert tflite PRelu op 1372 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add partial support for operator FFT 1371 (xadupre)
- cleanup huggingface tests 1370 (guschmue)
- Fix parsing of tflite string tensors and other tflite fixes 1369 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix nightly ci - large model support needs 2.1 or better 1368 (guschmue)
- Improve reliability of reading tflite models 1366 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add int support for pool ops 1365 (guschmue)
- fix python api issue for large models 1363 (guschmue)
- add unittest for --tflite command line 1362 (guschmue)
- Tom/more co models 1361 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix --tflite command line 1360 (guschmue)
- fix --tflite command line 1359 (guschmue)
- Added more models for Co 1358 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tests to validate ORT release 1.7.0.dev202102184 1357 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add flags for cutting/renaming IO 1355 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix RandomUniformInt for scalar values 1354 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- new api 1353 (guschmue)
- First step to rename IO 1352 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Handle Mul broadcastable const inputs other than (1,) or (N,) in Tran… 1351 (mateusztabaka)
- Full conversion of MatrixBandPart 1350 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
A huge thank you to our contributors for this release!
Final touches for tflite support, support for more tf ops, fixes
Changes since 1.8.2
- Convert RandomUniformInt 1347 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement conversions for AdjustSaturation and AdjustContrastv2 1346 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix typo in 1345 (mrry)
- onnx requires all inputs for bn to be the same T 1344 (guschmue)
- Implement conversions of StringUpper and StringLower 1343 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Handle ReduceSum in TransposeOptimizer 1342 (mateusztabaka)
- Use simple_handler for Reciprocal,Sqrt in TransposeOptimizer 1340 (mateusztabaka)
- Handle Mul as Square in TransposeOptimizer 1339 (mateusztabaka)
- fix tf.roll with axes=-1 1338 (guschmue)
- Add models for Co semester 1336 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix make_const for strings 1335 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement conversion of RaggedGather 1333 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement RaggedTensorToTensor conversion 1332 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Optimize Transpose->Pad when 'pads' input is not a constant 1331 (mateusztabaka)
- Optimize Transpose->Slice regardless of Slice's axes 1330 (mateusztabaka)
- Add support for GatherV2 batch_dims attr 1329 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in run_pretrained_models for large models 1327 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make merge optimizer faster 1326 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added more tflite models to pretrained tests 1325 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Disambiguate a unit test method 1323 (xadupre)
- Tom/tflite dequantize 1322 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implement const dequantize pushing for per-axis dequantization 1321 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in depthwise conv dilations with padding=same 1320 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix StridedSlice for ellipsis+newaxis 1319 (guschmue)
- Implement non-standard nms for tflite 1318 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added optimization for dequantized constant folding 1316 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make TransposeOptimizer to optimize 5D transposes 1315 (mateusztabaka)
- Extend transpose optimizer for quantize and dequantize 1314 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add tflite support to 1313 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug in shapes for tfltie postprocess 1312 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Make tflite consider [] to designate unknown rank 1311 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Tom/sentencetokenize 1309 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add conversion for SentencepieceTokenizeOp 1308 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix common bug where node inputs are assumed to come from output[0] 1307 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix bug in raggedToSparse and add casts to Unique for non-int64 ints 1306 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
A huge thank you to our contributors for this release!
Fixes, initial support for tflite->onnx conversion
Changes since 1.8.1
- test_unsorted_segment_ops needs tf-2.3 or better 1305 (guschmue)
- Tests for tflite postprocess 1302 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Allow -1 to indicate unknown dimensions for shape override 1300 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Support for bicubic resize 1299 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Enabled tflite support and tests 1297 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- use via ONNX_TEST env variable 1296 (guschmue)
- Added conversion of TFLite_Detection_PostProcess 1293 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix 2 bugs to avoid extranious warnings 1292 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- trim ci pipeline 1291 (guschmue)
- Optimization for tflite loops 1289 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- transpose optimizer wrongly removes a transpose 1288 (guschmue)
- Added support for mutable hash tables and fixed bug in making string … 1282 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added code for parsing tflite customops 1281 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug in tflite relu6 1280 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implemented conversion of RaggedToSparse 1276 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Minor bugfixes to support tflite 1275 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Moved tflite folder to tf2onnx 1273 ([TomWildenhain-Microsoft](ht
tps:// - [LICENSE] remove leftover MIT licenses 1272 (szha)
- [LICENSE] add ALv2 licenses 1271 (szha)
- Added handlers for tflite 1270 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- updated supported ops doc 1269 (guschmue)
- Added support for PlaceholderWithDefault ops with computed defaults 1268 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added @tfl_op decorator to handlers 1267 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
A huge thank you to our contributors for this release!
opset-13 support, bug fixes
Changes since tf2onnx-1.7.2
- Created tflite utils for parsing tflite graphs 1265 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix issue with LSTM state variables initialization 1264 (buddhapuneeth)
- Fixed bug in reading table info from saved models 1263 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Reenabled placeholderwithdefault tests 1262 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bugs in squeeze/unsqueeze for string ops 1261 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added support for converting RaggedRange 1256 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug in Transpose optimizer mul handler for consts with multiple… 1255 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added a workaround for the TF bug that tensor.numpy() doesn't always … 1250 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed conversion of Batch Norm when training=true 1249 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix sparse_softmax_cross_entropy bug when logits is negative infinity 1248 (liangkaihuan)
- Added flatbuffer parse code for tflite 1247 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Simplified TA get item to avoid shape bug 1244 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Set UT to test opset 13 1243 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- More bug fixes for opset 13 support 1241 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add support dynamic max_iterations in loop 1240 (wangqiaoshi)
- Add support for multiple scan outputs 1238 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Bug fixes for opset 13 support 1237 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed resize op for opset 13 1236 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix quant and dequant for opset 13 1235 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Made unittests require optimizers to not fail 1234 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Update split op for opset13 and add test cases 1233 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix for tf-2.4, ort does not support all topk dtypes 1232 (guschmue)
- support for tf-2.4 1231 (guschmue)
- Added recursive search for table info of saved models 1228 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- more complete nms support, fix efficientdet tutorial 1225 (guschmue)
- Fix bug in reading hash table initializers for tables with names othe… 1223 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- [WIP] Support operators Squeeze/Unsqueeze for opset 13 (v2) 1221 (xadupre)
- Updated ExpandDims handler for opset 13 unsqueeze 1218 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- [WIP] Support operators Squeeze/Unsqueeze for opset 13 1217 (xadupre)
- Tom/squeeze unsqueeze 1216 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improve messaging for RandomUniform 1215 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Created GraphBuilder method for ReduceSum to prepare for opset 13 1213 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- [WIP] Opset 13 support 1211 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added covid-twitter-bert to perf testing script 1209 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added universal-sentence-encoder-qa to perf testing script 1208 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Allow specifying domain of custom ops 1206 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improved perf of SegmentSum 1205 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added conversion for SparseReshape 1204 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added conversion for Bincount op 1202 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Don't fold constants if the result is way larger than inputs 1201 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Avoid using Where op in Select and SelectV2 conversions 1199 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added two universal sentence encoder models to perf testing list 1198 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Changed tf_utils pass1 to mostly use attribute type not name to determine how to convert. 1196 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added WikiWords models to perf testing yaml 1195 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added NNLM models to perf testing yaml 1194 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Updated run_pretrained_models script to support hash tables and string ops 1193 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implemented conversion for StringEqual 1192 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implemented conversions for all segment ops 1191 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Remove references to non-variable resources from graph before freezing 1190 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added optimization for TableLookup when key is const 1189 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Allow Reduce ops to have negative axis if opset >= 11 1188 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added conversions for SparseSegment ops 1187 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added conversions for string ops using contrib ops 1185 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Allow conversion of Select op when condition has rank 1 and input has… 1184 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added conversion for LookupTableSizeV2 1183 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added conversion for Roll op 1182 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implemented conversio...
Fixes and changes to how we use onnx shape inference needed for onnx-1.8
Changes since v1.7.1
- fix shape inference for onnx-1.8 1165 (guschmue)
- Fix parsing of Sparse ops 1164 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added conversions for Segment ops 1161 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Implemented conversion of DynamicStitch 1160 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added support for DynamicPartition 1159 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Update pipeline run_pretrained_models to use tf 2.3.0 1155 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed regression for SelectV2 when shape is unknown 1154 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added output_frozen_graph flag and marked --fold_const as deprecated 1151 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug with ConvTranspose 1150 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Enabled test_hashtable_lookup for tf2 1149 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Set aggressive inlining to true 1148 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improve ConvTranspose shape inference to work with unknown batch dim 1147 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed half_pixel_centers for resize_nearest_neighbor 1146 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added constant folding for Slice nodes following a shape node of know… 1145 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Resize align corners attribute 1144 (NikolasMarkou)
- Fixed bug in some rewriters where ops list aliased to g._nodes 1143 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added support for TensorScatterUpdate 1142 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Improved detection of conversion errors due to large models 1141 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added more attributes to tf ignored list 1140 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug with order of args when make large models 1139 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- more tests 1138 (guschmue)
- Remove special characters from model zip for large model format 1137 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- add more tests 1136 (guschmue)
- Added perf test model yaml file 1133 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added new input_get functions to 1128 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Don't add identity before output if output is also a graph input 1127 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
A huge thank you to our contributors for this release!
large model support, conversion performance improvements and fixes.
Changes since v1.6.3
- Fixed error in computing shape of unpack op 1125 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Moves unused class attribute to function local variable. 1124 (xadupre)
- Added cast to float before log 1123 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- cast log to float 1122 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add cast after Size if expected type is not int64 1119 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug in for models with subgraphs 1118 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixes #595, support operator InvertPermutation 1117 (xadupre)
- Better error message when it fails due to RFFT 1116 (xadupre)
- Add support for operators RFFT, ComplexAbs 1114 (xadupre)
- Rescaled get_beach and added get_zeros_int32 and get_zeros_int64 1113 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix --concrete_func for multiple inputs in signature 1110 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added support for converting NonMaxSuppression in opset 10 with dynam… 1109 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Update to support large models 1107 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- fix bn fuse for fp16 1106 (guschmue)
- Added constant folding using TF for large models 1105 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add an end2end example with tf.keras 1103 (xadupre)
- Hash tensor tensor values in merge_duplicated_nodes to increase conversion speed 1102 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Made einsum op convert equation string to lower case 1099 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fix issue with model esrgan-tf2_1 1098 (xadupre)
- reflect support for python 3.8, tf-2.3 1097 (guschmue)
- Added f to the list of TF function attributes 1094 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Added support for converting large models 1090 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Add cast to same type before equal operator 1089 (bedapisl)
- Added graph methods for saving using the external data storage format 1088 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Created compress_graph_def function 1087 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Rename coverter into converter 1086 (xadupre)
- Fix the missing axis when LogSoftmax is in graph 1084 (peterjc123)
- Add functionality for QDQ per channel 1081 (peri044)
- Add a script to profile the conversion of a model 1077 (xadupre)
- Feature: Added optimization step to remove upsample layers with all ones in scale 1074 (NikolasMarkou)
- #1070 replacing Reshape and Transpose operators to the kernel that are invalid in tensorrt with just a reshaped tensor 1071 (NikolasMarkou)
- Fix/gemm rewriter bias add 1069 (phager90)
- fix a NCHW pb converting bug in pad_rewriter 1063 (charlieguo0307)
- Faster insertion of operator cast, missing replacement in #1059 1061 (xadupre)
- Faster insertion of operator cast 1059 (xadupre)
- Changes type instead of name in operator clip 1058 (xadupre)
- Replace sys.maxsize by np.iinfo(np.int64).max 1057 (xadupre)
- Use the same syntax to replace an node input 1056 (xadupre)
- Removes unnecessary print 1055 (xadupre)
- Perf gain in, more efficient error messages, faster comparisons 1054 (xadupre)
- Minor perf gain in 1053 (xadupre)- Added brackets to fix error in QueueDequeueUpToV2 1050 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- [WIP] Improve performance by adding forward indexes, second version. 1049 (xadupre)
- Implemented QueueDequeueUpToV2 1047 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Fixed bug in padding calculation for padding='SAME' when dilations>1 1046 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- Conv3DBackpropInputV2 1045 (ralovich)
- Adding Constant Folding for Reshape Nodes to Optimizer 1042 (phager90)
- Added support for Conv3DBackpropInputV2 1041 (TomWildenhain-Microsoft)
- [WIP] Improve performance by adding forward indexes. 1035 (xadupre)
- fix label offset in tutorial 1026 (guschmue)
- [WIP] Improve performance by adding identity nodes 1023 (xadupre)
- enable tf-2.3 in ci pipeline 1022 (guschmue)
A huge thank you to our contributors for this release!
bedapisl, peterjc123, peri044, NikolasMarkou, phager90, charlieguo0307, ralovich, phager90