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237 lines (191 loc) · 17.3 KB

dbt_netsuite_source v0.11.0

PR #57 includes the following update:

Breaking Changes

  • Casted specific timestamp fields across all staging models as dates where the Netsuite UI does not perform timezone conversion. Keeping these fields as type timestamp causes issues in reporting tools that perform automatic timezone conversion.
    • As this will change the datatype of the underlying fields, this will require a --full-refresh for downstream incremental models.
  • Existing fields that were converted from timestamp to date in the following stg_netsuite2__* models:
Table Source Field Name Field Alias
accounting_periods startdate starting_at
accounting_periods enddate ending_at
customers firstorderdate date_first_order_at
transactions closedate closed_at
transactions duedate due_date_at
transactions trandate transaction_date
  • Adds additional commonly used fields within the stg_netsuite2__* models.
Table Source Field Name Field Alias
accounts accountsearchdisplaynamecopy display_name
customers altname alt_name
subsidiaries iselimination is_elimination
transaction_accounting_lines exchangerate exchange_rate
transaction_lines eliminate is_eliminate
transaction_lines netamount netamount
transactions reversal reversal_transaction_id
transactions reversaldate reversal_date
transactions reversaldefer is_reversal_defer

IMPORTANT: Nearly all of the affected models have pass-through functionality. If you have already been using passthrough column variables to include the above newly added fields (without aliases), you MUST remove the fields from your passthrough variable configuration in order to avoid duplicate column errors.

Feature Updates

  • Introduced the stg_netsuite2__employees model to bring in data from the employee source table.

Under the Hood

  • Created new seed data in integration_tests to support the new stg_netsuite2__employees model, as well as the new fields introduced into the new Netsuite2 staging models.


dbt_netsuite_source v0.10.1

PR #51 includes the following update:

Feature Update

  • Added the entities_pass_through_columns variable to be leveraged within the stg_netsuite2__entities model. This variable will allow users to pass through fields which are not natively included to the package staging model.
    • Removed fields from the get_entity_columns macro that are not brought into the stg_netsuite2__entities model to ensure that the passthrough feature works properly.


dbt_netsuite_source v0.10.0

PR #47 includes the following update:

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • Added column _fivetran_synced_date to model stg_netsuite2__transactions for use in downstream models.
  • To reduce storage, updated default materialization of staging models to views.

⚠️ Running a --full-refresh will be required if you have previously run these staging models as tables and get the following error:

Trying to create view <model path> but it currently exists as a table. Either drop <model path> manually, or run dbt with `--full-refresh` and dbt will drop it for you.

Under the Hood:

  • Added integration testing pipeline for Databricks SQL Warehouse.
  • Included auto-releaser GitHub Actions workflow to automate future releases.

dbt_netsuite_source v0.9.0

PR #42 includes the following update:

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨:

  • Addition of the currency field as currency_id within the stg_netsuite2__subsidiaries model.
    • This addition likely won't be breaking for a large number of users. However, if you are leveraging the subsidiaries_pass_through_columns variable and have included currency as a pass through column, you will experience a duplicate column error. We advise you remove the currency field as a pass through column to avoid runtime errors following this upgrade.


dbt_netsuite_source v0.8.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨:

  • Addition of the is_eliminate and special_account_type_id fields within the stg_netsuite2__accounts model. (PR #39 and PR #40)
    • This addition likely won't be breaking for a large number of users. However, if you are leveraging the accounts_pass_through_columns variable and have included either eliminate or sspecacct as a pass through columns then you will experience a duplicate column error. We advise you remove the eliminate and sspecacct fields as a pass through columns to avoid runtime errors following this upgrade.


dbt_netsuite_source v0.7.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨:

  • Brought in accounting_book_id (accountingbook) to the stg_netsuite2__consolidated_exchange_rates model. (PR #36)
    • Due to logic within the dbt_netsuite v0.8.1 package version, this update will result in an ambiguous columns error. Therefore, this update is treated as a breaking change.

dbt_netsuite_source v0.6.3

PR #35 applies the following changes:

🎉 Feature Updates 🎉

  • Introduces variable netsuite2__using_exchange_rate to allow users who don't utilize exchange rates in Netsuite2 the ability to disable that functionality within your dbt_project.yml, since these models aren't being used.
  • Note: If you are using the dbt_netsuite package, be sure to set it globally by inserting this code into your dbt_project.yml:
  netsuite2__using_exchange_rate: false

Under the Hood:

  • Incorporated the new fivetran_utils.drop_schemas_automation macro into the end of each Buildkite integration test job.
  • Updated the pull request templates.

dbt_netsuite_source v0.6.2

🎉 Feature Updates 🎉

  • Introduces the netsuite2__using_jobs variable in order to disable the stg_netsuite2__jobs model. Set netsuite2__using_jobs to False if you do not have the job table in your Netsuite2 schema (PR #30).


dbt_netsuite_source v0.6.1

Bug Fixes

  • In v0.6.0, we introduced pass through columns for the vendors and items tables. However, this update was only applied to the original Netsuite version of this package, and not Netsuite2 as well. These pass through columns are accessible in Netsuite2 data models (PR #27).

🎉 Feature Updates 🎉

  • Now introducing...Databricks compatibility 🧱 (PR #26)

dbt_netsuite_source v0.6.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨:

PR #24 includes the following breaking changes:

  • Dispatch update for dbt-utils to dbt-core cross-db macros migration. Specifically {{ dbt_utils.<macro> }} have been updated to {{ dbt.<macro> }} for the below macros:
    • any_value
    • bool_or
    • cast_bool_to_text
    • concat
    • date_trunc
    • dateadd
    • datediff
    • escape_single_quotes
    • except
    • hash
    • intersect
    • last_day
    • length
    • listagg
    • position
    • replace
    • right
    • safe_cast
    • split_part
    • string_literal
    • type_bigint
    • type_float
    • type_int
    • type_numeric
    • type_string
    • type_timestamp
    • array_append
    • array_concat
    • array_construct
  • For current_timestamp and current_timestamp_in_utc macros, the dispatch AND the macro names have been updated to the below, respectively:
    • dbt.current_timestamp_backcompat
    • dbt.current_timestamp_in_utc_backcompat
  • dbt_utils.surrogate_key has also been updated to dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key. Since the method for creating surrogate keys differ, we suggest all users do a full-refresh for the most accurate data. For more information, please refer to dbt-utils release notes for this update.
  • packages.yml has been updated to reflect new default fivetran/fivetran_utils version, previously [">=0.3.0", "<0.4.0"] now [">=0.4.0", "<0.5.0"].


  • Added the vendors_pass_through_columns variable to be leveraged within the stg_netsuite__vendors model. This variable will allow users to pass through fields which are not natively included to the package staging model. This variable is empty by default and may be overridden within a users root dbt_project.yml. (#23)
  • Added the items_pass_through_columns variable to be leveraged within the stg_netsuite__items model. This variable will allow users to pass through fields which are not natively included to the package staging model. This variable is empty by default and may be overridden within a users root dbt_project.yml. (#23)


dbt_netsuite_source v0.5.1

Features 🎉 (affects Netsuite2 users only)

  • Introduces the netsuite2__multibook_accounting_enabled and netsuite2__using_vendor_categories variables to disable their related source tables and downstream models (#21).
    • netsuite2__multibook_accounting_enabled is True by default. Set it to False if you do not use the Multi-Book Accounting feature in Netsuite and/or do not have the accountingbook and accountingbooksubsidiaries source tables.
    • netsuite2__using_vendor_categories is True by default. Set it to False if you do not categorize vendors in Netsuite and/or do not have the vendorcategory source table.

dbt_netsuite_source v0.5.0

🎉 Netsuite2 Compatibility 🎉 PRs #15 and #17 include the following update to the dbt_netsuite_source package:

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • The declaration of passthrough variables within your root dbt_project.yml has changed. To allow for more flexibility and better tracking of passthrough columns, you will now want to define passthrough columns in the following format:

This applies to all passthrough columns within the dbt_netsuite_source package and not just the customers_pass_through_columns example.

    - name: "my_field_to_include" # Required: Name of the field within the source.
      alias: "field_alias" # Optional: If you wish to alias the field within the staging model.
      transform_sql: "cast(field_alias as string)" # Optional: If you wish to define the datatype or apply a light transformation.

Features 🎉

  • Addition of the netsuite_data_model variable. This variable may either be netsuite (the original connector endpoint) or netsuite2 (the new Netsuite2 connector endpoint).
    • The variable is set to netsuite by default. If you wish to run the data models for the Netsuite2 connector, you may simply change the variable within your root dbt_project.yml to netsuite2.
  • Postgres compatibility!
  • Added identifier variables to each and Netsuite2 source to enable dynamic source table-name adjustments.
  • Applied schema level tests to each source table to ensure data validation.
  • README updates for easier navigation and package use.


dbt_netsuite_source v0.4.2


  • Removed the _fivetran_synced column definition from the get_customers_columns macro, as this is consistent with other macros in the project. Previously, this introduced a bug that caused an ambiguous column name error when passing the _fivetran_synced column to the customers_pass_through_columns variable since the column is not actually listed in the stg_netsuite__customers model field list. Now, when passing the _fivetran_synced column to the pass through variable, the ambiguous column error no longer happens. (#16)


dbt_netsuite_source v0.4.1


  • Added this changelog to capture iterations of the package!
  • Added the subsidiaries_pass_through_columns variable to be leveraged within the stg_netsuite__subsidiaries model. This variable will allow users to pass through fields which are not natively included to the package staging model. This variable is empty by default and may be overridden within a users root dbt_project.yml. (#13)
  • Added the consolidated_exchange_rates_pass_through_columns variable to be leveraged within the stg_netsuite__consolidated_exchange_rates model. This variable will allow users to pass through fields which are not natively included to the package staging model. This variable is empty by default and may be overridden within a users root dbt_project.yml. (#13)


dbt_netsuite_source v0.4.0

🎉 dbt v1.0.0 Compatibility 🎉

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • Adjusts the require-dbt-version to now be within the range [">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]. Additionally, the package has been updated for dbt v1.0.0 compatibility. If you are using a dbt version <1.0.0, you will need to upgrade in order to leverage the latest version of the package.
    • For help upgrading your package, I recommend reviewing this GitHub repo's Release Notes on what changes have been implemented since your last upgrade.
    • For help upgrading your dbt project to dbt v1.0.0, I recommend reviewing dbt-labs upgrading to 1.0.0 docs for more details on what changes must be made.
  • Upgrades the package dependency to refer to the latest dbt_fivetran_utils. The latest dbt_fivetran_utils package also has a dependency on dbt_utils [">=0.8.0", "<0.9.0"].
    • Please note, if you are installing a version of dbt_utils in your packages.yml that is not in the range above then you will encounter a package dependency error.

dbt_netsuite_source v0.3.2


  • Added this changelog to capture iterations of the package!
  • Added the customers_pass_through_columns variable to be leveraged within the stg_netsuite__customers model. This variable will allow users to pass through fields which are not natively included to the package staging model. This variable is empty by default and may be overridden within a users root dbt_project.yml. (#10)
  • Added the locations_pass_through_columns variable to be leveraged within the stg_netsuite__locations model. This variable will allow users to pass through fields which are not natively included to the package staging model. This variable is empty by default and may be overridden within a users root dbt_project.yml. (#10)


dbt_netsuite_source v0.1.0 -> v0.3.1

Refer to the relevant release notes on the Github repository for specific details for the previous releases. Thank you!