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Menno Knevel edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 55 revisions

Author: Menno Knevel

There is also a tutorial video on the subject, called Movements in Blue. Parts of this article are moved over to the manual

With blue version 2.8.0, several important features concerning moving, copying, pasting and deleting the Automation Lines (ALs) have been implemented. Also a Undo (Ctrl+Z) and a Redo (Shift+Ctrl+Z) system for Objects and/or ALs is now in place- both important features for the composition side of things!

Moving the Objects in Score Mode

Activating the Score mode can also be done with a shortcut: 1. The movements of Objects can be done on the same AND different Layers.

what first... ...and then...
Copy&Paste: LeftClick on Object, then Ctrl+C Ctrl+leftClick on spot where you want to paste the Object
Delete Object leftClick on an Object and press Delete key on keyboard
Move Object leftClick on an Object and drag Object to the right spot
Resize Object leftClick to select the Object and mouse point over left or right side of Object, then drag to re-scale

Moving the Automation Line Points in Single Mode

This part has been moved to the manual


the marquee selects AL Points of the active AL


Here an image of a nicely pasted skyline, made by pasting several times at several spots! pasting

Moving Automation Lines (and Objects) in Multi Mode

Activating the Multi Line mode can also be done with a shortcut: 3. The movements of AL points and Objects can only be done on the same Layer.

This part has been moved to the manual


everything in the marquee is selected: all ALs and their points as well as the SoundObject

How to Zoom

With the DAWs I am used to, zooming in and out works relative to a Time Pointer. That makes sense, because that is the region you are working on. But it works a bit differently in Blue and there is a reason for it. There is a Time Pointer in Blue, but that Time Pointer (the moving orange line) exists only when Csound and thus Blue is rendering. So, here, the zooming starts more or less relative to the time you see at the left side of the Score window. You can jump to the Start Render line by pressing G.

There are 3 ways to zoom:

  1. In the Score window below, on the right, you find + and - for zooming in and out

  2. Faster method: together with the mouse, do ALT+scroll

  3. Press ctrl-left/ctrl-minus or ctrl-right/ctrl-equals (or use cmd- when on OSX)

Combined with the Navigation Window that you get when pushing the magnifying glass next to + and - ( below + right in the Score window), you'll scroll quickly and efficiently through your composition.

date: october 2021, Blue version: 2.8.0