MipsCPU is a design and implementation project of a RISC microprocessor with a similar Mips instructions set
- Multi Cycle
- 32 registers
- 32-bit words (4 byte boundaries)
- Extra instructions (Push, Pop)
- Hardware Description Languages: SystemVerilog, Verilog
- Software for testing: Intel Quartus Prime
the creators of this project are the following Computer Engineering students:
- Matheus Ferreira (email: mfbs@cin.ufpe.br)
- Gabriela Leal (email: gmfl@cin.ufpe.br)
- Beatiz Alves (email: babs@cin.ufpe.br)
- Marcos Monteiro (email: mmmb@cin.ufpe.br)
- Nathalia Paiva (email: npl@cin.ufpe.br)