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Standup Notes 2019 08 20
Erik Moeller edited this page Aug 21, 2019
1 revision
Participants (alphabetical): Allie, Conor, Erik, Jen, John, Kushal, Nina, Ro
Respond to request for the metrics re: use of localization in SecureDrop (I think we have this in email)
Proposal: Suggestion period after string freeze
Heads up: No support team sync today
- Worked on client issue #525: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/issues/525
- Focused on UI fixes, will be part of the FileWidget PR
Blockers or Asks:
- Jen: may need help on a smaller issue
- Lots of v3 testing; submitted approval review, just dismissed it
- Testing Tails-based scenario (v2-only, then v3), trying to get v3 PR to green
Blockers or Asks: None
- Addressed more review comments on current docs PRs
- Issues work based on ongoing client discussions
- Some support follow-up
- Work on SD-related grant proposal
- Sprint prep for tomorrow
- Cont'd rev2 UI work
Blockers or Asks: None
- Reviewed pyca/cryptography 2.3->2.7 for v3 onion PR, sent mail to list and updated wiki
- Updated dependency review guidelines with some more details: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/wiki/Dependency-Update-Policies#step-by-step-procedure - complain to me please if you disagree with anything
- Investigated my deletion PR CI failure, turns out it was due to an issue only on first install which I didn't detect due to the fact I was testing upgrade path - Fixed as evidenced by passing CI run now, yay
- Did first review of Allie's FileWidget PR, standing by to re-review when necessary
- Did first review of John's PR in security -> looks excellent, can do an actual test today
- Tails guide - re-review
- Will re-review anything in client land as needed
- Test John PR, chat with John about both our PRs since they have some interactions
- Help Allie with client bug (I have a lot of "wait for staging to provisioning" things to test today so can do this in parallel)
- If I get through this then I'll flip back to whatever needs to be done next on v3
Blockers or Asks:
- None
- Addressing reviews
- Potentially, review Jen's PR for 1189: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/pull/4672
- i18n issues (#4624, #4625)
Blockers or Asks:
- Just the translation freeze adjustment discussion
- More testing of the v3 PR
- Reviewed client Architecture document as described in https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/issues/228 (this is good).
- Finish off the rest of the tailsconfig review
- v3 branch QA
Blockers or Asks:
- None
- Support tickets
- Writing up experiences w/ SD install
- Lower prio Redmine tasks
Blockers or Asks: