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Standup Notes 2020 02 13
Participants (alphabetical): Allie (async), Conor, Erik, Jen, John, Kevin, Kushal, Mickael
1.2.1 check-in
- Test plan - John already created - release-specific cases at top!
- Sounds like we are very close with #5109; recommend waiting until that's landed and then start QA
- John will pick changes from Kushal's again_again branch, add wheel pinning, review w/ Conor and Kushal
- Kushal will be verifying integrity, do 1 hour timeboxed review on wheel, pip, setuptools
- Created an overview of all the major networking issues I could think of and wrote up solution proposals: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Y6eK0q6Bpxe4IcGFdyVZ2rqXxRqAFCbiiapEWqfUuE/edit
- Filed a bug: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/issues/803
- Filed an issue to remove PauseQueueJob https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/issues/802
- Investigating bug where client crashes when something goes wrong with the workstation provisioning: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOuvS-_IukqGwt8CBVJL2BzE1zArJ4BqAhreJN13NERL-QR7rE7YgO3JzawKLXIyg?key=M1EzRW5aLXMweU1KR2g3SGxVTnNxaDVIZHpRQnhR
- Reviewed 4 client PRs, merged John's that fixes the keyring popup issue when checking fingerprints
- Re-review PRs as needed
- Test https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/784 to confirm it fixes the issue
- Polish up https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/issues/757
- 0.5 day tomorrow, I'll be around in the morning
Blockers or Asks:
- Ask: to dicuss https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/issues/757 during a UX-client sync
- reviewed prod workstation packages (unmerged, to monitor release)
- dug into 5110 packaging work with Kev, tossed to Kushal for follow-up
- deploy prod workstation packages to unblock template building
- review SDW 445
- review SDW 450
Blockers or Asks:
- Mickael: will publish packages, if any other blockers lmk
- John: I'll return to 5110 today, would be great to have your eyes on it too
- Follow-up on #445, feedback on Kev's somewhat related PR re: skipping updater if updates have run recently
- Getting dev version of client running in Qubes (a bit tricky right now), tested a few PRs, started poking at network behavior
- Reviewed Allie's architecture doc and gave some small feedback
- More poking at network behavior in Qubes, start taking a stab at docs
- Review Allie's network-related doc
Blockers or Asks: Mickael, pls review my suggestion in https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/pull/450#issuecomment-585411053 - this is now implemented, want to make sure this is the right approach
Yesterday: since last standup: - i put securedrop-sdk 0.0.13 on PyPI (thanks kushal!), built and update is pending to pip mirror (https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-debian-packaging/pull/143 ) - securedrop-proxy 0.1.7 released (tag is up): https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-proxy/pull/66 - securedrop-client PR that will fix the AuthError on sync and the KeyError due to filename that kushal saw: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/784
- My afternoon is mostly meetings so I probably wont get much else done today except:
- Allie wrote a design doc about network handling (posted in a ticket) which I started reviewing/commenting on
- Also I wanted to look at the functional test multithreaded vcr.py fun that nick was looking at
Blockers or Asks:
- None
- release stuff
- flailing about with securedrop-app-code packaging
- same
Blockers or Asks:
- port to Go or Rust plz
- Updates to https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/pull/450 in response to PR reviews
- (AM) Support tasks
- rebasing #450 after #445 merged.
- Further poking at #5110
- deputy RM tasks as appropriate - if RC1 is cut, will take VM fresh install initially
Blockers or Asks: None
- Reviewed and merged https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/pull/452 (code formatting in CI)
- Updated with all the feedback https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/pull/447 (securedrop logs in workstation)
- Found a solution on top of Conor's work from last night https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/pull/5110
* Based on feedback
Blockers or Asks: None
- Reviewed sd-log pr https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/pull/447
- Updated prod kernels PR, ready to merge https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-debian-packages-lfs/pull/9
- Reviewed uptime notification PR https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/pull/445 Today:
- Final review/merge https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/pull/445 , Conor will do visual review
- More review on sd-log pr as changes are made https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/pull/447
- Once kernels are merged, test the template build https://github.com/freedomofpress/qubes-template-securedrop-workstation/pull/11 and mark ready for review
Blockers or Asks: None
- Updated #790 (Only show last refresh if not logged in). Please check.
- Updated #792 (Fix flicker on mouse over). Please check.
- Created #805 (Mouseover on download button caused by CSS problem). Ready for review.
- Continued work on functional testing. See updates on #788 - TL;DR: a maze of VCR.py twisty passages that led nowhere, but mocked API might work. Feedback welcome.
Blockers or Asks:
- Not working tomorrow (back Monday).
- Feedback welcome / guidance for what to work on next. Otherwise I'll continue with functional testing work and refocus on the outstanding PR (login screen GFX update).
Out sick