boislib is a collection of libraries with useful functions, data structures and algorithms to extended the default C ecosystem.
As a embedded developer, I sometimes find myself in the need of common well know data structures and algorithms that usually comes in many libraries that aren't always easily portable. That can be a real pain especially when doing firmware and bare-metal work.
The goal here is to provide implementation to those data structures and algorithms and also to extended and provide not such common ones, making sure that the code can be, with zero headache, ported to most architectures and systems.
Fear not. This library is distributed under Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 2.0 which is a simple copyleft license designed to encourage contributors to share modifications they make to your code, while still allowing them to combine your code with code under other licenses (open or proprietary) with minimal restrictions.
For more quick information have a look at this FAQ .
boislib can be installed in any linux distributions as both shared and static libraries. Just clone this repository and do:
make RELEASE=1
sudo make install RELEASE=1
This will compile all libraries with optimizations turned on than
install the header files in /usr/local/include
and the shared and
static libraries (.so .a) in /usr/local/lib
. You can also change the
base path by running
sudo make install RELEASE=1 DESTDIR=/my/own/path
Although this may fail if your DESTDIR
doesn't has a lib
and include
Simply go to the releases page, download the latest version, decompress it, and copy the contents of the boislib directory into your project!
Quick summary of the libraries
You give me a contiguous amount of memory, I give you dynamic memory allocation! memmgr implements dynamic memory management.
You give me a contiguous amount of memory, I give a queue! circular_queue implements a FIFO data structure.
Want to help out and submit your own library to the project? Feel free to!
Contributions can come in many forms. Please check out the contributing documented for more information.
If your platform has this, than you can port to it!
- assert.h
- stdbool.h
- stddef.h
- stdint.h
- string.h
- Google Test for unit testing and mocking framework
- LCOV for code coverage reporting