Initial release of amazon-vpc-cni-k8s a cni plugin for use with Kubernetes that uses ENIs and secondary ip addresses.
See the README for additional information.
- Feature — Versioning with git SHA #106
- Feature — Ability to configure secondary IP preallocation (aws#125)
- Feature — Allow pods communicate with outside VPC without NAT#81
- Improvement — Added travis CI support #116, #117, #118
- Improvement — Modify toleration to make aws-node schedule-able on all nodes #128
- Improvement — Move from TagResources to CreateTags for ENI Tagging #129
- Improvement — Updated troubleshooting guidelines
- Bug Fix — Release IP to datastore upon failure #127
- Feature - Add hostPort support #153
- Feature - Add a configuration knob to allow Pod to use different VPC SecurityGroups and Subnet #165
- Feature - Fix return path of NodePort traffic #130
- Improvement - Add more error messages during initialization #174
- Improvement - Check to make it is a Pod object #170
- Improvement - Maintain the right number of ENIs and its IP addresses in WARM-IP pool #169
- Improvement - Add support for more instance types: r5, r5d, z1d, t3 #145
- Bug Fix - Add missing calico.yaml to 1.2
- Bug Fix - Do not watch eniconfig CRD if cni is not configured to use pod config
- Bug Fix - Fixed typo in aws-k8s-cni.yaml
- Bug Fix - Add logic to dynamically discover primary interface name
- Feature - Add logic to handle multiple VPC CIDRs
- Improvement - Update instance types
- Improvement - Add retry for plumbing route entry
- Improvement - Update vpc_ip_resource_limit.go
- Improvement - Add support for g3s.xlarge machines
- Improvement - Fixing t3.xl and t3.2xl eni numbers
- Improvement - Configure MTU of ENI and veths to 9001
- Bug Fix - Update containerPort in the spec
- Bug Fix - cleanup the host route when perform CNI delete