- About 5 years of work experience
- BSc in Computer Engineering and MSc student in Computer Science
- Defined by co-workers as proactive, friendly, and fun to work with
- Experienced in Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Back-End Development, Unix Systems, Linux Kernel, Drivers and Networking
- Proud to be a Jack Of All Trades in this computer world. Using technology to improve people’s quality of life is my greatest source of happiness in the work environment
- SNPES - Simple Network Protocol for Embedded Systems
- boislib - Collection of portable libraries to extended the C ecosystem
- Big Brother - simple inventory management system using embedded systems, go, and HTMX!
- Linux Driver Development - examples, docs & scripts for developing Linux Device Drivers
- PID Rocket Simulation - PID controller simulation under the effects of non-uniform motion physics
- AntennasPy - numerical analysis of the properties of a dipole antenna using the Method of Moments
- Mips CPU - implementation of a simple mips-based processor using SystemVerilog and VHDL