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Releases: onflow/flow-cli

Version 0.23.0

17 Jun 17:19
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

💥 Breaking Changes

Update Emulator Version

The emulator version was updated to v0.23.0 with Cadence v0.18.0

Version 0.22.0

15 Jun 21:37
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

💥 Breaking Changes

Update Emulator Version

The emulator version was updated to v0.20.3 with Cadence v0.17.0. The latest emulator version requires transaction domain tags.

🛠 Improvements

Log Transaction ID

All commands that send transactions now include the transaction ID in the log.

Version 0.21.0

24 May 11:44
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

💥 Breaking Changes

Flow Go SDK Update

Update Flow Go SDK version from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0.
Read more about the new version in the release notes.

⭐ Features

New Command To Manage Configuration

Add or remove resources from the configuration using the new flow config command.
Usage is possible via interactive prompt or by using flags. Command syntax is as follows:

flow config <add|remove> <account|contract|deployment|network>

Example for adding an account to the config via interactive prompt:

Name: Foo
Address: f8d6e0586b0a20c7
✔ ECDSA_P256
✔ SHA3_256
Private key: 1286...01afc
Key index (Default: 0): 0

Account Foo added to the configuration

Example for adding an account to the config without interactive prompt:

./main config add account --address f8d6e0586b0a20c7 --name Foo --private-key 1286...01afc

Account Foo added to the configuration

We recommend using manage command to do any changes in the configuration as it will also
validate input values for you and will abstract any changes in the configuration format.

Decode Keys

Command for decoding public keys in the RLP encoded format.

Example of using the command:

> flow keys decode f847b84084d716c14b051ad6b001624f738f5d302636e6b07cc75e4530af7776a4368a2b586dbefc0564ee28384c2696f178cbed52e62811bcc9ecb59568c996d342db2402038203e8

Public Key 		 84d716c14b051ad6b001624f738f5d302636e6b07cc75e4530af7776a4368a2b586dbefc0564ee28384c2696f178cbed52e62811bcc9ecb59568c996d342db24 
Signature algorithm 	 ECDSA_P256
Hash algorithm 		 SHA3_256
Weight 			 1000
Revoked 		 false

🎉 Improvements

Include And Exclude Flags

Include and Exclude flags were added to the transaction and account resource thus
allowing you to further specify verbosity of the output.

Documentation Changes

Multiple reported documentation fixes.

🐞 Bug Fixes

Import Detection Fix

Fix for a reported bug: An error occurs when executing a script that imports a built-in contract (Crypto contract) with Flow CLI command.

Version 0.20.2

11 May 20:57
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

⭐ Features

New Gas Limit Flag

Gas limit flag --gas-limit was added to flow transactions send and flow transactions build. You can now use this flag to specify a non-default value for transaction gas.

🐞 Bug Fixes

JSON output format

Fixes invalid JSON outputs for Cadence values. Cadence values are now being serialized using Cadence serializer and results look like this:


or for simple case:


CLI Library bugfix

CLI library "send with address and code" function was fixed.

Documentation Updates

Minor documentation fixes.

🛠 Improvements

  • Update cadence/languageserver to v0.15.2
  • Update to Go SDK v0.19.0
  • Increase grpc max message size to 16MB

Version 0.19.0

30 Apr 18:47
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

⭐ Features

Project Deployment with Contract Initialization Arguments

Project deployment was improved, and it now supports providing initialization arguments during the deployment of contracts. It is easy to specify all the arguments in the configuration like so:

// flow.json
  // ...
  "contracts": {
    "Foo": "./Foo.cdc",
    "Bar": "./Bar.cdc"
  "deployments": {
    "testnet": {
      "my-testnet-account": [
        "Foo", // deploy with no arguments
            "name": "Bar", 
            "args": [
                { "type": "String", "value": "Hello World" },
                { "type": "UInt32", "value": "10" }
  // ...

Network Status Command

The network status command allows you to query the status of each network and see if the network is available.


> flow status --network testnet

Status:		 🟢 ONLINE
Network:	 testnet
Access Node:

Global Configuration

Flow CLI now supports global configuration which is a flow.json file saved in your home directory and loaded as the first configuration file wherever you execute the CLI command.

You can generate a global configuration using the --global flag.

Command example: flow init --global.

Global flow configuration is saved as:

  • macOS: ~/flow.json
  • Linux: ~/flow.json
  • Windows: C:\Users\$USER\flow.json

You can read more about it in the docs.

Environment File Support

The CLI will load environment variables defined in the .env file in the active directory, if one exists. These variables can be substituted inside the flow.json, just like any other environment variable.

Example .env file:

// flow.json
  // ...
  "accounts": {
    "my-testnet-account": {
      "address": "3ae53cb6e3f42a79",
      "keys": "${PRIVATE_KEY}"
  // ...

🎉 Improvements

Default Network Without Configuration

Default network is provided even if no configuration is present which allows you to use the CLI on even more commands without the requirement of having a configuration pre-initialized.

Chain ID Removed

Chain ID property was removed from the configuration as it is not needed anymore.
With this improvement, the new configuration is less complex and shorter.

Send Signed Progress

Send signed transaction now includes progress output the same way as sending transaction command does.

🐞 Bug Fixes

Keys Generate JSON output

Keys generation output in JSON format was fixed and it now shows correctly private and public keys.

Account Key Index When Sending Transactions

Account key index is now fetched from the configuration and it doesn't default to 0 anymore.

Transaction Boolean Argument

The transaction boolean argument wasn't parsed correctly when passed in comma split format.

JSON Outputs Fixes

JSON output format was not working properly for some commands.

Version 0.18.0

20 Apr 16:31
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

⭐ Features

Resolve Contract Imports in Scripts and Transactions

This is a new feature that allows you to send transactions and scripts that reference
contracts deployed using the project deploy command. Imports are resolved
by matching contract source paths to their declarations in flow.json.

For example:

Example script: get_supply.cdc

import Kibble from "../../contracts/Kibble.cdc"

pub fun main(): UFix64 {
    let supply = Kibble.totalSupply
    return supply

Example command:

flow scripts execute ./get_supply.cdc

Note: Please make sure you first deploy the contract using flow project deploy
command and that contracts are correctly added to the flow configuration.

Build, Sign and Send Transactions

New functionality allows you to build a transaction, sign it
and send signed to the network in separated steps.

Build Transaction

Build new transaction and specify who will be the proposer, signer and payer account
or address. Example:

flow transactions build ./transaction.cdc --proposer alice --payer bob --authorizer bob --filter payload --save payload1.rlp

Check more about this functionality in docs.

Sign Transaction

After using build command and saving payload to a file you should sign the transaction
with each account. Example:

flow transactions sign ./payload1.rlp --signer alice --filter payload --save payload2.rlp 

Send Signed Transaction

When authorizer, payer and proposer sign the transaction it is ready to be
sent to the network. Anyone can execute the send-signed command. Example:

flow transactions send-signed ./payload3.rlp

Version Check

Automatically checks if a new version exists and outputs a warning in case there
is a newer version. Example:

⚠️  Version Warning: New version v0.18.0 of Flow CLI is available.
Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI:

Create Account With Multiple Keys and Weights

Account creation can be done using multiple keys (--key) and new --key-weight
flag. Flag enables you to set key weight for each of the keys. Command example:

accounts create \
    --key ca8cc7...76f67 --key-weight 500 \
    --key da8123...043ce --key-weight 500

Address	 0x179b6b1cb6755e31
Balance	 0.10000000
Keys	 2

Key 0	Public Key		 ca8cc7...76f67
	Weight			 500
	Signature Algorithm	 ECDSA_P256
	Hash Algorithm		 SHA3_256
	Revoked 		 false
	Sequence Number 	 0
	Index 			 0

Key 1	Public Key		 da8123...043ce
	Weight			 500
	Signature Algorithm	 ECDSA_P256
	Hash Algorithm		 SHA3_256
	Revoked 		 false
	Sequence Number 	 0
	Index 			 1

🎉 Improvements

Account Response Improved

Account response includes two new fields in key section: Sequence Number and Index.

Transaction Result Improved

Transaction result displays more information about the transaction. New format example:

Status		✅ SEALED
ID		b6430b35ba23849a8acb4fa1a4a1d5cce3ed4589111ecbb3984de1b6bd1ba39e
Payer		a2c4941b5f3c7151
Authorizers	[a2c4941b5f3c7151]

Proposal Key:	
    Address	a2c4941b5f3c7151
    Index	0
    Sequence	9

No Payload Signatures

Envelope Signature 0:
    Address	a2c4941b5f3c7151
    Signature	5391a6fed0fe...2742048166f9d5c925a8dcb78a6d8c710921d67
    Key Index	0

Events:	 None

Arguments (1):
    - Argument 0: {"type":"String","value":"Meow"}


transaction(greeting: String) {
  let guest: Address

  prepare(authorizer: AuthAccount) {
    self.guest = authorizer.address

  execute {


Transaction error is now shown at the top of the result.

Transaction 0dd6294a7614bc0fbeb39b44a6e9f68e821225caa4baf4104a17dc1193d4f011 sealed

Status: SEALED
Execution Error: Execution failed:
error: invalid move operation for non-resource
  --> 0dd6294a7614bc0fbeb39b44a6e9f68e821225caa4baf4104a17dc1193d4f011:15:15
15 |         useRes(<-result)
   |                ^^^ unexpected `<-`

error: mismatched types
  --> 0dd6294a7614bc0fbeb39b44a6e9f68e821225caa4baf4104a17dc1193d4f011:15:15
15 |         useRes(<-result)
   |                ^^^^^^^^ expected `AnyResource`, got `&AnyResource`


🐞 Bug Fixes

New Transaction ID Log

While sending transaction was in progress output displayed wrong transaction ID.

Init Reset Fix

Old configuration format caused an error saying to reset the
configuration using reset flag, but when ran it produced the same error again.
This bug was fixed.

Emulator Config Path

When running emulator command flow emulator config flag -f was ignored.
This has been fixed, so you can provide a custom path to the config while running
the start emulator command.

Version 0.17.0

08 Apr 16:52
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

💥 Breaking Changes

Configuration Format

The default configuration format (i.e. the contents of flow.json) has been updated. It is now unified to work with all CLI commands. The new format is not backwards compatible with the old format.

If needed, you can generate a new configuration file with the flow init command.

Read more about the new configuration format in the documentation.

Cadence Update

Cadence version updated to v0.14.0 - see release notes here

Updated: flow blocks get

The --latest, --id and --height have been removed.

Instead, use the new argument syntax:

# get latest block
flow blocks get latest

# get a block by ID
flow blocks get 6bb0e0fceef9225a3cf9ceb6df9a31bd0063e6ee8e8dd7fdd93b831783243cd3

# get a block by height
flow blocks get 28329914

Read more about this change in the documentation.

Removed: flow keys decode

The flow keys decode command has been temporarily removed due to a bug that requires further investigation.

Removed: flow keys save

The flow keys save command has been removed in favour of an upcoming flow accounts add command.

⚠️ Deprecation Warnings

The following functionality has been deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.

flow accounts create, flow accounts add-contract, flow accounts remove-contract, flow accounts update-contract

  • Flag --results is deprecated, results are displayed by default.

flow accounts get

  • Flag --code is deprecated, use --contracts flag instead.

flow events get

  • Flag --verbose is deprecated.

flow keys generate

  • Flag --algo is deprecated, use flag --sig-algo.

flow transactions send

  • Flag --code is deprecated, use filename argument instead.
  • Flag --args is deprecated, use --arg or --args-json instead.
  • Flag --results is deprecated, results are displayed by default.

flow scripts execute

  • Flag --code is deprecated, use filename argument instead.
  • Flag --args is deprecated, use --arg or --args-json instead.

flow transactions status

  • This command has been deprecated in favour of flow transactions get.

flow project init

  • This command has been deprecated in favour of flow init.

flow project start-emulator

  • This command has been deprecated in favour of flow emulator.

flow emulator start

  • This command has been deprecated in favour of flow emulator.

⭐ Features


Output format was changed, so it stays consistent between commands. New flags were introduced that control the output. Let's take a quick look at the new flags, but make sure to read more about them in the documentation on each command:

  • Output: --output specify the format of the command results (JSON, inline...),
  • Save: --save specify the filename where you want the result to be saved,
  • Log: --log control how much output you want to see during command execution,
  • Filter: --filter Specify any property name from the result you want to return as the only value.

All the flags and their allowed values are specified for each command in the documentation.

Changed output for fetching account.

Address  179b6b1cb6755e31
Balance  0
Keys     2

Key 0   Public Key               c8a2a318b9099cc6...a0fe320dba7
        Weight                   1000
        Signature Algorithm      ECDSA_P256
        Hash Algorithm           SHA3_256

         pub contract Foo {
                pub var bar: String
                init() {
               = "Hello, World!"

Output account result as JSON.


Improved progress feedback with loaders.

Loading 0x1fd892083b3e2a4c...⠼

Shared Library

You can import Flow CLI shared library from the flowcli package and use the functionality
from the service layer in your own software. Codebase was divided into two components, first
is the CLI interaction layer, and the second is the shared library component which is meant
to be reused.

Account Staking Info Command

New command to fetch staking info from the account was added. Read more about it in the

> accounts staking-info 535b975637fb6bee --host

Account Staking Info:
ID: 			 "ca00101101010100001011010101010101010101010101011010101010101010"
Initial Weight: 	 100
Networking Address: 	 "ca00101101010100001011010101010101010101010101011010101010101010"
Networking Key: 	 "ca00101101010100001011010101010101010101010101011010101010101010ca00101101010100001011010101010101010101010101011010101010101010"
Role: 			 1
Staking Key: 		 "ca00101101010100001011010101010101010101010101011010101010101010ca00101101010100001011010101010101010101010101011010101010101010ca00101101010100001011010101010101010101010101011010101010101010"
Tokens Committed: 	 0.00000000
Tokens To Unstake: 	 0.00000000
Tokens Rewarded: 	 82627.77000000
Tokens Staked: 		 250000.00000000
Tokens Unstaked: 	 0.00000000
Tokens Unstaking: 	 0.00000000
Total Tokens Staked: 	 250000.00000000

Account Delegation Info:
ID: 			 7
Tokens Committed: 	 0.00000000
Tokens To Unstake: 	 0.00000000
Tokens Rewarded: 	 30397.81936000
Tokens Staked: 		 100000.00000000
Tokens Unstaked: 	 0.00000000
Tokens Unstaking: 	 0.00000000

🐞 Bug Fixes

Address 0x prefix

Addresses are not required to be prefixed with 0x anymore. You can use either format, but due to consistency we advise using 0x prefix with addresses represented in hex format.

Project deploy error

Deploying contract provides improved error handling in case something goes wrong you can now read what the error was right from the command line.

Example of error output:

Deploying 2 contracts for accounts: emulator-account

❌  contract Kibble is already deployed to this account. Use the --update flag to force update
❌  contract KittyItemsMarket is already deployed to this account. Use the --update flag to force update
❌  failed to deploy contracts

❌ Command Error: failed to deploy contracts

📖 Documentation

  • Improved documentation to cover all the commands and flags.

Version 0.16.0

26 Mar 01:21
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

⭐ Features

  • Add flow keys decode command to decode and validate Flow account keys (#75) @Kay-Zee
  • Build darwin/arm64 binaries (#113) @turbolent

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Update flow accounts create to use the sig-algo argument specified by the user (#121) @joeabbey-anchor

Version 0.15.0

11 Mar 05:35
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⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

💥 Breaking Changes

The API for flow scripts execute has changed.

Previous version (v0.14.0):

flow scripts execute script.cdc

New version (v0.15.0):

flow scripts execute --code=script.cdc

⭐ Features

🛠 Improvements

  • Update to Cadence v0.13.5-no-id-caching and Emulator v0.16.1 (#107) @turbolent
  • Update Cadence Language Server to v0.13.1 (#89) @turbolent
  • Update Cadence v0.13.0, Go SDK v0.15.0, and Emulator v0.15.0 (#85) @turbolent
  • Update new account configuration format to be backwards compatible (#105) @sideninja
  • Update max message size for results (#76) @Kay-Zee
  • Fix UFix64 formatting (#94) @janezpodhostnik

🐞 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

  • README fixes (#73) @sideninja

🏠 Housekeeping

Version 0.14.0

22 Feb 01:44
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⭐ Features

Project Commands

#42, #64, #54 by @sideninja, @psiemens

⚠️ Project commands are an experimental feature. Functionality is subject to change.

This update includes the flow project command group, a new experimental feature that makes it easier to develop Flow dapps with the CLI.

The initial release includes the following commands:

🛠 Improvements

📖 Documentation