This repository contains my projects and homeworks for the Robotics-Spring2023 course at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
Introduction to ROS2
Assignment1 ->
Multi Language Publisher Subscriber
Two nodes which are communicating with topics. Subscriber is developed using Python, and the publisher is programmed in C++. -
Lab1 ->
Turtle Chaser
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Assignment2 ->
Two packages, one in python and one in C++ that are communicating with each other using ROS2 services and actions. -
Lab2 ->
Turtlesim Controller
Introduction to TF2
- Assignment3 ->
Turtles chasing each other using tf2 transforms.
- Assignment3 ->
Motion Planning using Moveit2
Gazebo Intro
- Lab3 ->
GZ Intro
- Assignment5 ->
Gazebo installation guide is at the first of this assignment.
- Lab3 ->
Mobile Robots
Lab7 ->
Simple Differential Drive
Simple diff drive, forward and backward Twist published using ros2 topic and converted to gz topic using ros_gz_bridge. -
Lab8 ->
Previous diff-drive in a maze, using LIDAR sensor to detect walls and preventing the collision. -
Lab9 ->
Assignment5 ->
Navigate eddiebot in a maze using RGB signs. first clone and build eddiebot-ros. -
Assignment6 ->
Eddie Kinect Laserscan
Convert kinect depth image to LaserScan using depthimage_to_laserscan.