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Releases: fivetran/dbt_qualtrics_source

v0.3.0 dbt_qualtrics_source

06 Jan 18:48
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PR #12 includes the following update:

Under the Hood

  • Explicitly casts all boolean fields as {{ dbt.type_boolean() }}.
  • (Affects Redshift only) Creates new qualtrics_union_data macro to accommodate Redshift's treatment of empty tables.
    • For each staging model, if the source table is not found in any of your schemas, the package will create a empty table with 0 rows for non-Redshift warehouses and a table with 1 all-null row for Redshift destinations.
    • This is necessary as Redshift will ignore explicit data casts when a table is completely empty and materialize every column as a varchar. This throws errors in downstream transformations in the zendesk package. The 1 row will ensure that Redshift will respect the package's datatype casts.

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.3.0

v0.2.2 dbt_qualtrics_source

26 Aug 23:58
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PR #9 includes the following updates:

Bug Fix

  • Updated unique combination of columns test on stg_qualtrics__distribution_contact to include contact_lookup_id. This is due to a connector update that changes the primary composite key of the distribution_contact source table to include contact_lookup_id. (PR #8)


Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2

v0.2.1 dbt_qualtrics_source

30 Apr 20:08
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PR #6 includes the following updates:

Bug Fix

  • Updated model stg_qualtrics__survey_response to use a case statement to determine the is_finished boolean value instead of a straight cast to boolean.
    • This is necessary for warehouses that do not support the straight cast.

Under the Hood

  • Updated the integration tests seed survey_response to test both possible values for finished.

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1

v0.2.0 dbt_qualtrics_source

26 Mar 17:59
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PR #5 includes the following updates:

🚨 Breaking Changes: Bug Fixes 🚨

  • Casted the following timestamp fields in the below models using the dbt.type_timestamp() macro. This is necessary to ensure all timestamps are consistently casted and do not experience datatype mismatches in downstream transformations.
    • stg_qualtrics__contact_mailing_list_membership
      • unsubscribed_at
    • stg_qualtrics__directory_contact
      • created_at
      • unsubscribed_from_directory_at
      • last_modified_at
    • stg_qualtrics__directory_mailing_list
      • created_at
      • last_modified_at
    • stg_qualtrics__distribution_contact
      • opened_at
      • response_completed_at
      • response_started_at
      • sent_at
    • stg_qualtrics__distribution
      • created_at
      • last_modified_at
      • send_at
      • survey_link_expires_at
    • stg_qualtrics__survey_response
      • finished_at
      • last_modified_at
      • recorded_date
      • started_at
    • stg_qualtrics__survey_version
      • created_at
    • stg_qualtrics__survey
      • last_accessed_at
      • last_activated_at
      • last_modified_at
    • stg_qualtrics__user
      • account_created_at
      • account_expires_at
      • last_login_at
      • password_expires_at
      • password_last_changed_at

Please note: this update will likely only impact Redshift destinations as it was found the connector synced these fields as timestamp with time zone when in fact they were without. Most users will not see any changes following this release. But we marked this as breaking to ensure no possible datatype conflicts downstream.

Under the Hood

  • Updated the maintainer PR template to resemble the most up to date format.
  • Added the auto release GitHub Action for easier deployment.

Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.2.0

v0.1.1 dbt_qualtrics_source

04 Jan 18:40
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PR #4 includes the following update:

Bug fix

  • Shortened the documentation description for field distribution_status, so no character limit error occurs when persisting docs.

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1

v0.1.0 dbt_qualtrics_source

28 Jul 18:01
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This is the initial release of the Qualtrics dbt source package!

📣 What does this dbt package do?

  • Materializes Qualtrics staging tables which leverage data in the format described by this ERD. These staging tables clean, test, and prepare your Qualtrics data from Fivetran's connector for analysis by doing the following:
    • Name columns for consistency across all packages and for easier analysis
      • Primary keys are renamed from id to <table name>_id.
      • Foreign key names explicitly map onto their related tables (ie owner_id -> owner_user_id).
      • Datetime fields are renamed to <event happened>_at.
    • Adds column-level testing where applicable. For example, all primary keys are tested for uniqueness and non-null values.
  • Generates a comprehensive data dictionary of your Qualtrics data through the dbt docs site.
  • These tables are designed to work simultaneously with our Qualtrics transformation package.