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Data Dictionary: ECHO_Timeseries

Morgan McCarthy edited this page Aug 1, 2018 · 1 revision

Data Dictionary for ECHO_Timeseries.R

Variables in Script

Variable Description
state Two letter abbreviation of State of interest (input for REST service)
startDate Beginning of time range desired used in Effluent Chart REST Service. Format=mm/dd/yyyy
endDate End of time range desired used in Effluent Chart REST Service. Format=mm/dd/yyyy
ECHO_Facilities List of facilities and attributes regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and managed uner the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program. Parameters included in this data frame are described below (ECHO_Facilities Parameters)
Facility_Name Name of the CWA regulated discharging facility
VPDESID Unique ID used in Virginia for a facility's outfall: concatonated facility ID with 3 digit outfall ID
eff_limit numerical limit for measured effluent through the facility
eff_limit_units units of measure applicable to effluent quantity limit
dmr_value measured effluent through outfall. Refers to the Facility's Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
dmr_units units for measured effluent
statistic indicates the statistic analysis used for the measured effluent. This script is interested in monthly averages
mp_begin beginning date of monitoring period (mp)
mp_end end data of monitoring period (mp)
mon_in_mp number of months included in monitoring period. Referred to as number of submissions in ECHO database
violation Code identifying if a Violation has occurred (e.g., D80 = Required Monitoring DMR Value Non-Receipt, E90 = Effluent Violation, C20 = Schedule Event Achieved Late).
violation_severity Severity of any alleged violation caused by the reported value: 5 = significant noncompliance; 3 = reportable noncompliance; 2 = effluent violation, i.e., discharge in excess of permitted limit; 1 = monitoring or reporting violation; 0 = no violation
DMR_data Data frame that contains effluent chart with Discharge Monitoring Report for each point of discharge (outfall)
ECHO_timeseries Final data frame containing every active outfall reporting effluent from 2010-present

ECHO_Facilities Parameters

Parameter Description qcolumn ID
CWP_Name Facility or permit holder name as found in NPDES 1
SourceID Unique Identifier assigned by EPA 2
FAC_Derived_HUC The 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) of the watershed in which the facility resides. A HUC number is assigned to every watershed in the nation and uniquely identifies the watershed 14
FAC_LAT The latitude of the facility in decimal degrees expressed using the NAD83 horizontal datum. The coordinate comes from the FRS EPA Locational Reference Tables (LRT) file which represents the most accurate value for the facility based on the available spatial metadata 23
FAC_LONG The longitude of the facility in decimal degrees expressed using the NAD83 horizontal datum. The coordinate comes from the FRS EPA Locational Reference Tables (LRT) file which represents the most accurate value for the facility based on the available spatial metadata 24
CWPTotalDesignFlowNmbr The amount of wastewater flow in MGD that the facility is designed for 25
CWP_ACTUAL_AVERAGE_FLOW_NMBR The actual amount of the facility's wastewater flow measured in MGD 26
CWP_FACILITY_TYPE_INDICATOR Each NPDES permit is defined by the program office as a Major or non-major discharger. This field also indicates the permit type. POTW: Publicly Owned Treatment Works 27
CWP_PERMIT_STATUS_DESC The current stage/status in the NPDES permit life cycle 60
CWP_PERMIT_TYPE_DESC NPDES facility permit classification:- NPDES Individual Permit- General Permit Covered Facility- NPDES Master General Permit- Associated Permit Record- Individual Industrial User Permit- Individual State Issued Permit- State Issued Master General Permit- Unpermitted Facility 63
CWP_EFFECTIVE_DATE Date in which NPDES permit effectively started 65
CWP_EXPIRATION_DATE Date in which NPDES permit expires 67
CWP_STATUS An indication of the facility's current compliance status under the Clean Water Act:- Significant Violation- Noncompliance- No Violation- Unknown 84
CWP_E90_CNT Displays the number of instances where effluent limits have been exceeded in the past 3 years (E90 compliance code), based on monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) submitted by facilities 91
CWP_INSPECTION_COUNT The number of inspections/compliance evaluations, under the corresponding statute, occurring at the facility within the last five years 95
CWP_DATE_LAST_INSPECTION The date on which the most recent inspection of the facility took place (qcolumn=97).
CWP_CSO_FLAG The discharge from a Combined Sewer System at a point prior to the treatment plant. CSOs are point sources subject to NPDES permit requirements including both technology-based and water quality-based requirements of the Clean Water Act 204
CWP_CSO_OUTFALLS The number of discharge outfalls at points prior to the treatment plant 205
CWP_STATE_WATER_BODY_CODE Code from the Assessment TMDL Tracking & Implementation System (ATTAINS) database, assigned by the US Geological Survey, used to classify watersheds in the United States and the Caribbean. The code consists of twelve digits which correspond to six levels of classification:- Region (first-level, 2-digit HUC)- Subregion (second-level, 4-digit HUC)- Accounting unit (third-level, 6-digit HUC)- Cataloguing unit (fourth-level, 8-digit HUC)- Watershed (fifth-level, 10-digit HUC)- Subwatershed (sixth-level, 12-digit HUC) 206
CWP_STATE_WATER_BODY_NAME The name of the watershed from the ATTAINS database in which the facility resides 207
RAD_GNIS_NAME The name of the waterbody from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) database in which the facility is permitted to discharge directly (RAD: Reach Address Database) 209
RAD_REACHCODE A nationally unique and permanent identifier for the waterbody, assigned by the US Geological Survey 210

USGS Consumptive Use


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Energy Facilities

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Quality Assurance and Control (QA/QC)

Matched Facilities



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