Releases: YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny
10.3.10 - Drupal core 10.3
What's Changed in yusaopeny 10.3.10
The YMCA of the USA's YMCA Website Services Drupal distribution, yusaopeny, has been updated to version 10.3.10. This release includes several updates, including an updated PHP requirement, new features, and bug fixes. [yusaopeny/compare/10.3.4...10.3.10]
PHP Requirement Updated
The minimum PHP requirement has been updated to v8.3. This change was a collaborative effort between updates #219 and #220. Update #219 prepared the codebase for the new PHP version by pointing the development environment to a fork and updating composer packages. Update #220 then officially set the minimum PHP version to 8.3. While the specific benefits of PHP 8.3 for yusaopeny are not mentioned, updating to the latest PHP version generally provides performance improvements and enhanced security.
New Features
- Update #221 added a profile name to the core.extension.module list. This change improves the organization and management of modules within the YMCA Website Services distribution, making it easier for users to identify and work with different profiles.
Bug Fixes
- Update #226 introduced fixes for Drupal core 10.3. These fixes address various issues and ensure the stability and compatibility of YMCA Website Services with the latest Drupal core version.
Drupal Core Updates
- Update #200 updated Drupal core to 10.3 - released.
- Update #224 updated Drupal core to 10.4 - Work in Progress for next release.
These updates bring several benefits to the YMCA Website Services distribution. Drupal core 10.3 introduce new features, performance improvements, and security enhancements that enhance the overall functionality and user experience of YMCA Website Services.
Other Changes
- Update #264 in the y_lb repository improved the Layout Builder functionality within YMCA Website Services.
- Update #92 in the openy_features repository enhanced the features module, providing more flexibility and customization options for users.
This release of yusaopeny provides important updates and enhancements to the YMCA Website Services Drupal distribution. The updated PHP requirement ensures compatibility with the latest PHP version, while the new features and bug fixes improve functionality and user experience. The Drupal core updates to versions 10.3 and 10.4 bring a range of benefits, including new features, performance improvements, and security enhancements. Overall, this release enhances the stability, performance, and user experience of the YMCA Website Services distribution.
What's Changed
- [DS-1771] Update PHP requirement to v8.3 by @rollki in #219
- feat!: min PHP 8.3 by @podarok in #220
- [DS-1545] Add a profile name to the 'core.extension.module' list by @aleevas in #221
- Fixes for core 10.3 by @svicervlad in #226
- feat: Drupal core 10.3 by @podarok in #200
- Drupal core 10.4 by @podarok in #224
Full Changelog: 10.3.4...10.3.10
10.3.4 - Small Y
What's Changed
- DS-1602 feat: Add initial Small Y functionality. by @froboy in #207
- feat: openy_features with Utility Menu by @podarok in #216
- [DS-1667] Update openy.packages.yml: enable Small Y Search module by @aleevas in #217
- feat: Small Y init by @podarok in #210
Full Changelog:
Release notes - YMCA's Digital Services - WS Release 10.3.4
DS-1506 [Drupal 10.2] Select image window isn't visible until the user clicks on the screen
DS-1508 [Layout Builder - WYSIWYG] Styles for highlighted text are missing
DS-1549 [Text Editor] Responsive image issues
DS-1591 [Regression] Add image window doesn't work properly
DS-1593 [Regression] Nothing happens when the user clicks on the arrows in the table on mobile device
DS-1611 [Membership Calculator] Membership Calculator doesn't match the design
DS-1613 [Membership Calculator] Steps buttons don't look good on tablets
DS-1619 It is not possible to override the system 404 page on D10.2+
DS-1620 Auto creation of redirects provided by the Redirects module is not working in combination with openy_redirect
DS-1646 [Layout Builder - Banners] Video plays fullscreen on iPhone, should play inline
DS-1649 Fix incorrect location info in popup
DS-1651 Investigate and Fix WSOD Issue on Sandboxes
DS-1665 Email address goes beyond the border of the location card on the last membership step on tablets
DS-1666 Error with Slick Carousel on OpenY Carnation Theme
DS-1671 [Small Y Template] There is more space above and below the Small Y Logo
DS-1672 [Smalll Y Template] Header is different from the design on the mobile devices
DS-1673 [Small Y Template] Utility menu links are not displayed on the mobile devices
DS-1674 Social media links in the footer do not open in a new window
DS-1675 [Small Y Template] Underline is missing under the center and right footer links
DS-1676 [Small Y Template] Footer doesn't match the design on mobile devices
DS-1677 [Small Y Template] Breadcrumbs placement doesn't match the design
DS-1678 An unexpected error occurs when the user creates Layout Builder pages
DS-1681 [Small Y Template] The spacing between ping pong added in the Ping-pong Section block is bigger than on the design
DS-1682 [Small Y Template] There is not enough space on the right of the content and above the title of the ping pong
DS-1683 [Small Y Template] The font weight of the ping-pong title is wrong
DS-1684 [Small Y] Y Small Statistics block isn't added in LB
DS-1685 [Small Y Template] The titles of the Tabs are duplicated
DS-1686 [Small Y] The width of the staff cards when 2 cards per row option is applied is different from the design
DS-1687 [Small Y Template] CTA field is missing in Icon Grid Item
DS-1688 [Small Y Template] The placement of the CTA button of the icon grid block is incorrect
DS-1689 [Small Y Template] Top navigation menu is added in the menu next to the main nav
DS-1690 [Small Y] The font size of the Banner title didn't change when the h1 or h2 is selected for Banner
DS-1691 [Small Y] The styles of the 2nd and 3rd level breadcrumbs are different from the design
DS-1692 [Small Y] Breadcrumbs are hidden in certain dimensions
DS-1693 [Small Y] The spacings between Stat Items is too big on the mobile devices and tablets
DS-1694 [Small Y] Plain table style is added to each table and the user can't change any other style
DS-1695 [Small Y Template] The text is hidden under the image on the mobile devices when sub page Banner variation is selected
DS-1696 [Small Y Template] Tall banner doesn't look good on tablets and desktop ( Safari)
DS-1697 [Small Y] The color of the title of the Banner sub page frame variation is wrong
DS-1698 [Small Y Template] Promo banner is slightly different on Iphone from the design
DS-1699 [Small Y] It is allowed to add up to 4 testimonial items in the block
DS-1700 [Small Y] Testimonial block doesn't follow the design
DS-1701 [Small Y] Mega menu doesn't follow the design on the mobile devices
DS-1702 [Small Y] Admin can't delete links in the mega menu
DS-1703 There is no space between 1st and 2nd button added to the Ping-pong block on the mobile devices
DS-1704 [Small Y Template] The ping pong options fail if there is more than one ping pong section on the page.
DS-1705 [Small Y] Menu is hidden under the alert or Banner image
DS-1707 [Small Y Template] Distance between the cards is bigger on the mobile devices than on the design
DS-1709 [Small Y Template] The font-weight of the description of the Staff block is wrong
DS-1710 [Small Y Template] The staff card isn't centred
DS-1711 [Small Y Template] The color of the title of the staff block is wrong
DS-1713 [Small Y] The block description isn't displayed in the Partners block
DS-1714 [Small Y] Partner items are not aligned
DS-1715 [Small Y] Partner item link field is missing
DS-1716 [Small Y] The font weight of the Partners block title and Partners tier title is wrong
DS-1717 [Small Y] Partners tier block is displayed in the Create a custom block window
DS-1720 [Small Y] Breadcrumbs placement is incorrect on the Article Lb page
DS-1721 [Small Y] Buttons on the right of main nav are not centred
DS-1722 [Small Y] The menu doesn't match the design
DS-1723 [Small Y Template] "Other" button is displayed when no giving amounts are added in the Donations block
DS-1724 [Small Y] Admin/editor can add Statistics block with 1 stat item
DS-1725 [Small Y] The placement of the breadcrumbs on Event Lb page is incorrect
DS-1726 [Small Y] Related Events block are missing "all" option in the number of rows field
DS-1727 [Small Y Template] An error occurred when admin created Article LB page
DS-1728 [Small Y Template] Table isn't displayed with selected styles
DS-1729 [Small Y Template] The lines between table rows don't match the design
DS-1730 [Small Y Template] Mega Menu - Arrows in mobile not clickable
DS-1732 There are too much empty space above the 404 page header on the mobile devices
DS-1733 [Small Y Template] Areas of impact in footer does not match the design
DS-1734 [Small Y Template] Sub-page Hero Banners - text alignment does not match designs
DS-1736 An error when trying to create Event Lb page
DS-1737 [Small Y Template] Icon Grid - Move CTA button above icons
DS-1738 [Small Y Template] Carousel - Carousel should not change height between slides
DS-1739 [Small Y] The Branch Info header doesn't match the design
DS-1740 [Small Y Template] Green color of the amenities block doesn't follow the design
DS-1741 [Small Y Template] Statistics component fixes
DS-1743 Table Component Responsiveness Issue - Scroll Bars Not Appearing on Mobile View
DS-1744 Cards view is broken on the event term page when there are more than 1 event on the mobile devices
DS-1746 [Small Y Template] Mega Menu - L2 and L3 menus have extra blue menu text displaying
DS-1747 [Small Y Template] Location Finder - Update page URL to /locations
DS-1750 [Small Y Template] Article Listings - Listing/Filter blocks are broken due to missing view
DS-1752 [Small Y Template] Mega menu & breadcrumbs getting cut off when the browser is around 1200px wide
DS-1753 [Activity Finder] Catch SearchApiSolrException when server is unavailable
DS-1757 [Small Y Template] Featured Article doesn't match the design
DS-1759 Demo content breaks Small Y sandboxes
DS-1760 [Small Y Template] Featured Event doesn't match the design
DS-1765 Update y_camp Module
DS-1766 Fields for classic style are not hidden when not Classic style is selected in Alert CT
DS-1767 The icon of the alert is hidden
DS-1768 The user can't scroll back to previous alerts when he is on the last alert
DS-1769 Search icon isn't displayed
DS-1772 There is duplicated link in the expanded 3rd level menu
DS-1773 Article and Events filters are broken
DS-188 [Design System] Small Y Template
DS-1279 [Event CT - Layout Builder] Create 'term pages' for Event category tags
DS-1283 [Event CT - Layout Builder] Configure the Event Listing block to accept tags
DS-1542 [Layout Builder - Event & Article listings] Allow editors to choose how many items to show in Events & Articles Listing views
DS-1552 [Layout Builder - Banners] Headers for in-page banners should be H2
DS-1558 [Dependencies] Update ColorAPI module
DS-1578 [Activity Finder v4] Add 'Skip wizard' option on AF4 block
DS-1579 [Small Y Template] Utility Menu
DS-1585 [Sandboxes] Small Y Template Sandbox
DS-1602 [Small Y Template] Components Prep
DS-1603 [Small Y Template] Global Header
DS-1604 [Small Y Template] Global Footer
DS-1605 [Small Y Template] Simple Content / WYSIWYG
DS-1606 [Small Y Template] Locations Page
DS-1621 [Small Y Template] Tall Hero Banner
DS-1625 [Colorways] Activity Finder Colorway fixes
DS-1626 [Small Y Template] Sub-page Hero Banners
DS-1627 [Small Y Template] Promo Banner
DS-1628 [Small Y Template] Breadcrumbs
DS-1629 [Small Y Template] Cards
DS-1630 [Small Y Template] Icon Grid
DS-1631 [Small Y Template] Ping Pongs
DS-1632 [Small Y Template] Testimonials
DS-1633 [Small Y Template] Statistics
DS-1634 [Small Y Template] Staff
DS-1635 [Small Y Template] Mega Menu
DS-1636 [Small Y Template] Carousels
DS-1638 [Small Y Template] Tabs
DS-1639 [Small Y... - dependency hotfix
What's Changed
- Allow updating link_attributes to 2.x by @froboy in #213
- Lock boostrap_styles to prevent issues until 10.3 by @froboy in #214
Full Changelog: - dependency hotfix
What's Changed
- feat: Add Y PEF Schedule app by @podarok in #163
- Update composer.json by @andrebonon in #209
- fix: bootstrap_layout_builder by @podarok in #211
New Contributors
- @andrebonon made their first contribution in #209
Full Changelog:
YUSA Release Notes: August 13, 2024
YMCA's Digital Services Release
Updates & New Features
Layout Builder Updates
Continuing general cleanup, updated documentation, and improvements to the content editing experience for new Layout Builder components and content types.
WYSIWYG / Simple Content - Created the ability for Y admins / content editors to copy text from Word and paste it into the WYSIWYG, and have the WYSIWYG clear out text formatting from Word. (DS-1308)
Social Sharing - Updated the y_lb share block to replace the Twitter logo with the X logo. (DS-1440)
Partners component - Heading size matches other components. (DS-1576)
Mega Menu - Allow Menu CTA to reference existing blocks. (DS-1583)
Design System Updates
Colorways - Set up Schedules styles so that they follow the established YUSA Colorway. (DS-1358)
Worked to resolve font size issues between YUSA & Y Canada Headings. (DS-1399)
Activity Finder / Schedules / Y360 Updates
[Y360] Improved Date Handling and Error Management in OpenY Repeat Module (DS-1535)
[Repeat Schedules] Added URL for studios/rooms. (DS-1584)
[Simple Schedules] Set up display weekly simple schedules with anonymous site users. (DS-1554)
[Simple Schedules] Fixed location of Event modal window for content editors. (DS-1598)
- Fixed a critical Search API issue in the Sandboxes. (DS-1539)
Updated Activity Finder Wiki documentation. (DS-1281)
Improved documentation for developers contributing patches to the distro. (DS-1537)
Updated user and developer documentation for Simple Schedules. (DS-1536)
Documented the process for avoiding outdated configuration (DS-1531)
Bug Fixes
[Layout Builder - Preferred Branch] Resolved an issue where the Preferred Location modal didn’t work if the user Account Menu was hidden. (DS-1410)
[Schedules] Fixed an issue with the session description in Repeat Schedules not displaying in the calendar. (DS-1501)
[Drupal 10.2 update] "Remove" button wasn't aligned with the field in the featured Event/Article block in the LB admin panel. (DS-1502)
[Layout Builder - Cards] Ensured Card tags are translated. (DS-1503)
[Drupal 10.2 update] Fixes broken styles for Add or select media modal. (DS-1507)
[Activity Finder] Fixed Font styles of text elements on the first step of Activity Finder. (DS-1511)
[Activity Finder] Fixed some styling issues in the top filter icons and bottom CTA sections of Activity Finder. (DS-1512)
[Activity Finder] Fixed filter modal styles. (DS-1513)
[Activity Finder] Added colored border styles for checked options. (DS-1514)
[Activity Finder] Fixed Day & Time step styles. (DS-1515)
[Activity Finder] Fixed Activity Finder results page styles. (DS-1519)
[Promotion Content Type] Ensured the description of the promotion is displayed in Card mode view. (DS-1521)
[Layout Builder - Camp Banner] Removed extra white space around the banner on Camp pages (DS-1523)
[Layout Builder - Camp CT] Fixed an alignment issue with the Camp info section. (DS-1524)
[Layout Builder - Event CT] Fixed a layout issue with the event sidebar on tablet devices. (DS-1525)
[Layout Builder - Article CT] Fixed a layout issue for Related Articles. (DS-1526)
[Layout Builder - Location Finder] Fixed an alignment issue with Location card titles. (DS-1527)
[Schedules] Fixed styles for ‘refine results’ filter and icon. (DS-1528)
[Schedules] Fixed the styles for the paginator on mobile devices. (DS-1529)
[Layout Builder - Cards] Resolved an issue with the Chevron Card variation styles. (DS-1532)
[Layout Builder - Simple Content / WYSIWYG] Ensured links display with proper link styles in body text. (DS-1533)
[Drupal 10.2] Ensured Membership Builder works in Drupal 10.2. (DS-1538)
[Layout Builder - Articles] Fixed the schema dates and publisher. (DS-1540)
[Layout Builder - Banners] Fixed an issue with YouTube videos not looping. (DS-1541)
[Layout Builder - Mega Menu] Fixed an issue with main navigation redirecting instead of showing child menu items. (DS-1544)
[Layout Builder - Global Footer] Ensured footer link text is wrapping. (DS-1550)
[Simple Schedules] Adding a session when no color is set on the parent Activity no longer results in an error. ymcatwincities#1555)
[Simple Schedules] Cleaned up dependencies that were missing from composer.json. (DS-1556)
Fixed an issue with long email addresses not wrapping on mobile devices. (DS-1561)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed an issue with instructor name and duration not displaying for schedule items. (DS-1563)
[Repeat Schedules] Resolved some styling issues with the Schedules sidebar. (DS-1564)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed the border radius of the Schedules results list and the styles for the Add to Calendar window. (DS-1565)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed styling of the Add to Calendar link. (DS-1567)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed the missing line below the Refine Results button. (DS-1568)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed the color of the paginator in the results to match the selected Colorway. (DS-1570)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed the styling for the Locations filter. (DS-1571)
[Repeat Schedules] Resolved an issue with the Location details window not displaying in mobile devices. (DS-1572)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed styling of the Schedules block for the Canadian Colorway. (DS-1573)
[Layout Builder - Admin UX] Ensured the entity modal browser close button is visible. (DS-1582)
[Layout Builder - Branch Header] Fixed long email addresses so they don’t go beyond the border in Branch Contacts Info section. (DS-1594)
[Layout Builder - Partners] Resolved an issue with a missing image file stopping the block from being saved. (DS-1600)
[Layout Builder - Events] Fixed an issue with event listing and featured event images being stretched on tablet devices. (DS-1607)
[Layout Builder - Staff] Fixed long email addresses so they wrap properly. (DS-1590)
What's Changed
Full Changelog: - embed hotfix
What's Changed
Full Changelog: - search_api and CKEditor 5 Paste Filter module
What's Changed
- feat: [DS-1539] Upgrade to supported search_api and core by @podarok in #199
- [DS-1310] Add and enable the CKEditor 5 Paste Filter module by @aleevas in #194
Full Changelog: 10.3.3...
10.3.3 - June Release
Layout Builder Updates
Continuing general cleanup, updated documentation, and improvements to the content editing experience for new Layout Builder components and content types.
[Learn more in our docs]( .
Memberships - Membership Calculator can be placed in a page using Layout Builder. DS-555
Schedules - Schedules can be placed in a page using Layout Builder. DS-1341
Mega Menu - Allow main menu items with <nolink>. DS-1299
Footer - Added hover states to Y footer logo and social icons, fixed spacing on social icons. DS-1356
Events - Made End Date/Time field optional. DS-1386
Events - Set up metatags and configured for new Layout Builder Events content type. DS-849
Events - Enabled ‘Schedule for publishing’ option for the Layout Builder Event content type for content editors to schedule an event to publish at a specific date / time. DS-1359
Articles - Enabled ‘Schedule for publishing’ option for the Layout Builder Article content type for content editors to schedule an article to publish at a specific date / time. DS-1492
Landing Pages - Enabled ‘Schedule for publishing’ option for the Layout Builder Landing Page content type for content editors to schedule landing pages to publish at a specific date / time. DS-1493
Cards - Improved styling for buttons using the "overlapping" style configuration. DS-1305
Cards - Added text formatting to the Card description field. DS-1464
Branch Amenities - Made field_amenities_icon optional so that content editors do not have to include icons. DS-1401
Alerts - Translated Alerts should show the correct/current language. DS-1453
Design System Updates
Colorways - Updated Search Results page to match the 4 Colorways. DS-1398
Colorways - Updated Activity Finder to match the 4 Colorways. DS-1340
Colorways - Ensured Montserrat is being used as the Heading font for Canadian Colorway. DS-1407
Colorways - Ensured Montserrat is being used as body text for the Canadian Colorway. DS-1378, DS-1454
Added support for responsive favicons to the Distribution. DS-1287
Activity Finder Updates
Added advanced filtering to include additional filters. DS-384
Time of day
Start month
Included in Membership
Internal Weekly Schedules Updates
Y admins can now access the Create/Edit form component on the FrontEnd APP in the Schedules admin interface. DS-1276
Changed configuration for the color picker field so it is set via the category in the activity content type, and not in the session. DS-1400
Fixed an issue with the close button being hidden for the Schedules modal. DS-1388
Admin / Content Editor Enhancements
- Fixed the height for the media directories browser so that admins can view the footer section containing the "Select Media" button without resorting to scrolling. DS-1417
- Added help / description text for new Activity Finder filters. DS-1494
Drupal Updates
Updated to Drupal core version 10.2. DS-758
- NOTE: This release will work with Drupal 10.1 or Drupal 10.2.
Updated to OpenY map version 5.2. DS-1497
- Added a new sandbox for the Traction Rec Activity Finder integration. DS-1328
TractionRec Integration - Documented how to [set up and configure the integration with TractionRec]( . DS-1394
Camp Content Type - Documented how to use the [Camp Content Type]( in Layout Builder. DS-1313
Bug Fixes
Menus - Fixed issue with menu links with long text not wrapping on mobile devices. DS-1337
LB Testimonials - Adjusted the line height of the Testimonial component. DS-1365
Membership Framework - Users no longer redirected to an empty page after selecting a membership product. DS-1418
LB Camp Menu / Microsite Menu - Fixed issues with mobile Camp Menu styles. DS-1422
LB Donate - Fixed issue with content editors not being able to add the Donate component. DS-1425
Resolved PHP message: Error: Call to a member function getEntityTypeId( on null DS-1426
LB Cards - Ensured Card top corner settings apply when no image is displayed. DS-1431
LB Cards - Fixed issue with Overlay Card variation title spacing when no image is displayed. DS-1432
LB Cards - Resolved an issue with incorrect button display for Cards with longer titles. DS-1465
LB Camp Content Type - Ensured Alerts on Camp nodes can be closed on mobile devices. DS-1450
LB Home Branch Feature - Resolved an issue where the branch location changes to the previously set location when the user unchecks the “Don’t ask me again” box. DS-1421
LB Accordion - Added missing subheading/description field. DS-1446
LB Locations - Amenities Filters - Fixed an issue where Amenities filters fail with content types that don't have amenities field. DS-1449
LB Alerts - Fixed issue with Alerts containing markup in the description that are not getting hidden if they are longer than 150 characters. DS-1455
LB Alerts - Resolved an issue with Alert display settings preventing Alerts from displaying. DS-1403
LB Locations - Amenities Filters - Adjusted the Amenities Filter margins to prevent tops getting cut off. DS-1457
LB Ping Pongs - Resolved an issue with images getting pixelated in ping pongs when the text area contains a lot of text. DS-1349
LB Tables - Fixed missing table properties. DS-1369
LB Donate - Fixed an error with external links failing to validate. DS-1317
LB Branch Content Type - Email icon no longer shows if the email field is empty. DS-1405
LB Branch Amenities - Fixed the colour of the open amenities icon. DS-1406
LB media browser - Fixed an issue with videos not being able to be uploaded to LB components via the media browser. DS-1342
LB Camp CT - Ensured the hamburger menu does not display if there are no menu links. DS-1463
LB Article / Event / Landing Page CTs - Fixed the preview button when creating LB Articles, Events and Landing Pages. DS-1498
LB Promo Card - Fixed an issue with the display of the icons. DS-1430
Virtual Y - Fixed header on Virtual Y Sandboxes. DS-1322
Fixed failing update hooks causing errors when updating distro versions. DS-1510
Resolved some CMS login and content creation issues for admins. DS-1471
What's Changed
- feat: Bump y_lb by @aleevas in #176
- feat: Allow AFv4.4 - re: DS-384 by @podarok in #175
- feat: Add multilanguage support to openy_map by @podarok in #179
- feat: Bump openy_repeat by @podarok in #174
- Feat: optimized icons by @podarok in #178
- Alerts 2.2.1 by @podarok in #168
- feat: Bump openy_map - add translation by @podarok in #180
- fix: Add scheduler translation patch by @froboy in #181
- Update drupal/plugin patch by @froboy in #182
- Hotfix by @podarok in #185
- DS-1287 fix: Add favicon color options and tweak existing by @froboy in #187
- feat: Activity Finder with Colorway support by @podarok in #189
- Remove outdated openy_repeat patch by @froboy in #192
- [DS-1471] Apply patch for Redirection module by @aleevas in #193
Full Changelog: