Centreon 2.6.1
Notice :
If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.6.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.
Bug fixes :
#5655: Changing Host Templates doesn’t delete services
#5925: Popup Dialogs (Acknowledge, Downtimes etc.) not working with Internet Explorer
#6224: Special characters in LDAP are replaced by underscore
#6358: It’s possible to bypass ACLs on Event Logs page
#6375: servicegroups empty into servicegroups.cfg but ok in DB
#6377: PHP logs are too much verbose with PHP 5.4
#6378: PHP logs are too much verbose with PHP 5.3
#6383: Random severity on services
#6390: Escalations with contact groups containing space
#6391: Some traps are skipped
#6396: Warning and critical threshold display in centreon graph
#6399: Wrong condition in centreonLDAP.class.php
#6410: Do not limit to 20 the number of trap rules or macro in host and services config pages
#6035: Removing Centreon Broker local module
#6366: New option for Centreon Engine log
#6392: Block choice of Nagios and NDO in installation processus