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Sprint Planning Meeting 2020 07 08
What we said we would do:
- Release SecureDrop 1.4.1 with fix for configuration validation
Sprint goal met. Released successfully with very fast turnaround (issue reported 6/23, release issued 6/25).
- QA SecureDrop Workstation releases for kernel update, updater improvement, client changes
Sprint goal partially met.
Kernel changes in staging, QA in progress.
Updater improvements merged and QA'd, release-ready.
Client QA in progress.
Complete a first research spike to determine whether a server upgrade path 16.04->18.04->20.04 is feasible
Sprint goal met. Initial reports can be found in tracking issue: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/issues/4768
Additional accomplishments:
- New test data in SD Core for client development which is already helping to uncover suspect client behavior
- Evaluation of prototyping tools and development of read/unread prototype by Nina & Allie.
- Successful update of HTTPSEverywhere ruleset.
- First round of wordlist redactions.
- CI base image update for staging-test-with-rebase will hopefully improve performance.
- Landed community PR for reserving username "deleted".
Other team comments
What went well:
- Community PRs saw update after we managed to provide feedback regularly.+1
- Really appreciate that we're continously reducing the dependency on people with access to signing key to manage all the mechanics of a release.
- Lots of knowledge transfer: packaging, template builds got fresh eyes +1
- Looking ahead to next OS migration helps us to plan changes
- Research/investigation tasks like Qubes backup exploration surfaced some great finds +1
- good coordination with release tasks, a lot of updates shipped or about to be shipped
- Dev (Allie!) pariring with UX on prototyping is extra awesome!
- UX-Dev knowledge sharing: learning how we prepare user studies for securedrop client
What can be improved:
A lot of time overhead to get set up with development/testing environment(s), can be hard if only working on 1 or 2 small sprint tasks; some confusion on what works as intended in Qubes (eg testinfra test failures)
Delay in deployment of PR makes it hard to remember complexities involved that result in multi-implementation states being how/what they are.
Release mechanics are time-intensive, multiple team members spend a lot of time carrying code around in preparation for a release +1
- Reproducible builds will help a lot (+1)
Qubes Workstation dev env doesn't use RPM, which hurts developers' ability to learn "securedrop-admin" (used by Admins); let's consider using RPM everywhere
does anyone else find the name collision problematic? (kind of? +0.5?) was thinking "sdw-admin"+1
- ACTION: Erik to file issue for potential rename of securedrop-admin -> sdw-admin
Development of things related to Qubes on Qubes (for securedrop-workstation) is Pain.
- do you mean working on upstream tools?: No, all of the templates, vms, tools, updates etc.
Developer documentation on troubleshooting Qubes and Updater errors +2
- Initial docs started here: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/wiki/SDW-Updater-Troubleshooting
Look forward to more pairing/coworking on specific tasks
What's still a mystery:
- Packaging is difficult (in general for any OS).
Learning time debrief
(Erik) Spent a little time stepping through Qt4(!) tutorials to get a toy app ready, will be digging more into that -- mainly aiming, in the immediate, to better understand widget reflow and window resize behavior, size hints, and the like, so we can optimize our dom0 dialogs
(kushal): Found that I don't know DNS enough, so read a lot during holidays :)
2020-07-14 : SD 1.5.0 feature freeze / QA begins
After sprint period:
2020-07-24 : FPF holiday
2020-07-28 : SecureDrop 1.5.0 Release
Tails 4.9 Release
2020-07-25 - 2020-08-02 : HOPE (virtual)
Time check: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OXF0Jgcq2Iv--vdrwJOOwdRPFSxCXLFnwJQHlV6AJRI/edit#gid=0
Land key changes for SecureDrop 1.5.0 and begin QA
- Journalist Interface Warning for v2 deprecation
- Kernel update
SecureDrop Workstation component releases
- securedrop-workstation-grsec: 4.14.169 -> 4.14.186
- securedrop-workstation: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 (single-stage updater)
- securedrop-client: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 (deletion fixes, CSS refactoring, no duplicate jobs)
Complete read/unread research and scope first iteration
Learning objectives
- CryptoPals (John, Kevin, Allie, Mickael)
- Rust/OpenPGP (Kushal)
- Go (Conor)
- Qt4 (Erik)
- Ansible/Molecule (Ro)