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Data Dictionaries: ECHOInterface.R

Morgan McCarthy edited this page Aug 1, 2018 · 3 revisions

Data Dictionary for ECHOInterface.R

Variables in Script

Variable Description
ECHO_Facilities List of facilities regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and managed uner the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program
DMR_Data Data frame that contains effluent chart with Discharge Monitoring Report for each point of discharge (outfall)
ECHOID CWA Facility ID Indicated in ECHO System
VPDESID Unique ID used in Virginia to indicate a CWA Facility's Outfall: Concatonates Facility ID with outfall ID.
outfall_num three-character code in ICIS-NPDES that identifies the point of discharge (e.g., 1 is equivalent to 001)
FlowSum Summed Flow over aggregrated monitoring periods
FlowMed Median Flow over aggregated monitoring periods
Unit Associated units for reported flow (usually MGD)
Limit Permitted amount of flow in conduit or thru treatment plant (parameter code 50050) allowed for a CWA regulated facility
Stat Statistical code abbrieviation associated with measured flow value
Stat_Description Description of Code abbrieviation
mon_in_year Data frame containing months of the year and their days to generate summed discharge over monitoring periods
FlowFrame Data frame containing an ID for each CWA regulated facility, their outfall ID's, outfall number, summed flow over time range, median flow over time range, units for measured effluent, permitted effluent limit, statistic used for measured effluent (i.e average, maximum, total), and description of the statistic used

Parameters in ECHO_Facilities Data Frame

Parameter Description
CWPName Facility or permit holder name as found in NPDES
SourceID Unique Identifier assigned by EPA
CWPStreet Street Address
CWPCity City in which facility is located
CWPState State in which facility is located, two-digit abbreviation
CWPStateDistrict State Congressional District in which facility is located
CWPEPARegion EPA Region in which facility is located. EPA has 10 regions.
FacDerivedHuc HUC-8 Code Watershed in which facility is located in
FacInidanSpatialFlg Flag if facility is located in Indian Country (Logical)
CWPTotalDesignFlowNmbr Design Flow in MGD (Numeric)
CWPActualAverageFlowNmbr Actual Measured Flow in MGD (Numeric)
ControlMeasure Description of control measures employed to comply with effluent limits
ControlMeasureSchedule Description of schedule for control measures
OverCount80US Number of primary environemntal justice indexes exceeding the 80th of higher national percentile for the Census block group that the facility is located in
PctilePctpre1960US National percentile of the census bloack group for the EJScreen Lead paint indicator
Subsector Multi-Sector General Purpose Permit Subsector Individual Identifier

USGS Consumptive Use


Current Focus

Energy Facilities

Data Sources



Quality Assurance and Control (QA/QC)

Matched Facilities



Data Dictionaries

ECHO to VAHydro Importing

Exporting Water Use Data to NWIS SWUDS

SWUDS Mapping in VAHydro

SWUDS Templates (irrelevant)

VAHydro System Integration

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