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several Score Languages in Blue

Menno Knevel edited this page Oct 7, 2021 · 17 revisions

Author: Menno Knevel

Several score notation languages are available for Csound. These Score Languages (SL) can be generated from within Blue, by using the right command in the External Editor from the ScoreObject Editor.

Where Computer-Aided Algorithmic Composition programs (CAAC, see: seek to generate scores using all kinds of algorithms, the SLs use a more "traditional and musical" system. With a SL, you can, for example, use note names like in traditional score writing.

Using the External Object from Blue, and using the right command, SLs work well within Blue.

Some SLs


The program and documentation can be found here:

this section shows some of the microcsound language. microcsound


csbeats is included in Csound. Information on csbeats can be found in the Csound manual.

part of the csbeats language. csbeats


scot is included in Csound. An old PDF manual of the Csound Manual (1996) has great documentation on scot.


In the traditional musical score this translates to:



  • some SLs contain ftables. These must be copied and pasted in the Tables Tab, as ftables put in the ScoreObject Editor of Blue are not recognized and are omitted.

Blue version 2.7.1_test, updated october 2021

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