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Releases: Xceptance/neodymium

Neodymium v3.6.0

06 Apr 12:05
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Added some missing features and updated dependencies. ✨

Required Adoption

  • Cucumber refactored its API once more and we decided to adapt it. So if you use Neodymium with Cucumber, you need to perform the switch to the newer version within your DriverHooks class since we only accept the new Scenario class. Use the following import: import
  • Cucumber performed a major release so you also need to adapt you pom.xml. Replace the old adapter with the following line <cucumber.options>--plugin io.qameta.allure.cucumber5jvm.AllureCucumber5Jvm</cucumber.options>




  • Allure Report dependencies 2.13.2 - #114
  • Apache Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.2.0 - #106
  • Apache Commons CSV 1.8.0 - #114
  • Apache Commons Lang 3.10 - #114
  • Apache Log4j dependencies 2.13.0 - #114
  • Cucumber dependencies 5.6.0 - #114
  • Google Guava 28.2-jre - #114
  • Selenide 5.10.0 - #114
  • SnakeYAML 1.26 - #114

Neodymium v3.5.0

08 Jan 13:43
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Added some missing features and updated dependencies. ✨




  • DebugUtilsTest is flaky (fixed issue in Neodymium library test suite) - #102


  • Retry a whole chain after a StaleElementReferenceException occurs (fixed and documented the already available variant) - #105


  • Allure Report dependencies 2.13.1 - #106
  • Apache Commons Text 1.8.0 - #106
  • Apache Log4j dependencies 2.13.0 - #106
  • Apache Maven Compiler Plugin 3.8.1 - #106
  • Apache Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.1.1 - #106
  • Apache Maven Source Plugin 3.2.1 - #106
  • Cucumber dependencies 4.8.0 - #106
  • Maven Surefire Plugin 22.2.2 - #106
  • Selenide 5.6.0 - #106

Neodymium v3.4.0

03 Sep 09:43
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Sugar for test environments, WebDriver orchestration and data set usage 🍦

Required Adoption

  • Cucumber deprecated its API and we decided to switch to the new one. So if you use Neodymium with Cucumber you need to perform the switch to the newer version within your DriverHooks class since we only accept the new Scenario class. Nevertheless, we recommend to perform the other adoptions within the near future to have less work once the old API is dropped.
  • We moved the static function BrowserStatement.quitCachedBrowser() to a better internal place, hence we added a better entry point WebDriverUtils.quitReusableCachedBrowsers() that should be used.




  • Added a default message to AssertionErrors without a message in order to prevent being misled by the stacktrace for SelenideAddons.wrapAssertionError() - #99


  • Removed misleading timeout in SelenideAddons.wrapAssertionError() - #101


  • Apache commons-csv 1.7 - #98
  • Apache commons-text 1.7 - #98
  • Apache Log4j 2.12.1 - #98
  • Cucumber 4.7.2 - #98
  • Google Guava 28.1-jre - #98
  • Selenide 5.2.8 - #98
  • SLF4J API 1.7.28 - #98
  • SnakeYAML 1.25 - #98

Neodymium v3.3.1

12 Jun 12:56
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The release fixes a bug introduced in Neodymium v3.3.0. 🐛


  • Fixed a bug in DataUtils.get that resulted in a JsonSyntaxException when parsing strings containing spaces - #93

Neodymium v3.3.0

12 Jun 11:41
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This release (re)adds support for logging, local Safaris and complex test data objects. 🌄

Furthermore, we moved the CucumberPico and the Log4j2 dependencies into Neodymium in order to avoid version incompatibilities and make their usage easier. Make sure to remove them from your automation project while updating.


  • Complex object test data mapping - #83 - documentation
  • Move CucumberPico dependency into the library - #91 - Maven dependency should be removed
  • Retrieve current browser type - #87 - documentation



  • Selenide 5.2.3 - #88
  • Allure 2.12.1 - #88
  • Cucumber 4.3.1 - #88
  • and some more - #88

Neodymium v3.2.0

25 Apr 07:33
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This release improves the support for third party SeleniumGrid vendors such as TestingBot and SauceLabs. 🤖


  • Support for TestingBot - #77
  • An easier possibility to tear down the current WebDriver - #78


  • Prevent infinite authentication loop within environment proxy - #82
  • Enable Chrome mobile device emulation for third party SeleniumGrid vendors - #77


  • Selenide 5.2.2 - #81
  • Cucumber 4.3.0 - #81
  • and some more - #81

Neodymium v3.1.0

22 Feb 09:17
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This release contains a lot of updates for the used dependencies. We also updated the dependencies for our example and template projects on GitHub, so please review them to find out what could be updated in your test project in order to use the latest and greatest 😉


  • Build support in Java 11 environments - #73
  • Configure Selenide configuration for fastSetValue and clickViaJs in Neodymium's configuration #67
  • Improve Appium (mobile) support - #71
  • Retrieve a localization for a given locale - #65
  • Possibility to reach your test environment (e.g. SauceLabs) via a special Proxy - #70


  • Configuration/Overwriting (reversed override order) - #74
  • After step visible in Allure report - #17
  • YAML reserved keyword auto conversion causes an error in localization initialization - #68
  • SelenideAddons.wrapAssertionError did not attach screenshots and page source to the Allure report - #69


  • Selenide 5.1.0 - #70
  • Allure 2.10.0 - #75
  • Cucumber 4.2.3 - #48
  • and nearly every other - #75

Neodymium v3.0.0

23 Oct 08:22
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The major train is running again. 🚂woop... Woop... WOOP... 🎉

We improved and adjusted our ways to configure Neodymium again. Unfortunately those changes could require some changes. Make sure to implement the following:

  • WebDriver configuration: Maybe you configured the path to the WebDriver executable or turned on the "keep browser open on failure" feature. All properties starting with neodymium.webDriver must be moved from into
  • ProxyConfiguration: Needs to be moved for into
  • Add the line dev-*.properties to your .gitignore file in order to prevent the development properties files to be committed and pushed by accident
  • The collectionsTimeout configuration was removed since it not supported by Selenide anymore. (BTW: This is now also covered by the standard timeout setting)


  • Configuration/Overwriting is implemented in the following way:
    • the standard way via config/
    • configure your development environment via config/ (This file should not be committed)
    • a temporary properties file to change the configuration for a single test case during runtime (ConfigFactory.setProperty("neodymium.temporaryConfigFile", "file:PATH/[temporaryFile].properties")
    • System.getProperties() (passing configuration properties via the -D switch on command line)
    • System.getenv() (set configuration properties via your your system environment e.g. PATH)
  • Configuration/Overwriting is implemented in the following way:
    • the standard way via config/
    • configure your development environment via config/ (This file should not be committed)
  • Configuration/Overwriting is implemented in the following way:
    • the standard way via config/
    • configure your development environment via config/ (This file should not be committed)
  • Some shortcuts to configure Selenide via the Neodymium class (e.g. Turn on SoftAssertion, Turn on web site manipulation via JavaScript)
  • A condition to validate attributes of an element using a regular expression via SelenideAddons.matchAttribute
  • A helper method to pass information to the Allure report AllureAddons.addToReport


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the usage of some methods in Neodymium class since the were not implemented as static functions.


  • Selenide 5.0.0

Neodymium v2.1.0

22 Aug 09:12
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  • Increased unit test coverage
  • Removed some unnecessary log output


  • A condition to validate value attributes using a regular expression via SelenideAddons.matchValue
  • Wrap jUnit assertion errors via SelenideAddons.wrapAssertionError


  • Allure reports generated in Java project will contain screenshots and page sources again

Neodymium v2.0.0

07 Aug 12:48
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We are pleased to announce that Neodymium has been released in version 2.0.0 🎉

This is a major release since we consolidated our API. Unfortunately with great changes comes breaking the former API.

So make sure to adjust the following items when you upgrade:

  • Renaming of classes in the neodymium.util package to achieve a better understanding
    • e.g. Driver to WebDriverUtils
  • Refactoring of the Context.class
    • Renamed to Neodymium
    • Static functions to access all fields and API functions e.g.:
      • Neodymium.configuration() to access the NeodymiumConfiguration
      • Neodymium.localization("<localizationKey>") to get the current translation for the <localizationKey>
      • Neodymium.dataValue("<dataKey>") to get value for the <dataKey> out of the current data set
  • Renaming of our current main properties file from to
  • Scoping and renaming for our property keys. We renamed and scoped them accordingly to their usage within the framework. Please find the correct naming in the documentation or in our example file.


  • Fixed some bugs in the ProxyConfiguration and added support for configuring sockets
  • Removed usage of DesiredCapabilities to get rid of unnecessary console output during test execution


  • Fixed a NPE when using JavaScriptUtils.waitForReady() without configuring a waiting animation selector.
  • Fixed a NPE in NeodymiumLocalization when having an empty String as value


  • Allure 2.7.0
  • Selenide 4.12.3
  • JavaDoc 3.0.1

We covered some new topics in our GitHub wiki: