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Meeting agenda 2019 04 29

Greg Wilson edited this page May 28, 2019 · 1 revision


  • Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher (MBF)
  • Damien Irving (DI)
  • Luke Johnston (LJ)
  • Brandeis Marshall (BM)
  • Joel Ostblom (JO)
  • Elizabeth Wickes (EW)
  • Charlotte Wickham (CW)
  • Greg Wilson (GW)


  1. Introductions (10 min)
  2. Proposal #6: Work in one repository (5 min / Greg Wilson)
    • Passed
    • GW will move existing material into this repository.
  3. Proposal #8: Adopt these learner personas (5 min / Greg Wilson)
    • Deferred
    • MBF and BM will refine the personas and re-submit
  4. Proposal #10: Use bookdown for generating course material (10 min / Luke Johnston)
    • Passed
  5. Discussion #9: What tools to use for practical exercises in the novice course? (10 min)
    • Use RStudio IDE for R
    • Keep content tool-neutral for Python and provide instructors' guides for common options
      • Expect that each instructor will pick a tool and introduce it to their class
  6. Open discussion: who wants to work on what? (10 min)
    • Novice material will be separate for R and Python
      • GW will create tickets for each
      • Add yourself to the language you're most interested in working on initially
    • We need 4-6 running examples
      • GW will create a ticket asking for data sets
        • Please also add examples of exercises that can be done with those data sets
        • Work backward from exercises to lesson structure
      • Try to get a variety of data sets: one language processing, one health care/time series, etc.
      • Try to avoid the usual suspects (gapminder, iris, etc.)
    • Talk about social/ethical implications throughout rather than segregating to one section
  7. Choose date and moderator for next meeting (5 min)
    • MBF will moderate
    • Date TBD (May 8?)