Releases: lightbend-labs/mima
Bumped to 0.3.0 because of the CLI removal.
- Fixes a runtime exception on Java 9's new tags, by ignoring them. #206/#207 by @dwijnand
- Adds support for versions with less segments (e.g v1.2). #212/#214 by @2m
- Removes MiMa's CLI. #208/#209 by @dwijnand and @2m
- Removes use of sbt-assembly and sbt-buildinfo. #216 by @dwijnand
- Update copyright and docs maintenance. #210/#213 by @SethTisue
- Bump from Scala 2.12.4 to 2.12.6. #219 by @dwijnand
This release contains a single bugfix (#196) thanks to @nick-nachos where a filter to exclude InheritedNewAbstractMethodProblem
was needed on a parent class instead of the child class.
After updating to this MiMa version, there might be new BC issues reported which were not reported before. In that case the suggested filter should be added and previous filter for the same method in parent class should be removed. This change in functionality is the reason for a new minor version.
- Switches to using sbt-compat to avoid runtime errors like lightbend/sbt-whitesource#20
- Adds Scala 2.12 and sbt 1 support. #169/#175/#180/#181 by @lrytz /@szeiger /@dwijnand
- Adds wildcard support to exclude problem filter. #171/#172 by @2m
- Adds filter file support. #170/#174 by @2m
- Restores the ability to build an assembly jar of MiMa. (See also #166/#167 by @fanf
- Fixes an issue where problems where leaking when both backwards and forward compatibility. #176 by @2m
For full details see the 0.1.14...0.1.15 changelog and/or the 0.1.15 milestone.
Migration Manager 0.1.14
This release contains two bugfixes:
- migration manager now analyses classes with symbolic names in objects (#158)
- migration manager sbt plugin now releases memory sooner allowing for shorter run times when analysing projects with many subprojects (#163)
All tickets fixed for this release can be found on the milestone page.
0.1.13 - ready for Scala 2.12.1
Some improvements and integration tests - in preparation for Scala 2.12.1.
- Add integration tests (5 days ago)
- Avoid false positives for classes defined in methods (6 days ago)
Thanks Stefan, Jason!
Migration Manager 0.1.12
- fix regression in command-line (non-sbt) runs where no checks were performed unless
was specified (regressed in 0.1.9) (#137) - detect changes to inner objects (#127)
- detect added methods in value classes (#135)
- detect changes to default parameters (#136)
- support Java-defined static members (#142)
- deprecated keys removed from sbt plugin (#134)
contributors to this release: Stefan Zeiger, Jason Zaugg, Mirco Dotta, Seth Tisue
thanks also to P. Oscar Boykin, Hanns Holger Rutz, Dale Wijnand, and Pap Lőrinc for finding bugs