Releases: lge-ros2/cloisim
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- Upgrade Unity editor version: 2022.3.56f1 (LTS)
- UI: Add dropdown menu in Camera View Menu to select perspective or orthographic mode
- UI: CameraControl modified to handle Orthographic and Perspective camera control
Bug fix
- UI: Bug fixed in CameraViewMoving
- Device: Modify the queue handling code in Camera and Lidar sensor to resolve the problem that destroying object takes too long time every device is removed and destroyed.
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.6.2
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.11.2
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Modify/camera UI by @hyunseok-yang in #341
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.8 by @hyunseok-yang in #342
Full Changelog: 4.9.7...4.9.8
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- SDF.Implement: possible to implement orthographic camera configuration in <sdf/world/gui>
- SDF.Parse: parse <track_visual> in <world/gui>
- SDF.Implement: follow target object through Track Visual element in SDF
- Sensor: support orthographic camera sensor mode
- General: possible to adjust Orthographic Size using mouse wheel or keyboard input
- General: Fix and Update Dockerfile and
- General: Add new start script for headless mode with Docker
- General: add new control command for "FPS"
- General: Set default properties for Main Camera
- allowDynamicResolution = true
- useOcclusionCulling = true
- Device: Increase queue size and lower flushing threshold in DeviceMessageQueue
- Device: Set Seek(0) in DeviceMessage.SetMessage()
- Device: Modify Laser Sensor Device -> Change LaserProcessing() function coroutine into Thread work
- Device: Change anisolevel 3 -> 2 in CameraSensor
- Device: Change BlockingCollection to ConcurrentQeueue
- In sensor, Camera, DepthCamera, Lidar, MultiCamera, SegmentationCamera
Bug fix
- Device: Modify Camera Sensor to solve parsing fail error for camera image data in cloisim_ros
- Stop to reuse DeviceMessage in Device
- Remove lock scheme in DeviceMessage
- Modify waitForSeconds in CameraWorker()
- to keep target UpateRate for image processing, give a sleep every dequeue messsage
- Device: Modify Lidar Sensor to keep target update rate
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.6.2
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.11.2
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Fix Dockerfile by @hyunseok-yang in #336
- Ortho/cam by @hyunseok-yang in #337
- Fix/sensor/queue managing by @hyunseok-yang in #338
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.7 by @hyunseok-yang in #339
Full Changelog: 4.9.6...4.9.7
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- Upgrade Unity editor version: 2022.3.55f1 (LTS)
- Upgrade Plugin libraries
- protobuf-net: 3.2.30 -> 3.2.45
- protobuf-net.Core: 3.2.30 -> 3.2.45
- UI: Modfiy SDF.Import.Base
- it affects ModelImporter, initial model rotation is corrupted when other obejct is located in origin position.
- Device: disable usemipmap and autogenerateMips in Camera Sensor Device
- Device.Module: modify ProcessDevice() in MicomCommand()
- change order of processing command -> ->
- Device.Module: Modfiy SelfBalancedDrive class
- set initial joint target for HeadsetTarget -> add new GetDrive() method in ArticulationDrive
- Method name changed.
- Tools: Minor modification in MathUtil
Bug fix
- DeviceHelper: fix GetPartsName()
- retreive link name of sensor
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.6.2
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.11.2
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.6 by @hyunseok-yang in #335
Full Changelog: 4.9.5...4.9.6
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- General: Update Packages Version
- 1.0.0 => Enable
- UI: Modify to save world file on the location where the original world file is loaded.
- CLOisimPlugin: Support to display videos in specific geometry through MicomPlugin
- Make it possible to play video file into plane geometry
- Add new custom shader for playing video on texture
- General: Add included shader in GraphicsSettings
- SDF.Parser: Modify GetIncludedModel()
- parse element in element
- General: Update Package Version
- com.unity.performance.profile-analyzer: 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3
- Graphics: Update UniversalRenderPipelineAsset.asset
- Graphics: Disable MSAA(Anti-aliasing) by default in RenderPipelines
- SDF.Parser: Parse sensor in Joint element
- Device.Module: Modify SelfBalancedDrive to change adjust body rotaion value via parameters in SDF
- Device.Module: Modify GetPartsName() in DeviceHelper
- modify setting partsName field
- add GetPartsName() remove GetPartName()
- Device.Module: Add Sec2NSec and NSec2Sec in DeviceHelper
- CLOiSimPlugin: Modify fields, leading with undrescore
- CLOiSimPlugin: Modify parts name in MicomPlugin
- CLOiSimPlugin: Modify SetCustomHandleRequestMessage() in CommonMethod
- Separate the functionality of handling "request_ros2" request message as a new method -> SetRequestRos2Response()
Bug fix
- CLOiSimPlugin: fix wrong parts name in each Modules in RealSensePlugin
- Device.Module: Fix wrong value calculation for _commandTargetRollByDrive in SelfBalancedDrive.Drive()
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.6.2
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.11.2
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Add/display by @hyunseok-yang in #330
- Modify/cl oi sim plugins by @hyunseok-yang in #331
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.5 by @hyunseok-yang in #333
Full Changelog: 4.9.4...4.9.5
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- Upgrade Unity editor version: 2022.3.54f1 (LTS)
- SDF.Import.Loader: Modify GetInertiaTensor() to set inertiaTensor rotation which calculated automatically by articulation body.
- Device.Module: Modify SelfBalancedDrive to enhance control
- adjust target Body Rotation
- adjust smooth timing in RestoreHipAndLegZero()
- modify hip angle and leg angle
Bug fix
- Mesh.Tool: Revert "Fix scale direction in ToUnityMeshObject() of MeshLoader"
- Mesh.Tool: Modify MeshLoader.ToUnity() in Assimp.Common (scaling problem reported with dae collada mesh)
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.6.1
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.11.1
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Modify ControlHipAndLeg() in SelfBalanceControl class by @hyunseok-yang in #328
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.4 by @hyunseok-yang in #329
Full Changelog: 4.9.3...4.9.4
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- CLOiSimPlugin: Allow to publish zero(empty) tf every 2 seconds in Base class
- CLOiSimPlugin.Message: Modify cloisim.msg.micom, change 'odom' field to optional
- UI (For Editor): Display some of variable in Base Device class in inspector
- Device.MicomSensor: Initialize Odom message when motorcontrol is set
Bug fix
- CLOiSimPlugin.Micom: Fix parsing uss/ir/bumper parameter info in MicomPlugin
- Device.Sonar: Bug fixed in Sonar Sensor model
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.6.1
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.11.1
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.3 by @hyunseok-yang in #327
Full Changelog: 4.9.2...4.9.3
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- SDF.Parser: Parse element in
- General: Modfiy UniversalRenderPipelineAsset to set additional lights
- General: Modify ProjectSettings/GraphicsSettings to set custom LightmapModes
- SDF.Import: Modify default intensity in SDF.Import.Light
- SDF.Parser: Implement ToString() in SDF.Parser.Color
Bug fix
- SDF.Import: Fix default direciont of Spot light in SDF.Import.Light
- SDF.Import: Fix for handling static model in AfterImportLink()
- MeshLoader: Fix scale direction in ToUnityMeshObject()
- DeviceHelper: Handling target object which has tag with 'Actor' in GetModelName()
- SDF.Helper: add Protection code in UpdateRootModel() -> out-of-length index accessing
- SDF.Parser: Bug (parsing wrong element) fixed in SDF.Parser.Light
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.6.0
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.11.0
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.2 by @hyunseok-yang in #326
Full Changelog: 4.9.1...4.9.2
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- Upgrade Unity editor version: 2022.3.53f1 (LTS)
- Update Package:
- com.unity.splines: 2.7.1 -> 2.7.2
- Device.Module: Move DifferentialDrive.IsZero() into MathUtil.IsZero() and modify epsilon value in IsZero()
Bug fix
- UI: Fix initial body rotation in ModelImporter
- Device.Laser: Fix calculation anglestep in case of 360 angle in LaserData
- Modify default HFOV unit angle for 3D-Lidar: 10 -> 90
- Device.Contact: Fix updating information of Bumper sensor
- Device.Sensor: Fix wrong value in Segmentation Camera
- Disable PostProcessig in SegmentationRenderer -> cause wrong pixel info
- Remove Encode16BitsToRG() and Encode16BitsToGR() in ColorEncoding
- Store classId value only in MPB for SegmentationShader
- Modify SegmentationShader to handle class id value and
encode class id value to 16bits and store R/G value in little-endian order - Modify SegmentationCamera Device
- targetColorFormat, GraphicsFormat.R8G8_UNorm -> R8G8B8A8_UNorm
- Device.Micom: Fix null mowingBlade object in MicomCommand
- CLOiSimPlugin: Bug fix in MowingPlugin
- null(_mowingBlade) reference accessing in StartMowing()
- Punching grass within blade height max
- wrong scope of finding SDF.Helper.Visual in CreateTempColliderInVisuals()
- isTrigger set to false for generating temporary meshcollider
- fix target object in FindMeshFiltersToPunching() for finding mesh filters
- SDF.Implement: Fix wrong property accessing in ConvertToSpeedTree()
- SDF.Implement Bug fix inertia tensor handling
- remove UpdateInertiaTensorRotation()
- SDF.Import: Util.SpecifyPose()
- Wrong Pose(rotation/position) calculation
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.6.0
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.11.0
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Fix calculation anglestep in case of 360 angle in LaserData by @hyunseok-yang in #323
- Fix updating information of Bumper sensor by @hyunseok-yang in #324
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.1 by @hyunseok-yang in #325
Full Changelog: 4.9.0...4.9.1
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- General: Upgrade Unity editor version: 2022.3.52f1 (LTS)
- General: Performance Optimizations
- Replaced string.CompareTo() with string.Equals() for better performance in string comparisons.
- General: (Mathematical Utilities) Introduced new math structures for linear algebra operations:
- Dynamic matrices (MatrixXd) and vectors (VectorXd).
- Refactored existing structures like Vector2d, Vector3d, Vector4d, Matrix4x4d, and Quaterniond.
- Device.Modules: Changed default variable types in PID controls from float to double to increase precision.
- Device.Modules: Motor Control enhnaced and modifieid
- Introduced a new motor module for self-balancing motor control, enabling two-wheel balanced robot simulations -> "SelfBalancedDrive"
- Separate and refactored the DifferentialDrive class (previous 2/4-wheel MotorControl module to DifferentialDrive):
- Modified MicomPlugin to improve motor control interactions and set motor parameters dynamically.
- Device.Modules: New "SelfBalancedDrive" Improvements for Self Balanced two-wheeled robot like LGE-Q9 model
- Implement object self balancing by pitch.
- Adjusted headset pitch controls and enabled joystick input for pitch adjustments.
- Implemented target position control for LEG, HEAD, and HIP joints, replacing the PID control mechanism (to simplify).
- Applied clamping to command target pitch values to prevent overcompensation.
- Physics: Adjusted gravity -9.81 to -9.807
- Physics: Increased the drag value of articulation body or rigid bodies for spawning objects to improve physics simulations.
- SDF: Reset SDF.Helper or plugins after deploying objects through the UI to ensure proper initialization.
- UI: Modify UI SimulationDisplay
- Remove textmesh pro button for Save & Import and replace with UI Builder
- General: Refactoring Main class, ModelImporter class
- Move UpdateUIModelList() from Main to ModelImporter
- UI: Adjusted properties for the default light ("Sun") in MainScene.unity for better visual effects.
- UI: Modify keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+R) to reset simulations in Unity Editor mode.
- UI: Modify ModelImporter class
- Modify default DeployOffsetMargin: 0.08
Bug fix
- UI: Fixed the Camera View button functionality.
- UI: Modified mouse hover effects for buttons to fix wrong user experience.
- MeshLoader: Fixed scaling issues in MeshLoader.ToUnity() within Assimp.Common.
- Device.Sensor.IMU: Recalculate rotations for the X-axis (pitch) to address gimbal lock issues.
- SDF.Implements: Inertia Tensor Handling
- Ignored off-diagonal inertia components (Ixy, Ixz, Iyz) due to mismatches with Unity's physics engine.
- Applied the parent's rotation to inertia tensors to correct rotational discrepancies.
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.5.0
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.10.0
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- New/feature/legged wheel control by @hyunseok-yang in #321
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.9.0 by @hyunseok-yang in #322
Full Changelog: 4.8.0...4.9.0
Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- Verified driver version: 550.107.02
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64-bit)
- Upgrade Unity editor version: 2022.3.46f1 (LTS)
- SDF.Implement: rearchitect Pose handling due to apply 'relative_to' attribute in 'pose' element of SDF.
- SDF.Import.Util: newly introduced and re-adjust all pose after all models are imported.
- CLOiSimPlugin
- MicomPlugin: refactoring and handle mowing parameters
- MicomCommand: handle mowing control message
- MowingBlade: newly introduced
- MowingPlugin: add On/Off mowing blade and adjustable blade height
- MicomPlugin: refactoring and handle mowing parameters
- DeviceMessage: remove Reset() calling after deserialize message in GetMessage()
- SDF2Unity: modify GetModelLinkName()
Bug fix
- UI.Modelmporter: fix calculation for bounds
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.4.0
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.9.0
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
For binary release version, just run './' script after extract compressed file.
What's Changed
- Modify MicomPlugin and MowingPlugin for Mowing simulation by @hyunseok-yang in #319
- Update/ by @hyunseok-yang in #318
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.8.0 by @hyunseok-yang in #320
Full Changelog: 4.7.4...4.8.0