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@arjantijms arjantijms released this 19 Mar 14:42
· 979 commits to master since this release

Eclipse GlassFish 8 is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 11 M2 specification under development.


Jakarta EE 11 M2 is the second milestone release of Jakarta EE 11. GlassFish 8 M3 incorporates a subset of this. The M2 versions of the Security APIs and Jakarta Faces have been added and implemented, while the Servlet M2 API has been added but not everything implemented yet. The REST M1 APIs have not yet been added.

New in M3 are the proposed final implementations of the Wave 1~4 specs; CDI (including Interceptors), Common Annotations and Expression Language and the addition of the Jakarta EE 11 milestone version of Jakarta Persistence and its implementation EclipseLink. Specific attention has been given to support all new features from the M2 versions of Jakarta Security/Jakarta Authorization, and Jakarta Faces.

8.0.0-M3 also incorporates all changes from the 7.0.x branch.

The following is the full list of Jakarta EE 11 proposed final and M2 APIs included:

API Implementation
jakarta.el-api.version 6.0.0 Expressly 6.0.0-M1
jakarta.annotation-api.version 3.0.0
jakarta.cdi-api.version 4.1.0 Weld 6.0.0.Beta1
jakarta.interceptor-api.version 2.2.0 Weld 6.0.0.Beta1
jakarta.servlet-api.version 6.1.0-M2 (internal in GlassFish 8.0.0-M3)
jakarta.faces-api.version 4.1.0-M2 Mojarra 4.1.0-M2
jakarta.pages-api.version 4.0.0-M2 WaSP 4.0.0-M1
jakarta.concurrent-api.version 3.1.0-M2 Concurro 3.1.0-M3
jakarta.persistence-api.version 3.2.0-M2 EclipseLink 5.0.0-B01 4.0.0-M2 Soteria 4.0.0-M2
jakarta.authorization-api.version 3.0.0-M2 Exousia 3.0.0-M2
jakarta.websocket-api.version 2.2.0-M2 2.2.0-M2
jakarta.authentication-api.version 3.1.0-M1 Epicyro 3.1.0-M1
jakarta.validation-api.version 3.1.0-M1 Hibernate Validator 8.0.1.Final

JDK 21 is required as a minimum now and the final version of GlassFish 8 is targeted to certify on JDK 21 for Jakarta EE 11.

In this release GlassFish itself compiles, builds and passes the internal tests executed during a build, but a small amount of those have been disabled for now. The Security and Authorization TCK passed completely (except for the signature, which needs updating), the Faces 4.1 M2 TCK passes fully as well. The PR verification tests all pass as well.

Being an early access milestone build, this build should obviously only be used for testing. Non of the updated APIs are truly final and are subject to change. The proposed final APIs are currently in staging and are undergoing a ballot for their final release.

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Full Changelog: 8.0.0-M2...8.0.0-M3