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ArgScript Transform

Eric Mor edited this page Aug 19, 2019 · 1 revision

Some ArgScript files like .prop files or effect declarations accept transforms: 3D transformations. Those are done with the following options:

-scale <float>

A scaling factor, the default value is 1.0.

-rotateXYZ <vector3>

Rotation around the X, Y and Z axis, in degrees. It's also possible to specify rotation around a single axis, like -rotateX 90.0

-offset <vector3>

The position coordinates.


Transforms are usually used when using effects in a model prop file:

transforms modelEffectTransforms
    -offset (0, 0, 2.0)  # Move the first effect 2 units up
    -scale 3.0 -rotateZ 180.0  # Make the second effect 3 times bigger and rotate it 180º around the vertical axis
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