A implementation of several common PID controller transfer functions in C++, header only, without dependencies.
Realized PID transfer functions
- Backward euler
- Bilinear / Tustin
- Steady State
- Bump-less parameter change
- Sampling points
Simulation of a pid in closed loop with a second order test system
#include <cmon-pid.h>
extern double GetActuator();
extern double Setpoint();
extern double SensorReading();
extern void SetActuator(double);
extern void Sleep(double);
void PidTask()
// Select a pid object of class pid_bwe (backward euler)
// or pid_bil (tustin) and
// a anti-windup template class backcalculation_t
// or clamping_t
clamping_t<pid_bwe> pid;
// Set PID parameters
constexpr double samplingTime = 0.1;
constexpr double gain = 10;
constexpr double T1 = 10;
constexpr double T2 = 3;
pid.SerialPid(samplingTime, gain, T1, T2, samplingTime / 2);
// Set clamping range
pid.Clamping(-2, 10);
// Initialize it
// Control loop
for (;;)
double e = Setpoint() - SensorReading();
double y = pid.Update(e);